Author's Chapter Notes:
The tenth month
He was sure he’d found the perfect house. It was an hour north of L.A. and a huge rambling place that had at one time been a bed and breakfast. Dilapidated stairs led down to a private beach and the ten acres of proverbial backyard forest would be an idyllic playground for the children. The drive to get to the house was a half mile long and with cliffs on two sides the location was secure. If anything were to ever go down, he would see them coming and would have time to prepare. Spike was not naive enough to believe that no one would ever not try to get the children once their identities became known in the demon world.

It would be some time before the place would be habitable so they would be living at the Hyperion for a little while longer at least. The whole house spoke of neglect and age. The realtor said the place had been empty for close to twenty years seems bad blood between families kept the heir from ever claiming the property and when she died a few weeks previously her heir decided to sell. A prime location had started a bidding war which skyrocketed the price. Spike was not going to be deterred, he wanted the house and intended to have it. Telling the realtor that any bid that was placed his would be higher. Money was no object. The other’s finally backed out due to sheer frustration.

Spike had brought Cordelia with him to overlook the place and to make a list of all the things that would need to be done. It was more to get her and Angel out of each other’s hair more than anything, and he did have to hand it to the cheerleader she definitely had a sense of style that was unsurpassed.

Angel had not stopped mothering the poor girl when two weeks ago they found out they were going to be parents. He watched everything she ate and everything she did. It was after their huge row this morning that Spike decided to give the two a little bit of space. It would keep Cordy out of the Hyperion and Angel out of her hair. The house would become her pet project. Spike was leaving all the decisions to her, all he wanted to do was sign the checks.

“Are you sure you can afford this Spike? Wouldn’t it be easier to just tear the place down and start from scratch?” Cordelia stepped out of Spike’s new S.U.V. It was one of the new purchases he’d made since the children. She had to hand it to him, when it came to the children he spared no expense when it came to them. Since Spike hadn’t been an actual employee of Wolfram and Hart and refused to take a paying position with Angel Inc., Cordy wondered where Spike got his money. And since she was wondering she figured she might as well ask. Tact just still wasn’t one of her strong suits.

“So Spike, where is all the money coming from? I love sitting on Italian leather seats as much as the next girl, but I just keep wondering if we’re going to get pulled over because the person you robbed has found you.” Cordelia hefted her bag onto her shoulder and stared at him in the sunlight while Spike stared at the house and past it toward the ocean.

“Unlike Angelus, I have always had a stock portfolio. It’s just easier and pisses people off more when I borrow from them, especially Peaches.” Spike didn’t turn to look at her just breathed in the crisp fresh smell of the sea letting it fill his lungs and try to ease the ache in his heart. Buffy would love this place.

“What kinds of portfolios are we talking about here. Bonds, oil, come on you have to tell me now.” Cordelia was intrigued by yet another difference she saw between him and Angel. They were so alike yet so different. If no one really knew better, some might think they were blood. Which kind of, they were, but not in the fully human biology kind of way.

“Just some things I’ve bought over the years. Things that caught my fancy. My family was quite wealthy when I was turned, and after my mother died I had all the solicitors make donations all over London and close left the house to the maid’s family. The stocks I kept in my name along with some trinkets that will go to Alyssa and Adrian one day. I’m just glad I pulled out of Whitestar before the Titanic sank, now that loss would have hurt.” Spike turned to look at her. Only a month into her pregnancy and Cordy was already glowing. With the sun shining on her and her brown eyes full of warmth and life for a brief instant he saw Isabelle and closed his mind toward that memory before he started brooding worse than his sire.

“So what stocks do you own and just what do your trinkets entail.” Cordelia looked at him intrigued and almost had to look away when she saw his pupils dilate with a flash of what looked like pain.

“Odds and ends really. I only invested in what I liked. Coca-Cola, Ford, Microsoft, Virgin just for the name alone, Sony because their games are the best on the market, there are some other, but those are the main ones. As for trinkets, lets just say that Fred Leighton and Cartier would be jealous.” Spike laughed at how Cordy’s face lit up with glee at the mention of jewels.

