Everything inside Buffy seems to freeze and lock in place as it slowly computes that she’s just heard someone other then Spike shout out her name.

"Bloody hell, Slayer," her lover grunts then thrusts convulsively inside her as her lock down causes her inner walls to clench around his cock. "Now is not the time to be demonstrating the benefits of those muscles," he groans and regains control of his body then whips his head around to look toward the foot of the bed. "Oh bollocks," he groans again at what he sees and turns his attention back toward her.

"No, no, no, no, no," Buffy whispers in response to his actions. "There’s no one there," she closes her eyes and tries to convince herself she is not a second away from a total freak out. "No bollocks or bloody hell. Tell me," her fingers grip his shoulders urgently, "there’s no one there."

"There’s no one there," he says on cue then sighs and clutching the sheet around his waist rolls off her unsatisfied body. "No one but the damned bloody whelp," he groans and covers her with the blanket even though there was no risk of Xander seeing her naked given her invisible status. "What are doing here?" he snarls at the unwanted guest as Buffy opens her eyes a bit to get her first glance at the stunned young man and cringes before sinking completely under the covers.

"What am I?" having seen his fish out of water impersonation many times when the brunette gets flustered she’s easily able to envision it now. "What … am I … doing here?!"

"Yeah, Harris, that was the bloody question now stop staring at my girl and answer it," with a squeak at Spike’s words Buffy remembers how clearly the sheet outlines her nude body and she quickly pulls the pillows from beneath her head to pile them on her body and more effectively hide herself from sight.

"Your … girl?" she imagines Xander’s eyes to be just about popping from there sockets as he slowly repeats those two words.

"Not really his girl," she says while peeking her head out from under the sheet. "More like …," she flounders for a word, looks for assistance from Spike, gets his ‘you’re on your own if you’re looking for a good way to lie about us’ look in response and groans before moving back under the blanket. "What are you doing here Xander?"

"What am I – What the hell … Buffy, I just walked in to hear you screaming for … him to fuck you and you ask what I’m doing here?! What are you doing here? And with … Spike," there’s a world of insult in the way he says the vampire’s name and the insulted vamp growls warningly.

"If you can’t suss out on your own what we were doing before you made your bloody unwelcome entrance then I’m surprised Anya’s marrying you, you nit," the blonde beside her snarls and she groans in anticipation of Xander’s reaction.

Yep, she lowers the sheet again and glances at the brunette, there’s the massive coronary impersonation.

"Did you have to say that?" she turns her head to ask Spike.

"What?" he senses her gaze on him and turns toward her with a grin. "A two year old could figure out what we’ve been doing here. No point in trying to spare any blushes now. Not like I can lie and say you’re not here or make some lame excuse like I was exercisin’. It’s bloody obvious we were f - "

"Do not," she orders with her hand laid firmly over his lips, "finish that thought. Xander," she removes her hand and turns toward the brunette with a sigh, "breathe in. Now breathe out," she orders after he obeys the command. "Now," she says firmly as he exhales, "tell me what you are doing here."

"You expect me to remember that?" he scoffs as his eyes scan the area between the blankets covering her and the headboard in an attempt to try looking her in the eye. "You just had to tell me how to breathe and I’m supposed to remember what horrible twist of fate brought me here to see … this," he gestures wildly at them on the bed.

"Right then. You showed yourself in, show yourself out," Spike snaps and points to the exit. "We’re busy."

"Don’t you," she smacks at his hands as he turns to her with the apparent intention of resuming their activities, "dare. Spike," she shrieks as his hand somehow finds it’s way between her legs.

With no other option, she picks up a pillow from the pile atop her body and smacks the blonde vampire repeatedly around the head and shoulders while scooting herself away from him.

"Bloody hell," he groans and gives up the chase just as she runs out of mattress to scoot across and falls to the floor with a thud. "Serves you right, you silly bint," she hears in response to her exclamation of ‘oof’ upon impact.

"I am not," she forgets all about them not being alone and rears up on her knees next to the bed to hit at him with the pillow she still holds, "a bint."

"That’s a bloody feather pillow you’re playing with, Slayer, and you’ll clean up every bleeding one of those buggers if the thing breaks open," he warns before grabbing the cushion and trying to wrestle it from her.

"Buffy’s invisibility," Xander exclaims with a snap of his fingers to remind them of his presence. "That’s why I’m here," Buffy and Spike both turn to stare at him as he looks all ‘Eureka I’ve got it’ at his statement. "Oh dear God," his brown eyes go comically wide as they focus on Spike then he blinks a few times, gulps then outright stares at the vampire, "cover that up!"

