[A/N: Thanks to Nadine for the German help! *g*]

Chapter 16: Doctor Bones, I Presume?

A few days later, Spike went to speak with Wilkins. It was difficult to catch they guy. Wilkins was a slippery sucker; they never knew when he'd be at the studio. Spike waited until he had the chance to speak to The Mayor himself, he didn't want to go to Warren with his request. The coked-up director would probably just placate him and blow him off.

Spike stood before The Mayor's desk, standing up straight, hands clasped loosely in front of him (Wilkins had a thing about posture).

"Sir, I'd like to write for the films. I know that I don't have experience, aside from school papers, but--"

"Alright," Wilkins said easily.

"If you give me a chance, I know...Did you say, 'Alright'?"

"Yes indeedy," he chuckled. "You're a star, Spike. And a sharp-minded, young man. I think you're owed the chance to prove yourself in the writing arena. I've enjoyed the adlibs you've used in past films, a few of
them really tickled my funny bone! Just don't abandon acting for writing. We need you batting for us. You're the Joltin' Joe DiMaggio of adult features."

"Th-Thank you, sir!" Spike smiled brilliantly. He'd expected at least a little resistance, and was happy that he didn't have to argue his case.

"That's alright, Spike." Wilkins took a copy of the script and gave it to him. "Now, let's see what you can do with it."

"You won't regret it, sir. I know I can do a good job with this."

"I'm very pleased with the work that you and Buffy are doing. I'd like you to play her vampire love interest in the movie. Think you're up to it?"

Spike laughed, "I was actually going to ask you if I could play the part."

"Isn't that a co-inky-dink?" The Mayor asked. "You two make a terrific team. The audiences just love you and her together. You have a...je ne sais quois."

"Thank you, sir." Spike grinned.

"Go on, you little go-getter!" Wilkins laughed. "Have at that script!"

"Yes, sir!"


Everyone was happy for Spike that he was getting a chance to write. They held a little celebration dinner (followed by the requisite orgy).

Over the next few days, Spike divided his time between writing, Buffy lovin' and preparing for filming. Wilkins was so impressed with Spike's early efforts on the script that he let him add things to the film they were about to shoot too.

Spike called his mother and auntie, telling them (a heavily edited version) of how well his life was going. He had Buffy (the best girl in the world), a great house, wonderful friends and career opportunities. Again, he felt like a complete bastard for making up things and lying to his dear mother, but it was a necessary evil. His mum sounded so happy that he’d done so well, and that he had a girlfriend to dote on him. He omitted the fact that Buffy lived with him, his mum wouldn't approve of an unmarried couple
living (or sleeping) together. Anne was a kind woman, but downright Victorian in some of her attitudes about sex; she was an old-fashioned gal.

Everyday, Spike and Buffy grew closer. Falling more and more in love with every quirk, every little peccadillo that the other exhibited. They had come very close, but...they hadn't said those three, simple little words--'I love you'. They both felt it, they both were consumed with love for the other. They’d sing songs to each other with those three words in the lyrics, but songs were safe. If the person laughed or called you on it, you could laugh it off, saying, 'Oh, I was just singing the song--I didn't really mean it.' There was still a little of their old, Sunnydale-selves leftover; enough to keep them just scared enough not to actually say it. There was that horrible, potentially heart-crushing possibility that you might not hear it back. Or worse yet, you'd get an awkward, nervous smile and a 'thank you'. Spike had some additional reasons to be wary of love, some trauma he'd experienced from his time with Drusilla. When it came
to expressions of love, Spike and Buffy were terrified. What a pair they made!

For now, Buffy and Spike were content to wait for the other to say it first. They had all the time in the world to wait to hear it.


The first day of filming, 'Indiana Bones and the Temple of Poon'

The crew were busy getting the huge, elaborate temple set ready. Spike gave Buffy a peck on the lips then went looking for Warren to talk to him about the on-location part of the film.

Harmony materialized, seemingly out of nowhere, hot on his trail. Buffy saw and intercepted.

"Hi ya, Harm. Where ya goin'?" Buffy asked innocently.

"Um..." Harmony bit her lip and looked over Buffy's shoulder.

"Need to talk to Spike...do you?"

"Yeah, it's about--a scene."

"Uh-huh. Lookee, Harm, Spike's my boyfriend now. We live together. He's
mine. Got it?"

"Wh-What? You're--like so delusional! Other people have sex with him too. I know--I heard them talking," Harm said, pursing her lips.

"True, Spike and I like to frolic with others. BUT it's only when we're together or we both agree to it."

"Then why can't I be included?"

"Simple. 'Cos I don't like you, that's why," Buffy said. "I don't want to have sex with you in the vicinity, and I sure as hell don't want you to have sex with my man. You're becoming a creepy stalker chick. Cut it out before I'm forced to--"

"Forced to what?" Harm stood to her full height and looked down on Buffy. "I'd beat the shit out of you."

"Would you?" Buffy coolly stood her ground, staring back, unblinking. "I doubt it. I've found that I enjoy martial arts, and I'm real good at them too."

"Oooh! I'm s-scared!" Harmony said in mock fright. "HA! Get real, midget!"

"Midget! I'm not that short!" Buffy fumed. Buffy's height had been a sore spot for her ever since Dawn became taller than her.

"You're a stupid, little pygmy! And Spikey deserves better than you!"

"You bitch! You stay away from him or I'll--"

Harm surprised her by taking a swing. Buffy reacted just in time, ducking under the punch. Harmony's fist continued it's arc, slamming into the jaw of an unsuspecting Andrew, who was coming to help cool things down.

"ARRRG!" Andrew yelled, falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"OWW!" Harmony wailed, shaking her hand. "You jerk! You hurt my hand!"

Jonathan and Buffy knelt by the fallen Andrew.

Jonathan slapped his face lightly. "Andrew? Andrew, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"If you hadn't ducked, like a big sissy-pants, I wouldn't have hit him--It's your stupid fault!" Harmony accused Buffy.

Buffy glared up at her. "Shut up! Not now, you stupid bimbo! He's hurt."