“How many carats are we talking?” Cordy asked breathlessly in awe.

“Oh, a few thousand worth, give or take the total. That’s not counting the semiprecious mind you, just in diamonds. I couldn’t even begin to count those.” Spike winked at her and walked to her when she looked like she was going to be dizzy.

“A few thousand, just what the heck did your father do anyway.” Batting away Spike’s hand, she looked at him curiously.

“Da., well he was in the shipping business, left mum and I alone for ten months out of the year. Other’s would say he was a pirate. Now my mum, she was a proper lady with an old family full of Lords and Ladies, grew up in a gentile life until she met my da. and he swept her off her feet. She could have been a princess considering the Prince Regent at the time wanted her for himself. But mum followed her heart even though she was alone more oft than not. Da., died from a musket ball through the heart while in Barbados, at least it was a noble death. He was protecting a slave child from his master when the overseer shot him. Mum cried her heart out for months, she had the child brought over to England since my father had risked his life for the lass, mum thought it was the least she could do.”

Spike recalled the memory of the little girl full of fright, no shoes to speak of, dress in tatters, but the face of an angel with copper colored skin and dark eyes that had seen too much for any child. His mother had loved the child as her own daughter and shockingly for her said to hell with anyone who wanted to say otherwise. Unfortunately the child had not lived to see her eleventh birthday. Catherine as his mother had christened her took to ill with pneumonia and never recovered. Spike had gotten the message while at Eton and had rushed home, but it was too late, the little girl who stole his heart as his little sister was gone forever.

“So do you want to go in the house, or are we just going to stand out and admire the scenery all morning?” Leave it to Cordelia to break him away from his thoughts with such alacrity.

Luckily for the trip she had worn sensible jeans and tennis shoes instead of looking like a fashion mag for a change. Spike really didn’t want to listen to her tirade if she happened to get good clothes dirty. And that was not just a possibility inside of the house. If they did not come out looking like chimney sweeps then he would be surprised.

Together they stepped gingerly up the rotting stairs and onto the wraparound porch that would either have to be replaced or removed. Taking a set of antiquated keys from his pocket Spike opened the massive solid oak front door. He hoped that Cordelia wouldn’t turn and run the moment she stepped inside. The place was filthy, cobwebs hung from every available surface, even some that weren’t available. Grim covered everything in a thin grey coating. At any moment you expected someone to pop out from a corner and go Boo. Cordelia turned to him as they crossed over the vestibule.

“Are you sure this place is safe? Are we going to catch some horrible disease just by breathing in the air? And do you know that the gothic period was over before it began? I thought the Hyperion was bad when we first took it over, but this is from a bad horror movie.” Cordelia took a wet cloth out of a package in her purse and was frantically using it to clean her hands. She knew that she had to rub it into Spike about the house’s condition, but even she could see it’s possibilities, the wet wipes had been an added needling bonus. It really was no fun being mean for mean sake anymore, but she still did enjoy getting a jab in here and there, someone had to keep the gang on their toes.

“Yes, no and yes in that order. Maybe I shouldn’t have picked you for the job, I can always see if Dawn or Fred want the job, I’m sure they would love putting their stamp along with mine of course on the place.” Spike knew that Cordy was salivating at the job, hungry to get the project off the ground. He could tell by the way she was walking around with a notepad in hand rapidly taking notes.

“Don’t you dare, you asked the right girl for the job? I will tell you one thing I’m not cleaning this place, decorating yes, but I draw the line at being up to my neck in this filth.” Cordelia smiled at his baiting and began wondering around the massive foyer. Luckily the wood was still original and had not been painted, with a number of polishes, the wood would be beautiful. A gorgeous pewter and crystal chandelier hung over their heads, suspended from a beam in the surprising still perfect stained-glass sky light. Grime had settled onto the crystals that had fallen through holes in the cloth that covered the chandelier making them almost as gray as the iron to which they were attached. A huge grandfather clock stood as a sentinel against the wall opposite the stairs which were open twisting and turning as they rose to the above two floors.

