Reviews For A Loss Of Pride
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Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2008 - 06:38 am Title: Viewing Day

teehee, george sounds funny. Glad they've got a lead on where to find Spike. Great stuff Mabel. *hugs*

Author's Response: Thanks puska!! glad you liked!! Glad you liked George!! tee hee!! More soon! *big hugs*

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2008 - 02:22 am Title: Viewing Day

Oh my gosh, you HAVE to update soon! Don't leave us hanging. *bites nails* Poor Spike, they just have to get to him on time.

Author's Response: Hi Francine!! Hope your nails survive!! Will update asap!!! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2008 - 12:50 am Title: Viewing Day

OMG thank God for George, Hey! wait , who's George ?
Well I don't care just so they get Spike out of there in time. Then Spike can take those demons apart limb by bloody limb(thre goes my violent streak again) and i'll be right there with him! I'm still drinking until he's out of there, your responsible for all and any liver damage I sustain Mabel, Update soon with the rexcue, please.

Author's Response: you liver will soon be safe and so will Spike....or will he....? Tee hee!!

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 09:29 pm Title: More Shocks

i hate s in that condition. i used to love everything to do with power and humiliation but somehow i have ground out of it (thank god). the whole thing is disgusting. you are not going to break him completely, a some authors do, are you? if you do i'm gonna... i honestly don't know what. but right now you are writing terrible things. i hate what is happening to him so much, that it almost made me stop reading and afterwards i didn't quite manage to enjoy the other parts of the story. i understand that you are going to write your story like it goes, not like readers want it to and i respect that. i would never give in to readers pleas o demands or blackmail, so that is not what my review is about. just letting you know how it made me feel.

Author's Response: Don't worry Serinah he won't be messed with too badly and it's not going to go on too long either! just wanted another aspect of loss of pride to add to the story. The next chapter is of a similar vein but then things happen!! So i hope you manage to keep reading even if you skip a few paragraphs! :) Trust me to make all well again *hugs*

Reviewer: Kandrin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 12:35 pm Title: More Shocks

Making Spike kiss that thing's feet and want to drink blood? Ewww! I can't wait til Buffy comes and kicks it's ass and gets our poor Spike out of there! Hope the rescue is coming soon!

Author's Response: I know!! Now that was evil of me!!! Tee hee!! Couldn't resist the irony of having him addicted to blood rather than a drug!! More soon! :)

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 12:25 pm Title: More Shocks

That little glimpse of what is going on with Spike was heartbreaking. I was hoping that he was resisting the blood, however I know that pain can be a terrible thing which can cause a person to do anything to abate it.

I am glad that Brad chastised Moira and Angel. Also his reaction to Angel being a vampire was amusing. Please update soon. Another good chapter but I am ready for Spike to get the upper hand. Please, please, please.

Author's Response: Hi Bridget! Glad you liked how Brad reacted to it all! Will update asap. As i mentioned in another response - the respite will be in chapter or so's time - the next one tells a bit more of what Spike is experiencing!! :)

Reviewer: Kandrin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 12:20 pm Title: The Truth Will Out

Awwww - Angel finally gets a girl! Another great blend of canon/non-canon mentioning Cordy while having him move on with the new love interest. :)

Author's Response: Hi Kandrin, thought Angel deserved a break - bless him!! Glad you liked the use of canon - i've tried to do it throughout the fic! :)

Reviewer: Kandrin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 12:06 pm Title: Captive Audience

Oh great - now he's some kind of drug addict! Great way to move the healing process along and we finally know who the mystery stalker is. You are worse than evil, woman! But I still love you. *hugs* (And I have two more chapters to read!)

Author's Response: Funny how the word 'evil' keeps cropping up!!! Tee hee!!! just figured things were getting a little bland!!! lol!! thanks so much for letting me know! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 11:59 am Title: More Shocks

OMG Mabel please let him be recued soon , this demon guy and this whole situation squicks me out terribly, i hope the coven locates him soon, I don't know if i could take anymore chapters with the feet kissing. Loved Brads reaction to Angel vamping out .

For my liver's sake GET THE POOR GUY OUT OF THERE.

Author's Response: Glad you liked Brad's reaction! I could just see it so closely in my head when I wrote it - then worried about it a bit! :) For the sake of your liver I shall let you know that the next chapter may be a bit 'squicky' but things will improve after that!! lol!! *hugs*

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 10:53 am Title: More Shocks

Yup, I like Brad too...