Others came over and gathered around, wondering what happened. Andrew groaned, returning to consciousness. Jonathan helped him to stand and supported him.

"Maybe Spikey has something that I can put on my hand to make it feel better?" Harmony said, smirking. "Think I'll find him."

Harmony started in the direction that Spike had gone.

Buffy growled and stalked after her, gaining speed with every stride.

"I told you--" she reached out and grabbed a hank of Harmony's mane, jerking her backwards by it, "--he's my boyfriend!"

"Ouuuch!" Harmony cried. "Let go of my hair, you freak!"

Buffy shoved her away. "Don't make me kick your ass."

"As if!" Harm charged and took another wild swing.

Buffy easily sidestepped the punch, and kicked Harmony in the ass as the momentum of the strike sent her forward.

"You BITCH!" Harm screeched, her hand flying to her ample butt.

Most of the people in the room were watching the fight intently.

Harm jumped on Buffy, making them both tumble to the ground. Harm had the upper-hand, she was on top. She started slapping Buffy's face back and forth, like in a '3 Stooges' movie, while pulling her hair with the other.

Buffy yelled in rage. She brought her right leg up, hard. Her limberness and flexibility made it easy for her to kick Harm in the back of the head.

Harm yelped, then blinked rapidly--stunned for a moment. Buffy used the time wisely. She punched her dead in the face. Harm grunted and toppled off of Buffy's body.

Buffy stood over her menacingly, her fists clenching and unclenching, her teeth showing. Harm was holding a hand to her face, looking with wide eyes up at Buffy. The punch was a lot harder and hurt a whole lot more than Harm thought Buffy could ever manage.

Buffy's chest heaved. "You want to take this outside? Or will you stop chasing after Spike?"

"Y-You don't scare me!" Harmony said unconvincingly.

Buffy made a move to leap on top of her.

"Alright!" Harm cowered, protecting her face with her arms. "I don't want him anymore! Shit! You can have him!"

Buffy smiled. "You better be telling the truth. You know...I like fighting! It's fun! You sure you don't want to duke it out some more?"

"Leave me alone! You stupid, bully-butt!" Harmony started to cry.

"Hey!" Warren broke through the crowd. "Knock it off! We've got work to do today. Everybody, get back to work!"

He'd actually been watching with the rest of them until the fight looked like it was ending. He didn't try to break it up before now because he enjoyed a good cat-fight. Warren sniffed.

"Sorry, Warren," Buffy said. "We're done here."

She went to find Spike herself, and to fix herself up after the fight--her hair was a mess.

Glory and Kendra sighed and went to help the sobbing Harmony.

"She punches like a guy!" Harmony sniffled.


Spike was surprised, but impressed, when Buffy filled him in on her little spat with Harmony. Hopefully the dink wouldn't be pursuing him anymore--Not now that he had a fierce and fiery protector. It was a huge turn on that Buffy had gotten into a fight and kicked ass to mark him as hers. But they had too tight a schedule for any dressing room shenanigans.

Later that day...

Spike got into costume and went to Xander's dressing room where his inner circle was congregated.

"Well?" he asked Xander, Buffy and Cordy. "What do you think?"

He was wearing his Indiana outfit: brown, dusty fedora, khaki shirt, brown trousers, brown, worn, leather jacket, brown boots. A whip was coiled at his left hip, a pistol holster on his right. He lofted a huge machete, resting it over his shoulder.

"Yummmm!" Buffy squealed. "Oh--I had such a thing for Indiana Jones!"

"You ain't the only one," Cordy swept her eyes up and down Spike's body. "Damn, you look fine!"

"What do you think of the stubble? You think that people might suspect that I'm not a natural blonde with my beard coming in dark?" Spike joked, rubbing his jaw.

"Mmmm--Me likey! So rugged!" Buffy touched his slightly stubbly cheek.

"They're gonna see that the cuffs and collar don't match anyway--That might clue them in too," Xander said.

"You ready, Xan?" Spike asked.

"Yup." Xander was dressed in his own similar adventurer outfit. He was playing Indy's friend and pilot. The girls had already lavished him with praise on his hotness. "Now remember, Indy, my name is Xander in this movie. Don't let it throw ya too much."

They laughed. Spike slid his machete into the sheath slung on his back.

"We're off to the Botanical Gardens," Spike kissed Buffy, caressing the side of her head.

"How did The Mayor swing getting them to agree to let us shoot the some of the movie there?" Cordy wondered.

"He's got friends in some high places," Xander said. "Pretty spooky...the connections that guy has."

Buffy and Spike stayed in each other's arms. She was getting very horny and reluctant to release him. She let her fingers play over the exposed part of his chest. "Everyone's probably afraid of him--thinks he's a psycho. You've seen him when something doesn't go according to plan. He gets that crazy look in his eyes."

"I'm sure we'll all endeavor to stay on his good side. Oh! Pet, you want to hear my American accent?" Spike asked.

"Oh yeah! Let's hear it!" Buffy grinned.

Spike cleared his throat. He got a serious expression on his face, getting into character. "You'll never get your hands on the treasure."

They laughed.

"You sound like a California boy!" Cordy giggled. "I wouldn't know you were a foreigner!"

"Oh...that is so sexy," Buffy's body throbbed for him, she pulled him back against her. "How dare you get me so hot when you have to leave."

"Mmm, sorry, Buffy-luv," he purred, going back to his natural accent. "We'll be back in a few hours to do the temple scenes."

"You think you can do it in one take?" Buffy asked.

"I've had my vitamins and spinach today, I should be able to manage." Spike smiled.

Riley knocked on the door, telling them that it was time to go. Xander and Spike kissed their girlfriends one more time then departed to begin filming.

Indiana Bones and the Temple of Poon

Starring: Spike, Xander Biggs, Glory, Cordelia Chase, Buffy Winters, Faith, Willow, Tara, Kendra, Jenny Calendar

South American Jungle, 1940

Doctor Indiana Bones, professor of archaeology and adventurer, and his trusty sidekick, Xander, hacked their way through the dense jungle foliage.

They were wet, streaks of dirt marred their exposed skin and clothing.

"Can we rest for a minute?" Xander asked, panting.