Beveled glass sliding pocket doors graced three adjoining rooms which Cordelia guessed were the sitting room, and formal parlor and dining room. Using another wipe she opened the door on the left, even after the years the well-oiled doors slid back effortlessly into their niches. The room still held its furniture covered in dust clothes that in Cordelia’s mind only allowed the animals a roof over their heads. The cabbage rose wallpaper was yellow with age and in tatters against the walls. Plaster from the ceiling littered the floor in chunks and dust in some spots making the floor boards visible above. Two massive bay windows filled the room with natural light which shone on the rooms focal point a huge marble fireplace. Cordelia wouldn’t know the color of the marble until after the cleaners had come, then she could decorate the room to coordinate with its natural colors.

Leaving the room, she didn’t bother closing the doors, letting the light from the room fill the foyer. Going into the door on the right, she found again what had once been a magnificent room. A grand piano was covered in cloth along with the rest of the furniture and just like before bay windows were positioned with yet another marble fireplace which stood in one corner. The red and green striped wallpaper had faded into pastel and was in the same shape as the previous room. This room like the previous had another set of pocket doors leading from the room, opening them Cordelia walked in not bothering to see if Spike was following her or not.

Cordelia stepped into the dining room where a massive dining table to seat twelve stood. It did not overwhelm the room much to Cordelia’s satisfaction. Another chandelier hung over the table but this one was covered with a cloth but from what Cordelia could tell it was pewter just as the one in the foyer. Another marble fireplace adorned the room in the corner obviously connection to the one in the sitting room. Glass French door opened to the porch and a massive side board completed the room. Cordelia couldn’t tell what the wallpaper’s color had been as it had faded to a pale yellow. She was yet pleased to see that all the oriental carpet in the room’s had survived the test of time in remarkable condition. If cleaned properly, they could be saved, not that Spike couldn’t afford new, there was just something to be said about beautiful antique rugs. Two doors ran from this room and if Cordelia’s assumption and research to get ready for this project were correct then one would lead into the butler’s pantry and the library.

Heading to the left toward the library, Cordelia opened yet another set of doors into a dark room whose bay window did nothing to brighten the room. Paneling covered the whole room from ceiling to floor. Wing back chairs sat on sides of the fireplace and in opposite direction of a massive desk. What took Cordelia aback was not the darkness but the big game heads that seemed to cover every inch of the wall above waist height. She sniffed her nose in disgust at the display and promptly decided that all would go including the polar bear she back into that made her scream in surprise. Spike who had seen it with his vamp eyes chuckled at her. Cordelia picked up a stuffed Lemur off the floor and flung it at his head.

“Hey now watch it, that thing might fetch a pretty penny at the auction.” Spike grabbed the offensive object before it could do him any damage and he set it on the floor.

“What do you mean by auction?” Cordelia asked not bothering to turn to look at him, instead she strode back through the door and into the dining room, then into the butlers pantry.

Spike followed on her heels and into the small L-shaped cabinet lined room. Looking around they both noticed that all the dishes were still in their place, never having been removed. It was actually a little creepy. The room got little light from the kitchen and dining room something that Cordelia would soon remedy.

“I mean the auction of stuff that we decide goes. Which will probably be half of the junk in this place? Anything of significant value I’ll either keep or donate to a museum, but the rest goes.” Spike followed Cordelia into the kitchen and like her was surprised to see such a light and bright room compared to the rest of the house. Windows gracing the room overlooked the sea and the backyard a feature that Spike loved. He could sit in here and watch the children at play. Off to one side was a small dining nook along with a laundry room and another pantry that would make a nice sized bathroom.

“That’s a good idea, be a lot easier than just having to haul everything away. Where will you store everything until that time?” Cordelia exited the room, making her way up a second back set of stairs. The stairs that the help would have once used so as not to disturb their employers.

“So how many bedrooms and bathrooms are up here?” Cordelia was glad that the steps were not as steep as step could be in a house this old.

