Reviews For Universal Vampire
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Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 09:43 pm Title: You're Going Where?

wonderfully written. how brave of spike, knowing what he'll have to go through. looking forward to more

Author's Response: Thanks!! That's Spike for you! Throwing himself in the deep end!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 09:38 pm Title: You're Going Where?

Uh-huh... Spike and his plans. He really wants to go back to stop Adam? A lot of his plan depends on others means it's a lot that can be wrong. *bites nails* But I hope it won't. Won't be easy for Spike going back either because I fear he'll get tortured again. ~ Till then!

Author's Response: Will update quickly to keep suspense to minimum!! Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 05:13 pm Title: Memories

Oh... memories are still coming back to Spike? Good :)
So Buffy was invited back to the Initiative. I first feared that the was a trap. Glad I was wrong about that.
But now I wonder what Spike thinks that he has to do....
~ Quick update :) Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: You know Spike! always wanting to do the right thing!!

Reviewer: jan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 12:44 pm Title: Memories

So now we find out his purpose. Are Anya or Tara going to appear? Did the non-wedding take place? Thanks for posting so soon.

Author's Response: Nope no Tara or Anya. Non wedding took place but Anya has gone away! Tara's no more as it's sort of based after season six !!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 11:33 am Title: Memories

glad spike's getting better. the description of the initative was well written, made me feel ill!!
looking forward to more

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!! Sorry about making you feel ill!! I will make it up to you but may not be for a little while yet!! She rubs her hands together evily!!

Reviewer: Pet Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 10:13 am Title: If At first You Don't Succeed

Yaay! Sweet Spuffyness, I loved it! I've had a rough day at work today, but then I read your update, and now I just can't stop smiling. So, thank you! I'm looking forward to your next chapter. :)

Author's Response: Cool, glad my little bit of Spuffy helped cheer you up!! :)

Reviewer: jan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 04:27 am Title: If At first You Don't Succeed

Thanks for the chapter. Great stuff.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review!!! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/11/2007 - 12:55 am Title: If At first You Don't Succeed

Hi Mabel , so glad he's talking now and you even gave us some spuffiness which was good now to take down the initiative. looking forward to more, sweetie your doing real good.

Author's Response: Hi Jo, Thanks for that!! Will update again soon :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/10/2007 - 09:34 pm Title: If At first You Don't Succeed

Good to be a witch, huh? They would never have a chance to help Spike soon because they don't get their hand on the Initiative's equipment. ~ Good thing it worked (not being able to speak) but I guess that didn't help regarding the memory loss *wonders*. ~ They did laugh? Maybe that will build a bridge for Spike to believe they won't hurt him (making them humans).
Good to see that Spike's memories are coming back now. Even if Spike has still quite some way to go. Sounds as if he and Buffy will be okay now. *crosses fingers*

Author's Response: Good ole Willow!! Crossed fingers usually work!!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/10/2007 - 09:03 pm Title: If At first You Don't Succeed

really enjoyed the update. loved the bit where Dan was Home
looking forward to more

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! Always thought S and D had a bond in that he protected her!

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/10/2007 - 12:17 am Title: Did It Work?

Very good Mabel, and yes I did read this chapter at work,I just didn't review from there. I thought Buffy showed more emotion this time and i'm glad she admitted she loves him. Can't wait til Spike can hear her say it. Keep up the good work kiddo.

Author's Response: Cheers Jo!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2007 - 09:39 pm Title: Did It Work?

Not so easy to have Spike back to his old self ... (well the story would be over soon if it was, huh?). I hope Willow did it right with the chip and that it's just Spike's mind stopping him to speak because he didn't. Well we'll see I guess. They did a lot with Spike's head in these month. Hopefully his memory will come back too. Slowly he should notice (like he did with Giles) that he is treated differently now, not punished if he does something wrong.

Author's Response: Gotta keep you guys guessing!!

Reviewer: jan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2007 - 07:44 pm Title: Did It Work?

Awwwwwwwwww! Poor baby. He's trying so hard so figure out wht they want. Love his internal voice.