They stopped. Xander leaned against a tree and mopped his brow with a handkerchief.

"We're close...I can feel it," Indy said, casting his piercing blue eyes ahead of them into the jungle.

"That's what you said yesterday," Xander commented.

"Well, I'm right this time."

"What the hell is this treasure that we're after anyway? Gold? Jewels?"

"I don't know," Indy said reluctantly.

"You don't know? We've been trekking through his godforsaken jungle for days...and you don’t even know what we’re after? Shit...I really should ask more questions before I agree to go anywhere with you."

"The legend doesn’t say what the treasure is. It only says, ‘A priceless treasure of indescribable beauty is housed in the Temple. Through tests, the possessor will be chosen. The possessor will have unlimited power over men.’ The Nazis want it too--We have to get to it before they do."

"Nazis...what is it with you and those guys? You’re always butting heads with them."

"It's just my luck, I guess. They’re evil, but clever sons of bitches. Come on, let’s get a move on." Indy started through the ferns and vines.

"Damn it..." Xander followed him.

Not long after, Indy halted, putting up his hand. He motioned for Xander to come forward. Xander stopped and looked in the direction was pointing to.

"What is it?"

"I see something behind those vines over there. It might be the entrance to the temple. Others have tried tracking down the treasure described a cave hidden in the jungle. The cave will lead to the temple."

Indiana used his machete to hack away the vines, Xander helped. The two men stood back. A cave opening had been revealed. They nodded to each other, sheathed their machetes, then lit torches.

"Ready?" Indy asked.

"Not really...but let’s go anyway," Xander said nervously.

Indiana smirked and ducked into the cave.

End scene

Once the scenes at the Botanical Garden were shot, Xander, Spike and the crew went back to the studio to film the Temple scenes.

"I think it went well," Spike said, getting spritzed by Amanda with a water bottle. He needed to look sweaty for the next scene.

"You look so nummy," Buffy giggled, "Doctor Bones."

Spike smirked. Amanda squirted some water on his face.

Spike wiped his eyes and blinked. "Warn me when you're doin' my face, luv."

"Oh! Sorry, Spike! I--I didn't--" Amanda panicked.

"It's alright," he chuckled, giving the flustered girl a warm smile. "It's only water, don't worry about it."

"O-Okay," Amanda blushed. "I'll be more careful."

"Hit me up with some of that H2O, Mandy!" Xander said.

Amanda went over and wetted him down.

"One of your many admirers," Buffy poked Spike in the ribs with her finger.

"Don't think you have to worry about her gettin' crazy...like some other people around here. Speakin' of crazy...Where is Harmony anyway?"

Buffy smiled. "It seems that Harm went home sick. You don't have to have sex with her in this movie, Yay!"

"She's sick? Did you hurt her that much?" Spike didn't like the dumb, obsessive girl, but he felt bad for anyone who was ill.

"Harm's a big faker. She's just scared I'll kick her ass if she touches you," Buffy giggled.

"Oh. That could get tricky if I'm in more movies with her in the future..."

"I had a little talk with The Mayor, you can choose not to have someone in a movie with you if they're weirding you out."

"Aren't we getting bold?" Spike said with admiration. "Voluntarily talking to Wilkins and asking for special favors."

Buffy shrugged and laughed, "It was for you. Besides, he's not hard to handle once you know how to talk to him. I just do the sweet l'il Buffy routine, and he's putty in my paws."

"If I weren't all wet and dirty, I'd hug you and kiss you breathless."

"Don't let that stop you," Buffy purred, moving closer to him. "I like it when you're very wet...and very dirty..."

They closed in for a kiss, their lips a breath apart.

"Break it up, lovebirds," Warren said with disdain. "Okay, we're ready to roll," Warren shouted. "Spike, Xander, take your places."

Buffy leaned up, giving Spike a quick peck. "Get goin', beautiful. Go make some movie magic."

"I'm going to kiss you properly later," Spike promised, grinning.

"You do that. See you in the Temple, Doctor Bones." Buffy slapped him playfully on the butt.

The next scene began...

Indiana and Xander emerged from the tunnel to find a large, golden door.

Symbols and primitive-looking writing covered the door's surface. There were no handles or knobs to open it.

"How do we get this thing open?" Xander asked.

Indiana didn’t respond. He put his torch in a sconce on the left side of the door. Xander put his torch on the other side. They examined the door more closely.

"These look like...hieroglyphics," Xander said.

"Closer to pictographs...The writing is similar to ancient Sumerian."

"Can you read it?"

"Hmm...I can make out a word here and there. This is definitely the entrance to the Temple that we were searching for. It says something about ‘The Treasure’ and enormous...power," Indy wiped some dirt from the door.

"Great, but how do we get in?" Xander asked.

"Check around the area for some kind of depression or knob...there has to be a trigger. But--for God’s sake--don’t push, pull or in anyway try to manipulate anything you find. There might be traps set," Indy said seriously.

"Right, no manipulating."

They searched carefully for a way to open the door.

"It’s funny...Almost all of the pictures depict women. I wonder if this was a part of a matriarchal society..."

"Gentlemen, fancy meeting you here!"

Indiana and Xander spun around.

Glory was pointing a gun at them, she was dressed in her Nazi officer uniform. Her blonde hair was done up in a bun.

"Glory," Indy grumbled.

He and Xander put their hands up.

"I’m touched! You remembered my name. We meet again, Doctor Bones." Glory motioned them to stand in front of the door with her pistol.

They complied, moving to stand shoulder-to-shoulder.

"You’re an elusive one, Herr Doctor. We almost lost you several times during the last few days. But, as you can see, we have you now. The Third Reich will put the treasure to good use, I assure you."

"You’ll never get your hands on the treasure, Glory," Indy’s fiery eyes burned into her.

Glory laughed lightly. "Aren‘t we confident? How do you intend to stop us, exactly?"

"You’ll have to kill me before I let you have it," Indy replied bravely.

Xander whispered, "Hey, are you nuts?! Don’t say that kind of shit to someone with a gun!"

"I suggest you listen to your friend, Doctor. Thank you for leading us to the treasure. We couldn’t have done it without you." She grinned.