“Six bedrooms and four bathrooms. There’s also another set of stairs that goes to the third floor. You can’t get to the third floor from the main or back stairs.” Spike almost ran into Cordelia who had stopped in the middle of the upstairs hall and was frantically making notes in her notebook. It amazed him at just how into this she was. She had not really complained once, was instead taking on the task with a zest he didn’t think he’d ever seen in her. It was refreshing and truth be told a little unnerving. A lot had changed with the cheerleader since she had come back to life, she was kinder and softer but still had the spine of steel that made her Cordelia.

While Cordelia went from room to room with her list in hand he waited in the hallway. Taking out his cell phone he hit the first number on his speed dial. It picked up on the first ring with Fred sweet Texan drawl on the other end.

“Angel Investigations, we help the helpless.”

“It’s just me Fred, are the children close by?” Spike leaned against the wall not caring how filthy he got. He was anxious to hear his little one’s voices. He’d only been gone for just over two hours and he missed them so much that his heart ached. Soon they would be here in this house, just the three of them and a family. Things could not come together quick enough for him.

“Just a minute Spike.” In the distance he heard Fred calling for the children. At the sound of their laughter his heart picked up speed with pride and joy. Alyssa was the first to get to the receiver.

“Daddy!” She exclaimed loud enough to puncture and ear drum.

“Yes it’s me poppet, are you being good for Auntie Fred?” He knew that they were essentially good children, but like all children could get into mischief from time to time.

“Yes, Daddy. We’re baking chocolate chip cookies . . . Adrian give me back the phone!” Spike heard the phone being wrestled away then he heard the voice of his son.

“Daddy, we’re baking cookies but Auntie Fred said we couldn’t have any until their cool. I didn’t listen and one burnt my tongue . . . Hey give it back!” Yet again the phone was torn away and Alyssa was back on. The joy of having twins.

“Daddy, Adrian didn’t listen and he got hurt. Are you going to be back soon, we miss you, Daddy?” At the same time in the background he heard his son yell “I miss you too, Daddy!”

“Alyssa let your brother put his ear up to the phone too, then I can talk to both of you at the same time.” There was some scuffling then at the same time their voices rang in chorus.

“We’re here.” Spike smiled his heart filled with love for these two precious little creatures.

“I will be home soon, Alyssa quit bossing your brother around, and Adrian, do as your Auntie Fred tells you. If I find out, you have not done what I asked there will be any dessert after supper. Now put Auntie Fred on the phone. I love you both.” In the background he heard his children calling their adopted Aunt who picked up the phone moments later.

“Are my little love’s giving you any problems?” Spike couldn’t help holding in the snicker that fell from his lips. His children could indeed be rotten, but they were his.

“Nothing I can’t handle, though if they do continue to bounce from wall to wall I just may have to hog tie them to a chair. They’re fine really, nothing I can’t handle. I have to learn to do this anyway.” Fred on the other end in the office of the Hyperion lazily rubbed her still smooth stomach.

“Have you told him yet luv?” Slowly the girl had become such a good friend, almost like a sister that he would willing die for her if he was able to.

“Not yet.” Spike could hear the nervousness in her voice.

“And why the bloody hell not, Junior Watcher is going to be over the moon.” Spike was happy for them, but like Angel he knew just how mortal his family was.

“I keep meaning to, but then I get scared. I start babbling until he’s looking at me strange, then I just lose all nerve.” Fred started babbling just thinking of telling Wesley.

“You know he’s going to figure it out sooner or later luv, might as well bite the bullet and tell him.”

“I will soon, I promise. I’d better go before the kids eat all the cookies. I’ll talk to you later.” Fred with hands shaking, hung up the phone. She knew she would have to tell Wesley soon that she was pregnant she just didn’t know how. It would be easier completely disproving Einstein’s theory of relativity, which just may give her something to do until she was able to build up her nerve.