Hate what's happening to Spike, tho. I can't believe he is already so hooked on the drug *pouts* What humiliations will he endure before they save him?

I think I'll start pulling on her hair now on!!! Fix this!!!


Author's Response: Just had scary vision of Sotia with no eyelashes or hair!!! Hurries away to type up next chapter for betaing!!! *big hugs* Won't be torturing you or Spike for too long I promise!! :)

Reviewer: Ivana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 08:20 am Title: More Shocks

I love this fic. At first I thought that it want be scary like this and that everything will end happy. completely changed direction and I love it.
you're really good at describing characters. love spike and his moods and his feelings. and I like how you portrait Angel. most of the writers of Spuffy realm (99%) make Angel bad person, but you did it different. you're creating a new family with Moira, Brad and Laura, hopefully staying after everything and helping.
and the apartment for Spike, OMG! the idea it self and Angel making it!...fabulous!
hope you're muse is with you and you'll continue to write chapte PLEASE!!!!

Author's Response: Hi Ivana, it's getting reviews like yours that really keeps the old muse going!! I write the 'bad' stuff so much easier and quicker than the 'good'!! Tee hee!! Not sure what that says about me!! I chose the challenge to make me write Angel and they had to be firends in the fic for it to make sense. (in my other fics he's either dead, not mentioned or in one case bad!!! LOL) Will update asap - please keep letting me know!! :)

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 07:06 am Title: The Truth Will Out

yes, yes, yes!!! that's all I have to say. lol :)

Author's Response: Thank you , thank you, thank you!!! Tee hee!! :)

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 06:27 am Title: More Shocks

Brad's reaction is priceless. They have to find Spike soon!! Nice work!

Author's Response: glad that you liked Brad's reaction! It made me chuckle a bit when I wrote it and then I wasn't sure by time I posted so I'm glad that it read okay! :)

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 06:23 am Title: The Truth Will Out

nawww. Angel and Miora, teehee. Lov e it!

Author's Response: Had to get those two together!! :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 08:39 pm Title: The Truth Will Out

:-p Why did you use a ? the gang out to find him surely things will be okay....? :)
Surprise for Moira (and not a good one) because she had no clue of the 'other' world out there.
Wow, she took it well and now she's getting even the whole story.
I hope they'll get Spike back soon.

Author's Response: thanks for reviewing Cordyk!! Moira is a practical person - if anyone could cope it would be her!! :) More soon!

Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 03:31 pm Title: The Truth Will Out

Kind of disappointed that Moira and Angel are getting together. I guess truthfully, I don't really like Moira for some reason. And I like this Angel so I don't want to see him with her. Bring Nina back, LOL I love Brad though. How could I not. He is a great friend to Spike

And I read a review where you said that Angel can only have true happiness when it comes to Buffy because everybody else is second best. I disagree with you. I don't think Angel really was in love with Buffy. I think he was in love with the idea of Buffy. But even if he was really in love with her. I don't think his feelings are nearly as strong. He would probably always care for Buffy just like Buffy would always care for Angel. Also, think if the show let Angel and Cordy be together. That Angel would have loss his soul if he were to sleep with Cordy. I think the love Angel felt for Cordy was more mature and deeper.

I don't know about Moira. Maybe eventually if they stayed long enough together Angel might be really in love with her and lose his soul. But I also think now that he has Conner and that they are apart. Maybe, he will never be truly happy. Which I don't buy at all.

Anyways, I'm worried about Spike. Has he been sold yet. Probably will in the next chapter if they don't get him on time. Are they beating up my Spike? Who or What ass to have to kick for hurting my Spike, LOL

Author's Response: hi there! as i said in the rev it is just my take on it! I never liked Angel and Buffy together in the series but since they had the 'moment of pure happiness' in my (probably odd mind) it couldn't be achieved with anyone else. I never really bought the whole Nina thing myself as it just seemed knid of desperate of him!! (but the scene where she shredded him a bit when he was a puppet was hilarious!!) LOL Sorry that you don't like Moira but delighted that you like Brad!! :) That's the beauty of writing stories we all see things slightly differently and then chat about them!! Thanks so much for your comments! :)

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 03:19 pm Title: The Truth Will Out

This was a good chapter. I really liked Buffy's explanation of Angel. I also liked the interaction between Moira and Angel. I hope he won't lose his soul. This was also good to divert our attention from what is happening with Spike. I don't think that I would be able to read another chapter right away with Spike being tortured, but after this break I am ready..