"Why do you keep saying, ‘We’?" Xander asked.

"Are you blind? I’m referring to--" Glory looked quickly over her shoulder.

She gasped. "Where are my men?"

Indiana seized upon her distraction, rushing her and grabbing her from behind. Glory yelled, squirming and thrashing in his grasp. Xander wrenched the gun out of her hand.

"Let me go!" Glory growled.

Indy pushed her away from him. "Wonder what happened to your friends, Glory?" he smirked. "Looks like they’ve deserted you."

"Impossible!" She stared back down the tunnel. "They were right behind me! They would never abandon their commander!"

"Maybe they had a problem following a woman’s orders," Xander suggested.

Glory glowered at him. "They swore an oath to obey me!"

"You can trust a Nazi about as far as you can throw one," Indy said.

"Seems like a smart plan--follow the crazy woman until the right time, then leave her to her fate. They can report back that you were lost, maybe eaten by a jungle cat."

"No..." Glory shook her head. "No, they...wouldn’t do that.," uncertainty and fear crept into her voice.

"Sorry, sister. Looks like you’re all by your lonesome." Xander smiled, pointing the gun at her. "What do we do with her Indy?"

Indiana’s eyes took in her form, his tongue pushed outward against his lower lip slightly. "It’s a shame you’re one of them, Glory. You’re a beautiful woman...If it weren’t for the evil thing..."

Glory looked at him appreciatively for a moment, her eyes tracing over his body. She recovered, putting on a haughty air. She put her shoulders back and looked down her nose at him.

"I'd never touch you--Don't flatter yourself, Doctor."

"Never say ne-" Indy began.

The three of them were startled by the golden door opening by itself. They waited but no one came out.

"S-Should we go in?" Xander stuttered, peering into the darkness on the other side of the door.

"Yeah, keep an eye on her," Indy nodded at Glory.

Glory glared at them. They took their torches and walked, single-file through the door.

"Watch your step, might be booby traps..." Indy said.

They whipped around at the sound of the door slamming shut behind them.

"Shit...now what?" Xander asked.

"We keep going," Indy answered.

They continued walking. Suddenly, lights came on all around them. They shielded their eyes from the glaring brightness.

"Intruders!" a woman said from ahead of them.

Indiana squinted, his eyes getting used to the illumination. The woman who had spoken, stood upon a dais near a large altar. She was tall with long brown hair. She wore a long, diaphanous, white gown and a gold
headpiece with a crescent moon on her forehead.

Women stood throughout the room, some holding swords or spears.

"Shit! Who are these people?!" Xander looked around.

"We mean you no harm," Indy said, holding his arms out in a peaceful gesture.

"We are the Guardians of the Temple. You have trespassed. I am Cordelia, High Priestess and ruler."

"We meant no offense, Priestess," Indy assured her.

A petite redhead whispered in Cordelia’s ear.

"Hmm, perhaps you are right, Willow. You come seeking the treasure?" Cordelia asked them.

"Yes...We didn’t know that it was yours. We thought it belonged to a dead civilization," he explained.

"You wish to perform the tests to take ownership of the treasure?"

"Would I be permitted to?"

"Yes. If you can pass the tests, you may have it. What of these two others that you bring? They are your companions?"

Indiana looked at Xander and Glory. "He’s my friend. She’s not. She led a group of ruthless people here to take the treasure before I could get to it. Don’t trust her."

"He lies!" Glory pled with Cordelia. "I came here with only peaceful purposes--He and his friend are the ones who mean you harm!"

"Hey! She’s lying!" Xander said. "She’s--"

"ENOUGH!" the High Priestess yelled, quieting them. "Come, my sister," Cordelia smiled, waving Glory to her.

Glory grinned triumphantly, strolling up onto the dais.

"She is a woman. We would never harm a sister. You may join with us, if you wish."

"Of...course! Thank you," Glory bowed her head in deference.

"Don’t trust her!" Indy warned them.

Cordelia ignored his words. "Do you wish to begin the tests, adventurer?"

"Yes. Tell me what I have to do."

Cordelia spoke to the women lining the walls of the hall, "My sisters, a man has come to win the treasure. Those of you in the Circle, approach."

Some women broke from the rest, walking onto the dais, and lining up in a semi-circle, behind the High Priestess. Buffy, Faith, Anya, Willow and Darla stared down at Indy and his companions; the girls couldn't quite hide the smiles they wore.

"The time is here. Bring out the bed," Cordelia ordered.

Four comely, young women brought out a huge bed, covered with silks. They set it down in front of the altar, then backed away.

Indy furrowed his brow. "What...is that for?"

"The tests," Cordelia answered simply.

"I don’t understand..."

"You don’t know what you are to do?"

He shook his head.

She tittered along with most of the other women. "Here is what you must do to win your prize: You must please the Circle. If the Circle is well pleasured, then you will have your reward."

"P-Please? You mean..."

"Yes. You must fuck each and every one of the Circle," she gestured to the women behind her.

Indiana looked at her with raised eyebrows. "The test is having sex with several beautiful women?" he asked.

"Yes. But you must satisfy them all thoroughly. If you fail, you will be put to death."

"Whoa! That's pretty harsh, isn't it?" he balked.

"Those are the conditions," Cordelia said. "The tests will begin now."

The women on the dais moved as one, their dresses dropped to the floor. Xander and Indy gawked silently at the beautiful nude bodies.

"Can I help...with the satisfying...thing?" Xander asked him quietly.

Glory looked around in shock. "You're all really going to...have sex with that man?"

"Yes." Cordy, who was also completely naked, smiled. "You do not find him an attractive man?"

"No--I mean--Well...He's...not bad," Glory looked at Indy, and then away.

"Dark-haired one," Cordelia said to Xander, "you may not take part in the tests." Xander frowned. But...you may please any of the observers that desire you. You," she pointed to Indy, "Approach."

He gulped and went up the steps to her. She looked him over, her smile getting larger.

"Undress him," she ordered.

"Huh? Wait--I can--" Indy protested.

