Chapter Three

He was staring at her. The silence and the frozen expression of shock coupled with the fact that he didn't seem to even notice the blob of ice cream starting to creep close to a certain part of his pants that would have people laughing and pointing with the possibilities of what could have happened, had Buffy tensing, waiting for the blow out. With Spike there was always a blow out.

He jumped up and she cringed. He was wiping at his pants and cursing. Tossing the cone into the barrel with force, he glowered over Buffy. "What the hell are you thinking?!" he shouted.

She didn't answer. Best to let him blow and then answer all questions. He'd probably ask that question a million more times before he was done and it was best to wait or she'd be repeating herself. She watched as he started to pace.

"Gotten pregnant and you don't know who the father is. . . How can you
not know who the father is Buffy? Bloody fucking hell, what were you
thinking? When the bleeding hell did this happen? Where did you meet the
tosser? Huh? He gave you a fake last name? Buffy, how on Gods green
Earth did you neglect to use protection? You write for a fucking woman's
magazine for Christ's Sake, you endorse safe sex. Have you been tested? Do
you know for sure? You need a doctor's appointment. God, what if he had a
disease? You were DRUNK? Buffy, what the hell happened? What were
you thinking?" He stopped and faced her. She counted three times he
asked the ‘what the hell were you thinking question?' question.

She waited for a beat. "Is there more? Or are you done?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't start being a wise ass Buffy. Not now."

"Like you're one to cast stones. How many one night stands have you had
for crying out loud? How do you know that none of the girls you had one
night stands with never got pregnant?" She poked him in the chest, "Huh?
How do you know?"

She felt victorious when he started to pale at the thought. She figured she'd continue; deflect it away from her as much as possible. "You're out the door
quicker than the condom comes off –"she crossed her arms over her chest.
"And just how do I know that you've used a condom every time? There had to have been a couple slip ups. And come on Spike, I think you invented drunk sex. I've never seen a bigger horn dog when they're drunk. You come on to me all the time when you're drunk! Thankfully I know it's just the liquor talking. I'm telling you the girls must be dumb to fall for all the drunken ‘I love you's' you hand out. Just because you've been lucky – as far as we know – is no reason for you to start casting stones at me. It's a double standard and it's not fair. I'm appalled frankly. I thought you artists were supposed to be sensitive." She poked him again for good measure hoping her little shpeel worked. The quirked eyebrow and knowing look told her otherwise.

"Nice try Summers. Don't think you're going to turn this one around on

She sagged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. Dammit.

He sat down and rubbed his face in his hands in frustration. Buffy watched
him, this wasn't good. She didn't like that look on his face.

"Don't do it," she warned him, knitting her brows together.

"Do what?" he asked looking up at her.

"Don't look at me with that look of disappointment. I can't bear it Spike."


"Please just don't. I've already beaten myself up about it enough for the
both of us. And you can take comfort in the fact that my child will probably
beat me up over it one day too."

That snapped Spike out of his musings and he stood abruptly, grabbing her
into a hug. "Pet, how could I take comfort in that? I'm not disappointed in

"Don't lie."

"I'm not. I'm in shock, I'm stunned. I'm in a state of disbelief and I'm
worried about you." Pulling back just a touch so he could look at her, he
brushed some hair away from her face. "What if he gave you more than a

"God Spike! Don't say that!" she pushed at him. "Way to make me feel

"I'm trying to be realistic Buffy. In this day and age you can't be too

She pushed at him, giving him an incredulous look. "I'm taking heat from
the guy who's slept with half of Boston? You're giving ME advice on getting
tested for STD's? You who think monogamy is not seeing more than one
girl a NIGHT is giving me the lecture on safe sex? You know what?" she got
in his face and pointed her finger at in it. "If I still had my ice cream cone,
I'd smoosh it all over your face!" With that, she spun around and marched
away, fuming.

Spike grabbed her arm a minute later and spun her around. "Buffy, I'm

"You should be! I already feel lower than low about it all and I'm scared
and—" she broke off, the tears starting to come. "And, and I don't know
anything about babies, not really anyway and . . . and I have to tell my parents!" She burst into tears and Spike brought her in the safety of his
arms and stroked her back, whispering words of comfort to her. She
couldn't make out what he was saying to her, but his voice was gentle and it
soothed her just the same.

After a while, he handed her a napkin he had in his hand and put it over
her nose to which she promptly blew into it. Folding it over, he wiped at her
tears. "What's gotten you more scared pet? Being pregnant or having to tell
your parents?" his grin told her he was teasing.

"It's a sliding scale," she told him honestly and he chuckled.

"We'll get through this together Buffy, I promise. I'll be here every step of
the way, okay?"

She nodded and sniffled. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"I'm sorry I made you feel worse," he told her and ran a hand through her
hair gently.

"You're getting nine months of hormonal Buffy," she warned him.

"Pet, I've had four years of hormonal Buffy. Now you'll just have an

She hit him playfully on the chest. "Keep it up!"

Laughing, he turned her so that his arm came across her shoulders and he
pulled her close as they made their way out of the park. "Come on kitten.
Let's go back to your place and you can tell me all about it."

Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for the reviews!! I'm so glad you find it funny and their banter right on. Th'ats what I was going for, so I'm glad to hear I'm succeeding :)

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