Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, niet, and only use Spike and Buffy for my sick little fantasies!

Feedback: Is Spike HOT? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE oh and did I say PUH-LEASE?

Oh did I mention anybody who wants this, IF anybody wants this for their site feel free to steal….I’m easy…er…going………..just let me know so I can check it out too! ;)

This chapter dedicated to J McBride who has been a staunch supporter of the Spuffy in LTN!!!! Woohoo…I’ve got fans!!! *makes me all mushy!;)* Thanks

Chapter 32 Whatever floats your boat

It had been a pleasant enough evening for Buffy. She and Spike had found out that Tara and Willow had their suspicions about the two of them and that was the subsequent reason Anya was told and of course Rupert. The other couple of course was a little hesitant about the age difference but seeing how happy they were together laid all their fears to rest. They even got a blessing to enjoy lots of orgasms from Anya much to everyone’s beet red embarrassment.

Smiling to herself Buffy moved around her home extinguishing lights as she went. This was the first night in a long time she was all alone so she thought a nice long bath, some Ben and Jerry’s Fish Food ice-cream, and then maybe watch Valmont in bed. *Now if I can keep thoughts of Spike’s cousin out of my head. Grrrr…. * Buffy tried to shake herself out of her thoughts but all she could see was the brunette sluts eyes looking over Spike like she wanted to devour him. *He’s mine, she better not try anything or that little slut is gonna get a hurt put on her like she’s never had! * Buffy paused for a moment thinking over what she just said to herself, “Great now I’m talking like a wrestler!” With an amused sigh she turned off the last light in the living room and went upstairs to draw a bath for herself. She never saw the dark eyes tracking her movement from room to room through the front windows a slightly mad gleam in them.

“A picnic?” Buffy said joyfully into the phone the next day. “Of course, what should I bring?”


“Uh huh.”

“That it? Cause I could bring the kitchen sink too if you want.” She giggled.

“I’m just kidding Willow. Nope. See you in a few? Bye.”

Buffy smiled as she turned off the handset and went into the kitchen to get dishes, utensils, and paper towels for the impromptu picnic. Humming happily as she went, she realized it felt almost like she belonged to a family again and it was such a welcome feeling, she was almost skipping from cupboard to cupboard. *Mary Poppins never had anything on you girl! *

Laughing out loud at the thought as the doorbell rang, she had a huge smile plastered on her face as she opened the door expecting to see Willow or Spike, and instead saw Faith.

Dressed in tiny faded jeans shorts, red checked halter top, and her dark hair in two braids, she looked like the farmers daughter. *Only the really easy version. * Buffy thought meanly the animosity flickering in her eyes before she masked it.

*Well, * thought Faith with a cat like grin on her lovely features, *guess Barbie and me are on the same page. This outta be fun! *

“They sent me over to help.” Farmers’ slut said jabbing a thumb the direction of Spikes house clearly not caring to offer her assistance. “Thought you might need it.” Putting the emphasis on you like Buffy was 100 years old and couldn’t lift a damn thing by herself.

“Thanks,” Buffy said in a sickenly sweet tone leaving absolutely no question as to how much she disliked the girl, “I’ve got it. Why don’t you just run along and play or something? Oh…I forgot…left all your toys back home didn’t you?” She asked fluttering her long lashes at the teen standing with her mouth hanging open on the porch.

*God Buffy, immature much? * The blond thought as she watched the younger woman stomp off in the direction of the other house.

What seemed like a great and sunshiny day was already turning out to be a long one.

*Weee. *


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