[Reviews - 147] LikedPrinter
Summary: Buffy, a fan-fiction author, enlists her roommate William to edit her work. His secret feelings for her grow when he begins to read her steamy romance scenes, causing him to question if he should act on his impulses or if he should ignore the temptation. *Best Lighthearted Runner-Up at the Blood Ties Awards, Chosen Award Runner-Up and Something Blue Award Runner-Up at the Breathless Awards, Judge's Choice at the Love's Last Glimpse Awards, Best Fluff Runner-Up and Best Comedy Winner at Love's Bitch Awards, Cotton Candy Runner-up at Spike Threw the Heart Awards, and Best Comedy/Fluff Winner at the Burst Into Flame Awards! Nominated at Shadows and Dust Fanfiction Awards!*
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes
Word count: 6668 Read: 8505
Published: 01/30/2006 Updated: 02/03/2006

1. Making It Hard by Allison [Reviews - 40] Liked (1180 words)
This story is dedicated to Ashlee, my closest friend in the fandom who I’ve been beta’ing for since August 2004. It’s her birthday on Saturday, so my goal is to post the story in its entirety by then, which also means that this will be fairly short but hopefully enjoyable for all of you who read it.

2. A Hands-On Approach by Allison [Reviews - 29] Liked (1120 words)
A huge thank you to everyone who left feedback for chapter 1- I’m happy that people like the story so far. I’d like to wish Bozakka (another author I help beta for) a happy birthday today, too! I hope you all continue to enjoy the growing sexual tension between Buffy and Spike ;)

3. Flesh-Covered Spike by Allison [Reviews - 37] Liked (1920 words)
The feedback for this fic has been absolutely mind-blowing! Thank you to everyone who’s been so supportive and interested in the story, and I hope you continue to enjoy it!

4. A Long Time Coming by Allison [Reviews - 41] Liked (2448 words)