Four women were next to him instantly, removing his clothes. He struggled at first, then allowed them to continue. They stripped him until he wore only a determined expression. The women gasped at the sight of his magnificent cock.

Glory's eyes went wide. "Woof! Er hat gewaltig erigierter!" {He has an enormous cock!}

"Um..." Indy wasn't sure what to do; they were all just staring at him. "Who's first?" he asked uncertainly.

"I will be the first," Cordelia said breathily. "The others will join us, of course. Incidentally...I don't think you'll have much problem passing...the tests." She looked down at his manhood and licked her lips.

"Now, your last name makes sense..." Glory muttered, moving to the side.

Two women went to Indiana, carrying basins. They hurriedly washed down his body, sponging away the dirt and sweat from his skin. One of them was taking a little longer than necessary on his genitalia.

"That will do, Molly," Cordy said disapprovingly.

Molly looked abashed. She nodded then reluctantly moved away from Indy's nude body.

Cordelia laid back on the huge bed, spreading her legs. "Fuck me."

"Just...like that?" Indiana asked, looking from her inviting body to his semi-erect cock.

"Yes. Is there a problem already?" she asked impatiently.

"Well...I'm not quite...stiff enough...yet for that. The possibility of being put to death if I fail is putting a damper on my libido."

Cordelia laughed lightly, "I see. We'll have to help you relax first then?" She nodded to two of the Circle.

"That would be helpful...yeah," Indy said quietly, watching with darkening eyes as the two nude women (Buffy and Faith) coming to him.

Buffy and Faith smiled and touched his body. Their hands skimmed up his arms, over his chest, along his strong back, down onto the rippling muscles of his abdomen. The other members of the Circle (Anya, Darla and Willow) surrounded him. Reaching out and stroking his wet skin. They grinned and commented to each other about how good he felt. A hand went around his thick cock, then another, then another. A hand cupped his sac as another caressed his taut ass.

Indy closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. He moaned, low in his throat.

"Looks like this is doing the trick," Cordy said, from the bed.

Buffy turned his face towards her and kissed him deeply, squeezing his left ass cheek in her hand. He returned the kiss, sharing a secret wink with his lady love. Willow tongued his left nipple, Anya worked on his right. Faith and Darla got down on their knees to worship his staff. Faith teased and sucked on the head. Anya applied her mouth to the lower portion of his cock, sucking and pulling on it with her lips. Hands continued gliding over his body; grasping, rubbing, fondling--doing wonderful things to him.
Willow turned his face to her, taking over his mouth from Buffy. Buffy moved behind him, taking his ass in both her hands. She kissed and licked the back of his neck. Indy groaned.

"It's getting so big!" Anya said, smiling and licking her way around his large organ.

His cock was noticeably larger and more erect.

"Are you ready now, Doctor?" Cordelia asked, rubbing her pussy.

"Yeah," he gasped when Willow let him up for air, "I believe I am."

The women stood back from him slightly. Indy eyed the High Priestess as she laid on her back and stalked over to the bed. Glory looked on from the sidelines, hardly believing what she was seeing--but obviously getting a little worked up.

Meanwhile, Xander found himself being rubbed against by three women (Tara, Jenny and Kendra). They kept licking their lips while watching the action up on the dais, then looking up at him with lusty smiles.
Their was a sharp cry. Xander looked over to see Spike entering Cordelia. She moaned and arched into him.

"You’re dirty," Kendra batted her eyelashes at him as she unbuttoned his shirt.

"Uh--Yeah--The jungle did it." He winced at how stupid that sounded. "I mean--you tend to get dirty walking through...the jungle."

The women giggled, continuing to undress him. Jenny unbuckled his belt and unzipped him. The same girls who had washed Indiana came over when Tara waved to them. Xander was helped out of his clothes. The washer girls cleaned the dirt from his body then were chased away by the three horny women. He was shuffled along with them to a divan and then thrown onto it.

Indiana lay on top of Cordelia, thrusting into her. His mouth was plastered over one of her nipples. He supported himself on one arm, one hand played with her clit.

"Yesss! YES! Ohhhh!" Cordelia undulated beneath his body.

"Ahhh!" Spike moaned. "Yeah, cum for me, baby!"

Cordelia cried out again in bliss, gasping for air. Her hips thrust up at him. "Mmmm," she mewled, "that was very good."

"Good?" Indy asked, sounding insulted. "Just good? I can do better than 'good'.

He pushed her right leg up, holding her under the knee, and started thrusting hard again.

"Ahhh! Very good! Wonderful! Ohhh--Fantastic!" Cordelia yelled.

"That’s better," Indy smirked, pumping her.

"You have to please all of us, remember? Save some for us," Willow said.

The women waited for their turns, looking like animals at feeding time at the zoo.

Indy looked around at them, slowing his thrusts. "Yeah, that’s true. Have to conserve my energy."

He pulled out of her and rested back on his knees.

Cordelia glared at Willow, then sighed. "Very well. But I want more pleasure later...providing you accomplish the goal and don’t have to be put to death."

Indy groaned, not in desire, and hung his head back. "Why did you have to say that second part?"

He was pushed onto his back by Buffy and Faith. They laid on either side of him, running their hands over his chest then downwards. Faith soul-kissed him as Buffy licked her way around his nipples. Then they switched, Buffy went happily to his beautiful mouth and Faith slithered her tongue down his torso.

Buffy pretended to only kiss and lick his ear. She whispered, "Having fun?"

"Mmmm!" He grinned, taking her face in his hands and kissing her passionately.

Warren shook his head. This was one of the reasons why the actors shouldn’t date. Buffy and Spike were getting too into each other, you could tell that the rest of the world was receding into the background.

"Hey! Less kissing, more humping!" Warren said, cutting through their desire.

They groaned quietly, kissing a few moments more before pulling away. Faith winked at them while she sucked on his cock. Buffy nibbled at his nipples, her hand ran over his abs.

"High Priestess--Uhhh!--Can the pleasure I have to give--be oral too?" Indy asked.

Cordelia’s grin broadened. "Oh yes. That would be acceptable."

"Oooh, I want some of that," Faith said, leaving Buffy to his cock.