"Oh avert your bloody eyes, you wanker," the blonde growls as he realizes he’s no longer covered by the sheet and still quite obviously aroused before snatching up the sheet to wrap it around his waist.

Remembering her reaction the first time she actually saw Spike’s very impressive erection Buffy wasn’t all that surprised at how Xander had gaped, but as her friend continues to stare even after it’s covered up she frowns a bit.

"Stop that," she orders while hurling the pillow she holds at the brunette’s head to knock his focus from her lover’s body.

"Hey," he glares in her general vicinity as the cushion falls to the floor after impact.

"Entertaining as seeing the git abused is, let’s get back on track and wrap this up kiddies," Spike says while moving to slide from the bed. "What exactly is it about Buffy’s li’l trick that you had to come to me about?"

"Watch it," she snaps and smacks his leg as he nearly steps on her foot on his way past.

"Bloody," her action and presence surprises him and he whips around, gets tangled in the sheet and falls flat on his ass a few inches from her, "hell. I didn’t," he growls indignantly at her as he can now make out the shape of her body under the trailing blanket, "see you there, now did I?"

"I am so in Bizarro World right now, aren’t I?" Buffy looks from the glowering vampire to Xander who seems to be talking to the ceiling. "None of this is real, it’s just … Bizarro World," he looks toward them with a weak smile. "Right? Or maybe its just some weird mojo making our nightmares comes true. Again."

"More like a damned good dream till you barged in," Spike grouses before grabbing a discarded pair of jeans on the floor nearby and rising to hop into them. "Now," he groans as his softening dick is chafed by the denim once he pulls the pants all the way up and fastens a few buttons to cover the essentials, "I repeat," he growls and stalks toward Xander, "what the bloody hell have you come to see me about?"

"Buffy," the brunette turns to face her as she rises with the sheet wrapped loosely around her body, "Anya and I kinda found something out and it’s something bad. Something even worse than this," he looks from her to Spike then back to the floating sheet that was her. "Whatever made you all invisible may be killing you."

"What?" she says quietly while the vampire snarls the question.

"Willow found a pylon where you got hit by whatever this is and it was effected by the same whatever," the man begins explaining quickly as Spike growls menacingly at him and Buffy flops down on the edge of the bed in a bit of shock. "I took it back to the Magic Box and An and I were doing the research thing when suddenly she touches the pylon and finds it’s gone all icky. Like tapioca pudding to the touch. Whatever made it and you invisible caused that traffic cone to like … dissolve and it’s gotta be doing the same thing to you. If we," he sighs and looks at the floor then toward where her sheet covered form is sitting on the bed, "don’t find a way to reverse whatever this is Anya and I believe that you’re gonna just dissolve. This invisibility is going to kill you."

"Oh," she says after a moment of staring at her friend with dazed eyes then looking to Spike for confirmation of what she’s thinking she heard Xander just say. "Wow," she blinks and looks down at the sheet across her chest after seeing the telling expression on her lover’s face. "So I’m dying … again?"


"Do you have any idea how pointless this is?" Harris complains as he feels his way across the stone floor of the crypt’s upper level. "Why are we wasting time looking for invisible clothes when we should be trying to find the way to make Buffy visible?"

"Because, you nit," Spike growls and finds what feels like the jeans she’d thrown at him a few hours ago, "she’ll need to not be naked when we fix whatever the bloody hell happened."

"More like if we fix it considering all the time we’re – Ha! I’ve got a shoe," the whelp holds his right arm up triumphantly, apparently displaying the unseen object.

"Find the mate to that and we’ll be done with this," the vampire says as his fingers locate her shirt and he rises. "I’ll give her this much to put on."

"Aye aye, Captain Peroxide," the man salutes him with the unseen shoe and Spike barely resist the urge to lunge at the wanker.

"I get this bleeding chip out and I’ll show you bloody Captain Peroxide," he mutters while trudging to the hole in the floor to get back downstairs with Buffy.

"God that was your lamest threat ever and I’ve heard that crap you go on about when you’re drunk," the brunette behind him scoffs to indicate his mutter had been overheard.

"Wasn’t talkin’ to you, now was I?" he turns to snap at the whelp. "And I’ve better things to do right now than think up good threats to waste on you," he snarls before jumping through the hole and effectively ending all conversation.

"Lamest comeback ever," he hears the bugger call out from up above to get the last word.