Author's Response: Thank you for such a lovely review Bridget - much appreciated. Glad you're liking Moira and Angel :) And that after a break you're ready to hear more about our Spike! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 11:37 am Title: The Truth Will Out

Did I tell you I REALLY really like Moira and Brad also, I'm also glad that Angel's a nice guy in this fic and willing to tear Spike's abductor a new one if Buffy doesn't first. Can't wait for them to find him though and when they do he's gonna be a junkie , only your evil mind could think that one up, I think your certifiable, LOL. Update again soon because I drink myself into a stupor.

Author's Response: "I think your certifiable" - that's you and my best friend both!!! lol!!! Glad you like Moira and Brad - i love inventing orig characters and Moira's part just grew!! I know perhaps 'my' Angel may not be canon enough for some readers but i wanted them to get along in this fic! :) Will update asap in deference to your poor old liver!!! Tee hee! *hugs*

Reviewer: jeanieofoz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 08:16 am Title: The Truth Will Out

does this story have Angel with an anchored soul or is that going to cause all hell as well? and what the hell happened to Nina the weregf?
i'm praying Spike gets out of this in one piece

Author's Response: Hi there Jeanieofoz. I always had it in my head that Angel's soul was only ever in danger with the perfect happiness that Buffy could bring - that anyone else was sort of already second best. So his soul will be safe!! As for Nina, I did say that Moira was first human he'd felt truly attracted to since Cordy - as nina obviously was a werewolf. If my memory of AtS serves me correctly - i though that he'd sent her away before Not Fade Away and in my 'verse he hasn't seen her since. Your prayers regarding Spike will be answered I'm sure....Tee hee!! Thanks for reviewing :)

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 06:21 am Title: The Truth Will Out

I liked that chapter and loved that she thought Angel and Spike were a couple. More please soon.

Author's Response: Hi nicka! Glad you liked the line about them being a couple - i could just picture his face!! lol!! Won't keep you waiting long! :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 06:05 am Title: The Truth Will Out

“Buffy says that you’re a good man, Angel. It’s hard to find a good man that’s taller than me,” she smiled.--- I LOVE Moira! She rocks!!! Will Angel's soul be in danger with her? Cuz it shouldn't be, really... knowing he could lose it should make him less than perfectly happy at any given moment!

AND WHERE IS SPIKE? Evil woman, diverting us with this so we wouldn't whine a lot... Well I won't be diverted! I want Spike to be OK!!! *bats eyelashes furiously* Please fix it soon!!!

Author's Response: Hi Sotia! glad my bear hug worked and it's just the eyelashes back in peril and not your hair!! LOL!! Thanks for pulling that line out - glad that it worked. In my head apart from with Buffy Angel's soul is safe! :) *hugs* and don't worry more about Spike next time!! :)

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/2008 - 08:04 pm Title: Captive Audience

oh, god!!! whatta hell are you doing to my spike!!! that's terrible! I can't express my feelings of fear, disgust and excitement. I hope you will not be breaking him totally. Please let him off the drug soon! I really do hope that whoever buys him will not give it to him just to torture hi. Though the demony fighting ring WITH the drug use and abuse is more likely. I hate the bounty guy.

Author's Response: Glad that you hate Nemol! he's pretty vile!! hopefully can speed up with the updates this week as work is a little less frenetic! :) thanks for reviewing!!! :)

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/2008 - 07:10 am Title: Captive Audience

aww man! I just knew something had to go wrong. I've read enough of you're work now to know that once things are good, they're gonna get bad again.
Glad Spike is walking again, but not so much for the other stuff. Buffy and Angel will find him though.
Great stuff as always! Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: Hey Puska!! glad you've got me sussed out!! It's sooo much more fun writing the bad!! lol!!!! thanks for letting me know! *hugs*

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/2008 - 12:17 am Title: Captive Audience

ooh I can't look, hope Buffy gets to him before much longer, he's suffered enough

Author's Response: Hi there scaryscouse! I won't play too rough with him I promise!! lol!! :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/19/2008 - 05:34 pm Title: Captive Audience

The attacker wore gloves? Then they wouldn't have found fingerprints anyway.
limp body of Spike over his shoulder with very little effort No Xander then...
A bounty hunter? But who was the client that ordered him (charge him with the task to capture Spike). Ah, hadn't guessed this client. In a way Spike was lucky that he'll be healed soon. But that's no comfort, right now it looks very bad for him.

Author's Response: Hi Cordyk things are looking bad but with Buffy and the gang out to find him surely things will be okay....? :)

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