Buffy woke up. Light filtered in through the drapes on the front window of the motel room.

She yawned and stretched. Her hand quested on the other side of the bed for Spike's warm body -- but he wasn't there.

She opened her eyes and sat up in bed. His uniform was gone. He was gone. Buffy sighed sadly.

On his pillow were a red rose and a note. She picked up the rose and sniffed its fragrance while she took the note and read it.

It said:


I tried waking you before I left. You must have been completely knackered.

Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye in person. Saying 'thank you' again for last night seems crass, not nearly strong enough a sentiment to express what it meant to me. But for lack of anything better or more original to say... Thank you.

Last night was amazing. I can't remember a time when I felt more alive, passionate or burned for someone like I did with you.

I hope that you took something special away from our time together too. I know that I'll always look back on it fondly and hold the memories of it close to my heart. Even if we never meet again, I'll cherish our night together.

Maybe it is better this way, no awkward 'morning after' goodbyes.

It'll be difficult to go back to real life after the fantasy fulfillment of being with you. But we both have to get back to business as usual. We both have people in our lives to answer to. Like I said, we didn't do very well by them last night.

But I'm not calling 'us' a mistake or an accident. I knew exactly what I was doing. You have no idea how much I wanted, or needed, you. (Then again, maybe you did get an inkling) I've never felt that out of control, where I thought, "Bollocks to everything else! I just need this woman!"

Have I said too much? Went on too long? Probably. I tend to do that. I didn't want you to think I just left without a second thought, that I'd leave without wanting to say goodbye.

One more thing. Although it will be best if we slip back into our normal lives, I know that part of me will be on the lookout for a red Corvette with a pretty little blonde at the wheel in the future.

You're a hell of a woman, Buffy. The bloke who calls you his had better start treating you right, like you should be treated. As precious. I hope that everything works out for the best for you.


P.S. NO MORE SPEEDING! Seriously, it's dangerous, pet. I'd hate for something to happen to you.

Buffy smiled and inhaled the rose's scent deeply. 'Where did he get the rose?' she wondered.

She wished that she could have woken up in his arms. But he was right. Last night was a fantasy -- a wonderful, glorious fantasy -- for her too.

Spike had been amazing, fantastic even, in bed. He'd done so many mind-blowingly good things to her and indulged her most secret, naughty fantasies. But he was still just a guy, not perfect. There were probably lots of little quirks that he possessed that would get on her nerves...after a while.

Last night was about stepping outside the boundaries of normality and taking what she really wanted, but shouldn't want. Buffy had cast aside her usual skittishness and un-aggressive nature to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. And she didn’t regret doing it -- though her nether regions were sore as hell. A nice long, hot soak in a tub would help with that.

Buffy couldn’t help wondering about the woman in Spike’s life. What was she like? What kind of person was she? Was she pretty? Of course she had to be pretty...men that looked like Spike could have their pick of women, they tended not to date dogs.

When they’d mentioned the other people in their lives, his eyes had held such sadness. Why did he stay with the woman if things were bad?

Buffy chuckled sadly. The same question could be asked of her about Angel. The fire, the spark, in their relationship had dimmed and sputtered months ago, yet she was still officially with him. Whether it was not wanting to admit defeat, or just being accustomed to being with Angel, she didn’t know.

She sighed tiredly. Time to get back on the road to Sunnydale. Time to put last night and Spike behind her. Mmmm...Spike...behind her... That had been a LOT of fun! She glanced at the mirror and giggled.

Buffy shook her head as she made her way to the bathroom for a much needed shower. Putting all of it behind her and moving on was going to be tougher than she thought...


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