"Why is it five seconds with Xander always turns you into a sulky, bickering two year old?" his invisible Slayer asks from the bed with a slight smile in her tone.

"Does not," he replies while approaching her as she’s still sitting on the edge of the mattress with the sheet wrapped around herself.

"Right and you totally just proved my point."

"Did not," he says just because he knows it’ll make her smile for real even if he can’t see it.

"So speaks Mr. Maturity," she gives a slight laugh and turns toward him as he sits down next to her. "Got my clothes?"

"Shirt and pants here," he hands her the invisible garments. "Harris is looking for you other shoe and then we’ll get going."

"What about my coat?" she rises and the sheet falls to the floor as she apparently begins putting on the clothes. "It’s cold outside."

"You can wear mine and we’ll look for yours after this mess gets sorted out," he offers.

"Really?" he jumps a bit in surprise when he suddenly feels her body moving to sit on his lap. "You’re gonna let me wear the infamous duster?"

"Just this once," he says firmly as her mouth presses against his chest as it’s exposed by the unbuttoned top three buttons of the shirt he put on.

"Spike," her unseen arms slip under his and wind around his back as he feels her mood growing serious, "what if this mess doesn’t get sorted out in time?"

"No worries of that, luv," he tips her head back from where it’s pressed against his chest and finds her lips with his own for a brief, reassuring kiss. "The Scoobies are on this full force and none of us are gonna let anything happen to you," he slides his arms around her in a move meant to comfort.

"I don’t wanna die again," she whispers quietly while burying her face in the crook of his neck. "Being here … being back … it’s hard and I really don’t like a lot of it, but," his arms tighten around her and he makes a few soothing noises as he feels a drop of moisture touch his skin and realizes she’s crying, "I really don’t wanna die again."

"And you won’t," he promises with every intention of keeping it. "Not today," he raises a hand from her back to find the trail of the tear that had fallen on him and wipe it dry. "I won’t let you down again, Buffy."

"You didn’t," he feels her fingers touch his jaw lightly before her hand cups his cheek and he can sense that she’s looking straight into his blue eyes. "You didn’t let me down before, Spike. You did exactly what I asked you to and even more than that. You did everything you could to protect Dawn from what Glory planned and you stayed here to take care of her even when I was dead. I never would have expected you to do that much. What happened …," her fingers stroke along his cheekbone and he lifts his hand to still hers and pull it to his lips, "what happened then is what had to happen. For the first time in my life everything fell into place. Death was my gift. My dying had to happen for life here to continue for everyone and everything I love. I knew that when I jumped and I still know it. I was destined to die that night and nothing you could have done would have changed that destiny."

"I coulda - " he gulps down the emotional knot in his throat as her fingers press against his lips to stop the words he’d been planning to say.

"No," her tone is firm as her mouth briefly replaces her fingertips against his. "You couldn’t have," her hand slides into his hair as her lips touch back to his and linger.

"Um," a throat being cleared breaks the kiss up before it really begins and with a growl Spike lifts his head to see Harris standing uncomfortably a few feet away. "Found her other shoe," the whelp lifts both his hands with an actually almost apologetic shrug at the interruption.

"Right," the vampire sighs and sets Buffy off his lap with a wave for the man to bring the shoes over.

"D’ya think you could go back up and glance around real quick for my coat?" she asks as Xander appears to give her the footwear and the bed shifts to indicate that she’s putting them on.

"Yeah, sure. I’m on it," the brunette agrees easily and races off to get back to the upper level.

"Thought we’d agreed you’d wear this," Spike rises to pick up his leather duster at the man’s departure.

"We did," she says after a moment and then the coat’s removed from his hands. "I kinda wanted to say something else real quick without him interrupting," he watches as her invisible form suddenly fills the duster out as she puts it on.

"What’s that?" he asks curiously as she fidgets in the leather until it fits just right.

"This," her leather clad arms reach out to slide around his waist. "Whatever this is that we have, it’s what makes me feel alive. You," a hand moves up to stroke the back of his head, "are a big part of why I don’t wanna die. You’re part of why I want to live again."

His eyes squeeze shut as his undead heart seems to clench and roll over in his chest at her words before he forces himself to not act like a complete nancy boy and opens his eyes again. Grabbing onto the lapels of his duster he yanks her forward and finds her unseen lips hungrily. Both her hands grip the back of his neck as their mouths kiss almost desperately.

"Let’s go get you better, then," he says huskily when they break apart for her to draw air into her lungs.

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