Disclaimer: I own nothing.

To Hell and Back.

Chapter 1

“I don’t see why he has to come with me.” Buffy felt like stomping her foot in frustration.

“Okay, which one of your human friends would you like to take into Hell with you?” Giles retorted sarcastically.

“I’ll go with you.” Riley asserted to his girlfriend.

Spike rolled his eyes dramatically while Giles refrained from the urge to do the same.

“No. Giles is right; I don’t want to take anyone with me.” Buffy sighed; there was no way out of it. She and Spike were going on a road trip, to Hell. How fitting thought Buffy.

“Giles are you sure that we can even get the necklace thingy, because if your sending me to Hell with him for no reason I will hurt you.” Buffy whined again, she couldn’t believe she had to do this. Things were just starting to return to normal.

She had been dating Riley for a few weeks, he wasn’t as normal Joe as she thought he was but it was okay. It was nice. And now apocalypse pending, she was on another hunt the thingy to avert it. With Spike of all people.

“What can Spike do that I can’t?” Riley asked suddenly.

Spike let out a huge snort and drawled.

“You want the long or the short list?”

“Riley. Honey, of course you can do everything he can, but I need more of a vampire kind of backup with these demons. I don’t want you to have to go to hell.” Buffy tried to placate him, for some reason Riley got really insecure when it came to vampires.

Spike fixed him with a trademark smirk. He was going to protest that he hadn’t been asked if he would go, but tormenting farm boy was just so much more fun.

Giles took the moment to interrupt.

“Buffy we have been over this. According to my research, the last vampire to own the talisman was killed while he was wearing it. Therefore he should still have it. I have checked with a few sources and it is possible to retrieve the talisman from Hell. All you have to do is find him and take it.” Giles covered it all again.

“Now the spell is set up, we will open a portal for you to pass through as close to the demon as possible and as we agreed, we will give you six hours to retrieve it before opening the portal again and bringing you back.” Giles gestured for Spike and Buffy to take their places in the middle of the elaborate inscription that had been drawn on the floor.

Buffy walked to Riley and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Spike made gagging noises from behind the couple and stalked over to the inscription, bumping them as he passed. The sight of the slayer merely touching farm boy almost sent him into a rage. Disgusted with himself Spike mentally slapped himself to shake himself out of it. Sure he wanted to shag the feisty little slayer but since when did he care who she kissed?

Buffy ignored the vampire and pulled away from the kiss.

“I’ll be back before you know it and we have our date to look forward to.” She smiled at her boyfriend and noticed the tightness of his smile. She sighed mentally; she hadn’t expected Riley to be quite so much emotional hard work.

“Look, this is my job, I thought you accepted that.” Buffy whispered sharply.

“No, it’s fine. I just wish I could go with you, I don’t trust him.” Riley nodded in the direction of Spike.

“Oh please, what’s he going to do? Apart from annoy me to death.” Buffy dismissed his worries.

She gave him another quick peck before bounding over to the inscription where Spike stood waiting.

“Trouble in paradise?” Spike questioned, smirk in place.

“Nope. Giles. Let’s get this show on the road.” Buffy rolled her eye’s. six hours with Spike? Well Giles hadn’t said that she had to bring him back had he? Buffy smiled cheerfully at the thought of leaving Spike in Hell.

Giles began to chant and the air began to distort.

“See you in six hours.” Buffy called before the distortion took over.

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