Spike hung up his phone and placed it back in his pocket. Soon their whole gang was going to be married off and starting families, it saddened him that Buffy wouldn’t be one of those people, at least not yet anyway. With his hearing he could still hear Cordelia scribbling away, opening doors and stomping through the rooms, he should have just enough time to make a journal entry before they returned home. Tomorrow they would get the ball rolling on the house, and soon the place would be home.

Soon, well in actually three months you will have been away from us for a year. A year that I have not heard your laughter or seen your smile. A year in which you haven’t known that I was alive and now more or less human. I wish you were here Buffy.

I’m sitting in a filthy hallway in what will soon be our home. Adrian and Alyssa don’t know yet I’ve decided to leave it a surprise for them until the house is finished. If I tell them now they’ll be begging to come here every day, then no one would get any work done.

The place is huge, old and overlooks the ocean. You would love it here pet, it’s peaceful. Just sitting here I can hear the roar or the ocean even though there are three acres of land between here and the cliff. I’m sure the storms will be a site so I may think of soundproofing the children’s rooms to some degree.

Cordelia’s here now taking notes. I decided to give her a job to keep her occupied and from her and Angel out of each other’s hair. They found out that Cordelia’s pregnant not more than two weeks ago and they are making each other miserable. Angel is mothering Cordy to death and she’s doing things to purposely aggravate him.

Dawn says that once the house is completed I can come and visit again. However, it can’t be ready in any less than three months and that’s with crews working night and day. I really want to wring the girl’s neck. She makes me so angry that I can’t even bear to be around her any more for fear that I will attack her. She had no right to keep me from seeing you for this long, even Willow says it’s been too long, but will Dawn lament. NO! She says that when I’m settled in my own life that I can be with you again. That she doesn’t want me back where I was.

I know her intentions are meaningful, but I have adjusted to my life. I’ve had to now that I’m a father to two imps. They grow more each day Buffy, so much that I want to capture each moment I spend with them and make it last forever. I haven’t told anyone my fears, so I will put them here for you. I fear watching them growing older, watching them grow old and die. Knowing there’s not a damn thing I can do but watch. Only Angel knows what it is like, but who knows with Cordelia being some supreme being, if they will go through the same thing. My children are mortal, they will age and eventually leave me. Maybe that’s what my fear is more than normal, it’s because I can’t bear the thought of watching those that I love grow old and leave me. Its times like this when I get as broody as Angel that I wish there was a loophole to this thing we call immortality, because sometimes it’s hell.

But onto good news, we are going to be getting another addition to our family besides Angel and Cordelia’s little spawn. Wesley and Fred are going to be expecting their own little mite. Fred’s known know for almost two and a half month and still hasn’t told Wesley, she’s afraid to. She doesn’t think that they are ready for it yet. I told her that it was too late to think of that now, because whether she likes it or not, there’s a little one coming.

Everyone else is doing the same luv, we’ve had nothing major happen except a couple of incidents where the children were almost kidnaped. It’s one of the reasons for me moving way out here, I can protect them better here. Other than that everyone’s fine. Willow pops in and out whenever she wants, Dawn is still doing well in college, Xander is dating one of the new potentials in Chicago and running a training center there. Giles keeps saying that he’s retiring soon and letting the rest of us have a go for awhile in saving the world. In my opinion though he never will, he likes the fight just as much as the rest of us. Well except me luv.

When the house is done and the children are settled I’m giving the fight until they’re older. They need me to be their father, not a super hero, I’ve already told everyone and they’re fine with it. They know that Alyssa and Adrian come first in my life now, and they have chosen to accept it. If there comes a time when there is no other option then yes I will fight but only if there is no option. I want my children to have a normal life as possible, one that doesn’t include demons (other than family of course), mayhem and bloodshed. I could use the break too, there has been nothing but blood and guts in my life since I was made a vampire. Now I want to see how the other half lives, write a novel, learn to cook, hell I might even join the bloody PTA.

Well I hear Cordelia coming so she must be finished. Until later luv. I dream of you every night and pray that someday you’ll want to help me raise my children and who knows maybe have another of our own.

Always yours,

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