Chapter 5 - Hit or Miss

A/N: I'm on a roll here! Anyways, I know that Buffy being fourteen and Spike being sixteen and them being all lovey dovey freaks some people out. I know that the thought of a sixteen year old girl (Dru) having sex isn't the most thrilling thing but unfortunatley it's real life. So, if you don't like young people making with the copulating, this won't float your boat. But for me, I picture them as they are in the show, even though they're young. Enjoy the chapter!

Weeks had passed. Soon, it was the end of September with Homecoming only a week away. Halls were covered in posters of girls competing for the title of Homecoming Queen and football practices filled the afternoons. Shopping for a fun dress and clunky high healed shoes with matching ribbons for their hair.
Homecoming was a week away. And he still hadn’t asked her. With homework and actual work, he had barely any time to spend time with her except for those few nights where they would sit out on her back porch and talk for hours on end watching the stars until Joyce called her in. He still hadn’t asked. And with Angel getting pretty friendly with her this past month, he knew it would only be a matter of time till she dumped his sorry pathetic ass and went with Angel.
But what he didn’t expect was what had just happened. She was standing in front of him. A small shy smile plastered on her face, her eyes looking every where but at his own. “Well. Are you going to say anything or just stand there and stare at me?” He blinked. Once. Twice. Deep breath. In. Out. In. Out. “Spike?” Lips curling upwards in a happy smile.
“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” he asked, taking a step towards her and pulling her flush against him.
“I take that as a yes?” He smiled, nodding and kissing her lips lightly before letting his tongue slip between her lips and into her warm mouth. When he pulled away, he smiled at how she did the same thing. She blinked. Once. Twice. Deep breath. In. Out. In. Out. “Oh yea. That’s a yes.” He chuckled, kissing her lightly again before pushing her to her next class as the bell rung.
“Better get to class love. Don’t want to get in trouble,” he smiled, hitting her butt playfully as she walked away.

Lunch came round. The cafeteria was full of hunger-starved teenagers, each pushing in line to get at the food which was being dealt out in front of them. Buffy grabbed the first ok looking tray in sight, grabbing an apple and milk before rushing to the check out counter to pay for her lunch before squeezing her way through the crowd towards her table. That is she tried to. A certain raven haired woman was standing in front of her, scowling. She was backed up by a tall blonde who was trying the whole catholic school girl look while the raven haired goddess was going for the gothic look. “Excuse me,” Buffy said, trying to move around them only to be blocked.
“Oh no you don’t!” the blonde said, taking a step in front of her.
“You’ve been a bad girl. Mummy must punish you,” the raven haired girl stated, shaking her finger at her before trailing her nail up Buffy’s cheek. “I should cut you into little pieces for what you’ve done. You’ve taken my dark prince.”
“What?” Buffy asked, looking at her confused.
“Dru sweetie, let me handle this ok?” the blonde said, putting the raven haired girl behind her. “Listen kid. I don’t want to hurt you-“
“Oh yes! Please do hurt her grand mummy! Hurt her please. Make her suffer for taking my sweet William!” Buffy’s eyebrows shot up.
“You’re Drusilla?” she asked pointing at Dru who shot her a nasty glare.
“It’s not nice to point! I should bite off that finger of yours.” Buffy rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
“Listen. I don’t want any trouble. I haven’t done anything to you in anyway. I didn’t even know you existed until three weeks ago. And you and Spike haven’t been a thing for over a month now. I don’t know what you want but please leave me alone.” With that Buffy moved to push past the two girls but she was pushed back. It would’ve been bad if the tray she had been holding spilt all over herself. No. It was worse. When Drusilla pushed her back, Buffy’s tray was jostled only to have her mash potatoes and gravy smeared all over the blonde’s shirt.
“You little bitch!” she screeched, grabbing for napkins to brush the mush off. “Look what you’ve done.” Buffy only giggled lightly, shrugging as she went to go take her seat at the table where Xander, Angel, Cordelia, and Willow were watching. Only she was pulled back by a hand. The blonde’s hand. “You don’t spill shit all over Darla Rink and get away with it!” Buffy froze, turning and picking her hand off her shoulder.
“Don’t touch me.” Darla laughed, loudly. It was then that Buffy noticed the crowd of teenagers that had gathered around.
“What are you gonna do about it Betty?”
“The name’s Buffy. Say it with me. Bu-ffy.” Darla rolled her eyes.
“Whatever,” she snarled, throwing a punch at Buffy’s face only Buffy stopped it with her hand, twisting Darla’s wrist.
“I said. Don’t touch me.” She dropped her wrist. “Thanks to you, I don’t have a lunch.” She shook her head, pushing her way through the crowd. She was almost in the safety of her friends when Drusilla grabbed her pony tail and jerked her back. She yelled in pain, turning around to defend her self only to feel nails scratching at her cheek.
“I’m going to cut off all of your hair and give it to Miss Edith. I’m going to make sure you never shine again!”
“Drusilla!” Dru turned, dropping her ‘claws’ as she turned to see who it was.

“Drusilla!” he cried, pushing through the crowd of dumb struck teens to reach his beloved Buffy. Dru turned around and smiled.
“William! My dark prince has returned to me!” she cried with glee, jumping on him. He cringed, looking at Buffy with despair.
“Darla, get her off me please,” he chocked out trying to pry the girl off him with no luck. Darla reluctantly pried Drusilla off him, patting her raven hair in a comforting notion.
“Come lovey. Will get him back soon enough,” Darla said caringly, glaring at Buffy as she ushered Drusilla out of the cafeteria and away from everyone.
Spike sighed, looking at Buffy with despair, running his fingers lightly over the scratch that Drusilla had left on her perfect cheek. “I’m so sorry love. I didn’t know she was going to do this.” Buffy shook her head smiling as she took his hand in her own.
“It’s ok. Come on, let’s go sit. At least I still have my apple.” Spike only could chuckle as he sat down next to her before putting his arm around her waist, holding her to him in a possessive manner.
“Wow Buff! You did Darla in! You’re the only person I know with the balls to stand up to her!” Xander exclaimed excitedly, doing a little dance in his seat. “When she grabbed you and said ‘you don’t spill shit all over Darla Rink and get away with it’,” he said imitating her voice before returning to his own. “I was sure you were done for. Especially when you said don’t touch me. And then when she threw that punch at you and you just grabbed her hand and twisted! That was awesome!”
“I know Xand, I was there,” Buffy said smiling as she took a bite out of her apple.
“But you’re like my hero now!” Buffy laughed, smiling happily as she looked at Spike, intertwining her fingers with his.
“My beautiful strong Buffy,” Spike whispered in her ear, kissing her temple lightly as he looked at her.
“Aww! They’re so cute! Aren’t they cute together Cordy?” Willow stated, smiling at the two.
“Yea. Sure. Cute. Whatever. Xander! When are you going to ask me to Homecoming?” Cordelia cried outraged. Xander looked at her in shock, his eyes widening.
“Umm. Now?”


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