Author's Response: Thanks!!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2007 - 06:02 pm Title: Did It Work?

brilliant as always. even Xander is helping.poor Buffy making all the classic mistakes looking forward to more

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!! Will post as quick as I can!!

Reviewer: jan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2007 - 12:06 am Title: Put Things Right

Besides the physical and mental trials of reversing the programming, you have also set up a difficult ethical dilema for the Scoobies... do they remake Spike... or put him back like he was? Did Buffy spill about their relationship?

Author's Response: Thiings come out a bit in next chapter.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2007 - 07:43 pm Title: Put Things Right

That's a neat feature (chip) the Initiative has there, indeed. And very very scary when you think about that.
Good that Willow things she can build a probe (especially when they need it and it's hard to get by). The message blocking gone (and able to use both arms) is a good start. De-programming will take time, that part that can't be done with altering the chip.

Author's Response: Yes figured they'd take it to another level rather than just a pain chip!

Reviewer: jan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2007 - 05:39 pm Title: Put Things Right

Glad he got his left arm back! You'e doing great. More please!

Author's Response: Bet he is too!! I'm really enjoying this fic, I'm about six or seven chapters ahead of you guys and just gettin my teeth in to a good plot twist! Cackles manically, rubbing hands together!

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2007 - 12:54 pm Title: Put Things Right

Not at work today Mabel, it's Columbus day here in the states so we have a day off, me and the kids that is , I;ll be checking for yur updates from work tomorrow though.

Author's Response: Hope you have a good day!!!

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2007 - 12:17 pm Title: Put Things Right

Another excellent chapter Mabel, you make me feel his pain . Poor Dawn is an emotional wreck over her friend hurting, Buffy is a little to reserved although not in her thoughts, But otherwise THIS IS A GREAT STORY, and so well written . How are you writing so fast?

Author's Response: Hey Jo, you reading a work again? LOL! I write like an obsessed lunatic!! Once i get an idea it just runs away with me!! I'm currently several chapters in front of what's posted so my beta has time to do her stuff!! Loads more to come!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/08/2007 - 12:06 pm Title: Put Things Right

glad willow managed to help him. hope they can help his mind as much as his body. enjoyed the update. looking forward to more. still hoping that the initiative gets what's coming to it

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!! Trust me there is sooo much more to come! think I'll have a twist in there that no one will see coming!! Tee hee!!

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/07/2007 - 04:35 pm Title: Confusion

another great chapter. Love the way you wrote about Spike's struggle to spell. Hope that the mute button isn't permanent, cos we all know that Spike's voice is one of the sexiest things about him-even speaking from an English point of view

Author's Response: I'm English too so know what you mean!! (JM said he was using Eng accent in torchwood! Yippee!.) Did get some nice mentallies of him being naked!! Tee hee!! :)

Reviewer: jan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/07/2007 - 03:05 pm Title: Confusion

Love the story. You are doing much better with details. The tears and the scrabble pieces are nice touches.

Author's Response: Thanks a lot! Really appreciate it!

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/07/2007 - 12:33 pm Title: Confusion

Oh poor , poor ,Spike ,what that Bitch did to him . I hope she dies a painful and grueling death. Thank God the gang is on his side, especially Giles . Very good story mabel.

Author's Response: Cheers Jo! Will update another chap tomorrow!

Reviewer: aerin8 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/07/2007 - 11:01 am Title: Confusion

Omg.Omg.Omg. Love this to death. I'm not one to cry easily - but my vision defenetly got blurry.

Author's Response: Wow! That is such a compliment. thank you so much!

Reviewer: cherie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/07/2007 - 10:33 am Title: Confusion

great chapter, i feel really sorry for him, i hope willow finds something soon so they can start getting him back to normal. I hope maggie doesnt cotton on to what they are up to with him just yet and he gets to wreak a little vengeance on her for what she's done to him.
Keep up the good work, cant wait to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!! :) Got plenty more to come!! got some right old twists coming up!! but not for a while yet!

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