[Reviews - 89] LikedPrinter

Buffy is a college girl who doesn’t like hanging with the in-crowd, and wishes someone would see the real her. Someone does.

Nominated in Round 16 at Spuffy Awards for
* Best Buffy Characterization
* Best Fantasy 'We Missed the Bed, Again'
* Outstanding Fantasy Fic

Thank you so much, whoever did this. You made my week!
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 6132 Read: 10003
Published: 11/24/2008 Updated: 11/29/2008

1. 1 by Sotia [Reviews - 24] Liked (2014 words)
This is pure fluff… or not so pure, since there is a healthy dose of smut to come.

The story consists of three chapters and was written for Henrietta_Holden, as a late birthday present/treat for studying like a good girl.

Hope you like!

Thank you so very much Im_bloody_English and Tanit for the brilliant betaing. Sorry I was so stubborn with a few of your corrections/suggestions, and I love you! Thank you Blackoberst for the test read and the urging for more. I love you, baby!

2. 2 by Sotia [Reviews - 25] Liked (2513 words)
Thank you Im_bloody_English and Tanit for the betaing, and I apologize – as usual – for some stubbornness you’ll notice there :-) I love you, ladies. Thank you Blackoberst for being here in any and every way possible at this point. I love you, baby.

Something happened yesterday, so the writing of “It doesn’t end with a wish” (sequel to “If Wishes Were Spikes…”) is pushed back a bit. I apologize, but promise to get back to it as soon as possible. I also want to apologize for not having replied to your wonderful reviews. I hope by now you know how much they mean to me and that you don't take offense. I will respond to all of them as soon as things settle down! Meantime, this little ficlet is all done, so the third - and final - part will be posted this weekend. I hope you like it! (And Henri, le smut is on the way, I swear!)

3. 3 by Sotia [Reviews - 40] Liked (1605 words)
Here it is, the final chapter to this fluffy story. If the muse feels up to it after I finish – a long time from now – “It Doesn’t End with a Wish”, there may be a sequel, but no promises. I hope you like it!

A huge THANK YOU to Im_bloody_English for the betaing, they rock. Love you lots, ladies, and sorry I’m not around much lately. Thank you so much to Blackoberst for his encouragement and love. I love you baby. Last, but not least, thank all of you for reading and reviewing. I more than appreciate it, you’re made of awesome! *hugs*