She crawled up and straddled his face. Indy covered her snatch with his mouth, licking and sucking. Faith’s juices flowed onto his tongue.

"Ohhh yeah! Uhhh! Eat my cunt!" Faith moaned, rubbing against his face.

Buffy straddled his waist, rubbing his hard prick up and down her moist gash. She slid the knob into her pussy then slowly lowered herself onto him, inch by inch.

"Oh S-" she almost said his name, then caught herself, "S-Soooo good!"

Spike smiled, hearing her little slip. He thrust lightly up into her.

Faith and Buffy’s moans grew louder, they ground themselves down onto his mouth and cock, respectively.

Faith came first, shouting and throwing her head back, "OH FUCK! Uhhhh!" She pulled on and twisted her nipples.

Spike drank up her cum eagerly.

"You’re very good at that," Faith panted with a smile, climbing off of his face.

"Thanks," Indy said, his long tongue swept over his lips. "I took a course."

Buffy propped herself up on her hands and gyrated on his cock.

"Ahhh!" he groaned, grabbing her hips.

"Where’s mine?" Buffy asked huskily. "Make me cum!"

Indiana rolled them over, making Buffy squeal in delight at the suddenness and passion of the action. He ravaged her pussy, sawing into her over and over again.

"Ohhhh! Unnnggh!" Buffy pulled him down to her, kissing him hard.

Her legs wrapped around him. Their flesh smacked together.

"AHHH YES!" Buffy yelled, cumming around him.

He gasped then groaned in her ear, "I’m going to cum!" he said, losing his American accent.

Buffy wanted it, but that’s not the way it was supposed to happen in the movie. She tightened her legs around him, making it more difficult for him to move. She rolled them back over and kissed him as her orgasm subsided.

Willow gently nudged her.

Buffy grinned bashfully and lifted off of Indy.

The scene continued until each of the women had cum on his cock or mouth.

Spike struggled not to cum after the 'close call' with Buffy--Being with her made him crazy. Shots of Xander’s foursome were intercut with Indiana’s carnal adventures.

Indiana's moaning went up a notch. He pulled out of Darla, the last woman that he was required to please, and kneeled in the middle of the bed, jerking his big cock with both hands. Darla was still twitching and
moaning in orgasm. The other members of the Circle moved toward him on the bed, eyeing his cock and licking their lips in anticipation.

Buffy leaned forward and dabbed at the seeping tip of his cock with her tongue, looking up into his eyes.

"Ahhh! Oh fuck yeah!" Indy cried out, shooting his load with a hard thrust into his hands.

Buffy moaned when the first wad struck her lips. She sucked it into her mouth eagerly and leaned back. The women closed their eyes, big grins stretched over their faces as Indy hosed them down with his hot, salty fluid. His cock didn't stop going off until he'd deposited cum on each of their faces and tits. Buffy put her mouth on his cock, sucking up the last bit of spunk that leaked from the slit. She and Faith began licking him clean, and doing a most thorough job of it.

Indiana sat back, regaining his breath and running his hands lightly through their hair as they licked and sucked on him. That one had tired him out, Spike was glad that the scene was almost over.

He turned his head when he heard a series of gasps and moans from across the room. Indy grinned to see Xander engaged with three of the other women. Xander was jerking himself and cumming on Kendra's ass, Kendra had her face buried in Tara's pussy. Jenny was sucking on Tara's tits while Tara fingered her to bliss.

"Well," Indy panted, turning to look at Cordelia, "I passed the tests?"

She smiled. "Definitely."

He sighed with relief. "Great! So I can have the treasure then?"

"Um, yes," Cordelia bit her lip, looking away from him.

"Is...there a problem?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

"The thing about the treasure is...that there isn't one. We made it up," she explained with more than a little guilt.

"What? What do you mean, you made it up?"

"We, or should I say, our forebears made it up to attract sexy, swashbuckling, adventurer-types, like yourself to the temple. We haven't had many visitors over the years, but...well, you made it. And are we
ever glad that you did! I hope you're not too angry about our deception. We just like having sex."

The other women nodded, agreeing with her.

Indy shook his head in disbelief. "It was all an elaborate lie...You know, you don't have to make shit up to attract men here. Just put up a few signs, 'Horny women want to have sex, this way' and have arrows
pointing to the temple. You'd do just fine."

"No. We don't want just any men. We want men like you: strong, brave, intrepid heroes. Those are the best lays. We hope that you will stay with us for a few days before leaving...your friend is most
welcome to stay too."

The way the women were looking at him showed how they hoped to spend those days: fucking and sucking.

"I suppose...it would be best to rest up before heading back home--empty-handed," he shot Cordelia a put-out look.

"Sorry, again," she smiled.

"It's disappointing..." Indy sighed. "I've been chasing this legend for a year. I risked my life to come here."

"Oh, don't be sad!" Willow cooed, rubbing his back.

The other women crowded around him, stroking him soothingly.

"We promise that we'll try our best to make it up to you," Buffy said, smiling at him.

A small smile curled up on Indy's lips. "Well, you can try. But I'm really upset about it. It's going to take a lot of 'making up'."

The women laughed, closing in to kiss and touch every available inch of flesh on his body.

Glory crossed her arms, looking pissed. She walked out of the room into an adjacent chamber, not wanting to stand by and watch another round.

Kendra was kissing the side of Xander's neck while the other two women kissed their way down his body.

Xander raised his head. "Did I hear right? There's no treasure?"

The women stopped, and looked at each other with guilt.

"Yes. You heard correctly," Tara said. "This," she indicated herself and her naked colleagues, "is it. No treasure."

Xander raised his eyebrows and thought it over. "Works for me." A smile lit up his face. "This is better than any treasure I can think of."

The women giggled and fell upon him again.

After days of getting frisky with the Temple dwellers, Indiana was preparing to leave for home. The High Priestess had assigned he, Xander and Glory bedrooms befitting a member of royalty. Everything was gold and silks.

The bed was large and covered with silk pillows and white silk sheets.

Indiana was wearing his blue pajama pants that the women had given him.

He pulled his shirt back on and gazed at the bed, sighing happily, mentally reliving the past few days. If it weren’t for his archaeology career, he’d stay here until he died a very happy, old man.

Glory entered the room (without knocking) dressed in her Nazi uniform. She looked ready to leave.

"Manners," Indy said reprovingly. "It’s not polite to just barge into someone’s bedroom."

"Aren’t you ready to leave yet?" she asked with irritation.

"What’s your hurry? Can’t wait to start goose-stepping with your buddies again?"

"I’m...not going back to Germany," Glory said, turning away from him.


She shook her head. "I'm giving up my commission. I'm no longer a soldier. You were right--I can't trust my own men. They were going to leave me to die or be captured by you. If you'll have me, I would like to go back to America with you and Xander."

"Now why would I want to take you anywhere? You've tried to kill me a dozen times."

"I...don't have anything to offer you..." Glory turned fully back to him.

Her gaze raked over him. Indiana's chest was bared through his open shirt; the hard, developed muscles were exposed to her gaze. Glory's eyes kept going to his groin. She wet her lips.

Indy started doing up the buttons at the bottom of his shirt.

"They have a good laundry service here," he admired the spotless state of his khaki shirt. "I'll have to ask them how they got out those stubborn mud stains..."

"Will you take me, Herr Doctor?" Glory asked.

He looked back up into her eyes, his jaw muscles working. "I don't know if I should. Knowing you, this is some kind of trick."

"Are you always so suspicious?"

"I tend to be suspicious when it comes to power-hungry, evil, Nazi women--Who, as I pointed out earlier, have tried to kill me."

"I'm not evil. And I'm not a Nazi anymore." She came closer to him. "I never would have killed you...You're too interesting an adversary."

"It's funny...You look an awful lot like a Nazi," he commented.

Glory looked down at herself. "It's...just clothing."

Indiana moved forward suddenly, putting an arm around her waist and pulling her tightly against his body. Glory gasped, bracing her hands on his chest.

"Maybe we should get rid of it then?" With his free hand, he ran his fingers along the neckline of her jacket.

"Unhand...me," she groaned, her eyes becoming stormy.

"Is that what you really want me to do?" Indy asked. "Is it?" he asked in a lower, huskier voice, lowering his soft lips to her neck.

Glory closed her eyes, struggling internally. "N-No!" she moaned.

"What do you want then?" Indy brushed his lips over the side of her neck.

Giving up any further pretense, Glory took his face in her hands, crushing their lips together. They kissed hotly, frantically trying to get each other's clothes off. Glory had his shirt off in seconds. Her jacket, blouse and skirt were more difficult, but Indy got them off of her rather quickly. He pulled the pins from her golden-blonde hair, letting it fall free, around her shoulders.

Indy swept her up in his arms, carried her to the bed and threw her down upon it. He dove on top of her, covering her lips again.

Indy squeezed her tits then slid his hands around her back to undo the hooks holding her bra on. He smothered her bare breasts with hot licks and kisses.

"Oh Gott--Ja, Doctor Bones!" Glory cried, holding his head to her bosom.

Spike had to stop from laughing despite the erotic nature of the scene. Doctor Bones! He put himself back into the moment, teasing her fat, pink nipples with his lips, teeth and tongue. They grew longer and harder between his lips.

"You better not be trying to trick me," Indy said as he licked.

"I'm not trying to trick you! I need you--I've wanted you for so long! Please don't stop!"

Indiana decided to trust her...for now. He removed her panties, then threw her legs over his shoulders. He tongued her pussy with long, gentle strokes.

"Ohhhh! Eat me! Yesss! More!"

He flicked her clit with his tongue, looking at her slyly, and reaching up to fondle a breast. Glory's squirming and deep moans continued as he ate her out with abandon.

"I hated it--Seeing you with all those women!" Glory confessed, looking down at him. "It should have been me you were fucking!"

Indiana sucked on her clit hard, making her buck off of the bed and scream.

"AHHH! Ohhhh! Gott!" Glory's juices poured out of her. She pinched her nipples hard.

He licked up and down her pussy, not wanting to waste any lovejuice.

"I want it! I want your big, American cock!" Glory bolted up, getting him onto his back in the blink of an eye.

She growled softly, licking, nipping and biting her way down his body. She took the waistband of his pants and pulled them down fast. His semi-erect cock sprang out, flopping back onto his stomach. Glory grinned and lowered her head. She licked a slow line up his cock while she pushed his pants further down his legs. He kicked them off the rest of the way.

"Oh Doctor...so strong, so beautiful," she whispered, taking his stiffening cock in her hand.

"I think we can be on a first name basis now...You can call me Indy," he smiled.

Glory returned the smile then got serious about the beautiful piece of meat in front of her. She looked at it and licked her lips again. She leaned down and covered the tip with her mouth, flicking her tongue out to
taste him. Indy moaned, thrusting his hands into her hair. He tucked her hair behind her ears.

Glory grinned up into his face, sucking on the knob then sliding down over him.

"Mmmm--Ahh--So good--Mmmphh," Glory groaned.

She held his cock and moved her mouth over it; sucking and slurping on him wildly.

"Ahh--Glory! Yeah--Work my cock, baby!"

Glory hummed and moaned, covering his thick cock with her saliva. She bobbed her head, taking a good amount of his wet staff down her throat.

Indy breathed heavily, arching his neck.

"Mmmm, I love it!" Glory mewled. She sucked at his balls for a few moments.

After a bit more of her oral love, Indy pulled her back up his body. He kissed her ravenously, tasting his pre-cum on her tongue.

"Want me to fuck you?" he asked, in a deep, throaty voice.

"Ohhhh yes!" Glory exclaimed.

He turned them over, Glory panted in a haze of lust. Indy took her knees, parting and raising them up to his sides. He laid his palms on the bed near her shoulders and ground himself against her box, not entering, just teasing her wet slit with his immense hard-on.

"NOW! NEED YOUR COCK! Ohh--Fick mich!--Fick mich! FUCK ME!" Glory clawed at his arms and fucked her hips up at him.

Indy quickly pushed inside of her a few inches.

Glory cried out and trembled, "AHHH! YES!"

Indy slowly moved back and forth, letting her pussy acclimate to him.

"Oh Indy! More--Harder! Ram your giant fuckstick into me!"

Spike burst out laughing, his eyes crinkled up, his shoulders shook.

"Hey!" Warren yelled. "There's no laughing at this point, Blondie!"

"Was it 'giant fuckstick' that got you?" Glory giggled, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's a new one!" Spike laughed.

"Should I be offended that a total hottie is laughing while he's fucking me?" she asked, smiling.

"No--Sorry, luv. I'm just feelin' loopy today." He made an effort to stop laughing and get serious.

"Are you ready to go again?" Warren asked tiredly. He really needed to visit the little boys' room for a powdery pick me up.

"Yeah, let's go. I'm good now. Don't use dirty talk like that or call me 'Doctor Bones', I may crack up again," he warned Glory.

"Got it." She smirked.

They picked up where they left off, Indy sank more of his cock into Glory's blonde-haired snatch.

"Oh Indy! More--Harder! Bury your cock inside of me! Yes!"

His thrusts increased in power, pushing his throbbing organ deeper and deeper into her. Glory bucked up against him, panting and moaning loudly.

"Yes--Fuck me!--Uhhnna!--Fuck me!" She bared her teeth.

Indy rammed into her pussy until she screamed with pleasure. He quickly pulled out and flipped her over onto her stomach. He lifted her hips, lined himself up behind her and crammed his meat back up her pussy.

Glory moaned, her upper body was down against the feather-stuffed mattress while he hammered her from behind. She still hadn't come down from her last orgasm when the next one overtook her.

"AHHH! UNNNAAA! Yes--Indy--YES!"

Indy frigged her clit, drawing out her orgasm and sending new shudders of joy rocketing through her body.

"Ahhh--Glory! Fuck, baby! Uhhh!"

"Fuck my tits!" Glory yelled. "I want to feel your cock fucking my tits! I want your cum to explode on my face!"

Indiana withdrew from her snatch, eager to do as she demanded. Glory flipped onto her back, looking at his cock with clouded eyes. He moved up and straddled her upper body. Glory placed his cock between her tits, then mashed them together around him. Indy moaned and began sliding back and forth in the valley of her tits.

She moaned and salivated on the head of his cock. She licked then pulled it into her mouth, sucking hard when it got close enough. Indy pumped his hips, her pussyjuice allowing his cock ease of movement. He leaned back a bit and covered her mound with his left hand, slipping two fingers in her hole. His thumb rubbed her clit.

"Ahhh!" Glory groaned. "Ohhhh--Going to cum again! Cum Indy! Spray your cum on my face!"

Indy fucked her tits more urgently, moaning and panting. His fingers fucked into her pussy harder and faster.

They cried out at almost the same instant.

"OH INDY! Ahhhmmmaa!" Her mouth hung open.

"Ahhh yeah! Ahhh!" Indy grunted, splattering on Glory's chin.

Glory moaned, tilting her head to catch the next volley in her mouth. Indy thrusted again and again into her breasts, splashing her with his cum. She took one hand from her breast and wrapped it around to top of his prick, bringing it to her mouth and jacking it.

Glory's mouth filled with his cream, she made a 'yummy sound', swallowing and coming back for more until he ran out of jiz.

"Good girl," Indy moaned, smiling at her.

He climbed off of her and dropped down on his back on the bed.

"Look at this beautiful mess you've made, Doctor," Glory tittered, wiping thick spunk from her face and sucking it off of her fingers.

He chuckled, "That's what you wanted, right?"

"Oh yes," she draped herself over his body. "That was exactly what I wanted. Let me show you how delicious you are..." Glory scooped up a wad of cum with her tongue and kissed him.

Their tongues mingled, exchanging fluids.

Xander opened the door to the bedroom. He stood there, shocked for a moment.

Then he smiled. "I was going to ask if you were ready to go...but I guess you need a little more time?"

Indy and Glory turned their heads towards him and laughed.

"Yeah, just a little more time. The trip home is going to be a lot more fun than I thought," Indy said, wrapping his arms around Glory's nubile body.

"And CUT! Besides the attack of the giggles, that was good," Warren said.

He wasted no time leaving for the rest room. Jonathan and Andrew followed him at a distance. They knew not to try speaking to him until he got a few snorts in him.

Buffy went onto the set and gave Spike his robe.

"Thanks, pet," Spike grinned.

Buffy bent down and kissed him. "That was great--very hot. You showed a lot of enthusiasm, Glory. Better not be getting any ideas about stealing my man," Buffy half-joked.

She couldn't help feeling a teensy-weensy twinge of jealousy when she saw him fucking another girl. But she could deal with it as long as he went home with her every night.

Glory laughed, pulling on her robe, "He is fab, but I'm no dummy. I know who he belongs to. Can I borrow him sometime?"

"Mine," Buffy smiled and hugged Spike around the neck.

"You meanie! Catch ya later," Glory said with a giggle, taking off for her dressing room.

"I wish you could’ve played the Nazi, no offense to Glory," Spike said, hugging Buffy.

"Me too, but I can’t do the accent," Buffy laughed. "Let's get you to the shower and make you squeaky clean."

Buffy liked helping him shower after his movies. Partly to enjoy a wet, naked Spike. And partly to wash the traces of the other women off of him--It was kind of a ritual to reclaim him as hers.

Spike smirked, "Cool, let's go."

They walked to his dressing room.

"Maybe you could talk to me in that American accent...You sound so sexy," she giggled. "Any other accents you can do?"

"I do a decent French accent."

"Oooh! Do that one for me!" Buffy bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Hmm, okay." He began talking with a French accent, "Buffy, my little cabbage, your eyes are pools of liquid moonlight. You lips are rose buds, soft and--"

Buffy grabbed him and kissed him voraciously. Spike was surprised, but kissed her back after only a moment.

"Mmm, I think I have a thing for accents," Buffy moaned. "God damn--You get me so hot!"

"The feeling is very mutual," Spike smiled softly. "I believe we have an appointment for a shower, mademoiselle?"

Buffy put her arm through his. They grinned at each other, walking faster to his dressing room.


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