Reviews For A Loss Of Pride
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Reviewer: Spirit0fTheW0lf Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2024 - 12:47 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Okay so um , is there a sequel to this? This ended so abruptly , you c t just leave me with oh shes pregnant, course I already knew that I love your story , very cute ,

Reviewer: Moonlight5 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/12/2011 - 12:33 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Hey! I love so much your story...the part that you describe the transformation of spike as human...his recovery...the kidnapp...the way Buffy and Spike love eachother...the relation with Angel...Sometimes I would like to read more details in some scenes...but the conclusion and the development of all the argument was so good and I enjoyed so much readind it! All my congrats from a spuffy fan from Spain! Regards

Author's Response: *waves hi* thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed the story. It was one of my earlier fics. I had great fun writing it. x

Reviewer: spuffy chick Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/28/2009 - 09:02 pm Title: It's Only Right...

i loved it!

Author's Response: Thank you verty much for letting me know you enjoyed the story. :)

Reviewer: sta Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2008 - 01:32 am Title: It's Only Right...

A fabulous story! Very cleverly written and loved all the twists and turns in the plot. You did a great job with the creative tie ins to the show and it really strengthened the story. In particular, I liked your explanation of his fear of water and that is why the FE had held him under water. That part always seemed odd to me when he didn't need to breathe - but you not only used it enhance your story, but somehow made the show itself make more sense. Amazing! Thanks for a great story!!

Author's Response: Wow! thank you for such a lovely review! Glad that you liked the 'water' chapter. Like you, I always thought that FE torturing Spike with water was a bit off since it coudn't kill him! Hope you check out my other fics - don't be put off by the summary of Changing Lives - it's not a normal high school fic and has a sequel coming soon!! Thanks again for your comments. I really do appreciate them. :)

Reviewer: Kandrin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2008 - 08:41 pm Title: It's Only Right...

I'm glad you had Spike and Buffy head to London. I think that is where he would want to end up. Great story. I really enjoyed it. :) Looking forward to the next read. *big hugs*

Author's Response: Like you I think that Spike would gravitate back to London. So pleased that you liked the ending - I get really nervous when I get to the end of a fic! Thank you so much for all of your reviews, I really appreciate them and hopefully will see you with Parallel Lives in a few days! :) *Hugs*

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2008 - 05:16 am Title: It's Only Right...

AWWWW!!, that was a lovely ending. You fixed up all the loose ends very nicely. I just love the banter between angel and spike in this last chap, I could imagine it in the show.
Mabel this was a truly great fic, I loved every minute, as I do with all you're writing. Buffy and Spike can be a challenging couple to get right but you do every time.
This was fantasticly awesome, lol, and I cant think of anything else to say about it, lol.

Looking forward to the next one. Yay! Congratulations on finishing this one!

love Puska *hugs*

Author's Response: You say that you can't think of anything else to say about it - but what you did say really made my day. Thank you so much. Won't keep you waiting too long for the next one. Really appreciated all of your reviews! See you with Parallel Lives! *big hugs*

Reviewer: dawnofme Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2008 - 04:34 am Title: It's Only Right...

Loved this line: As his strength and speed increased to almost that he had as a vampire, he returned to the cocky Spike of old - irritating as hell and uber confident, smirk ever present.

Loved the scene with Angel and Spike and I LOVE how you ended this story.

Great job and can't wait for you next story.

Author's Response: I'm so pleased that you liked the ending - really appreciate you letting me know! It's always weird writing the last chapter - good to know i got it right! :) *hugs*

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2008 - 06:34 am Title: It's Only Right...

yey! a son!! i live S having a son, most authors make it a girl for some reason. thanks for writing the story. it was fun to read, :)

Author's Response: glad you enjoyed tha story! thanks for all of your reviews! :)

Reviewer: kw Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2008 - 04:30 am Title: It's Only Right...

sweet story

Author's Response: cheers kw, glad you liked it!! Thanks for all of your reviews! :)

Reviewer: lilladybug Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 09:20 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Awww!!! Spuffy babies and England-living!! :D Loooooved this story! Bravos all around!!!

Author's Response: Thanks so much - really appreciate it! And congrats on your awards!! :)

Reviewer: maddonna001 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 08:10 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Hey Mabel! I loved your story so much! And the happy end is so good! They are going to have a baby!
And I`ll definitely want to read "parallel lives" :-*

Author's Response: Hi babe! So pleased that you liked it! (hopefully I'll now have time to catch up on some reading!) PL will be coming soon. Prob end of next week!! *hugs*

Reviewer: spuffy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 07:40 pm Title: It's Only Right...

ho!! i cant wait for the sequel!!
but well...
about this story great ending!

Author's Response: Thanks for saying that you liked the story and the ending! I'm always nervous about final chapters!! More so that first ones for some reason!! LOL! Thanks for all of your reviews :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 05:10 pm Title: It's Only Right...

I'm glad to see Buffy and Spike being okay. The dream really helped.
The money will really help, make them independent.
Oh my, I didn't see this was marked as finished. Sorry to see it go.
A son for Buffy and William? I guess with these two as parents it will be a strong one too.
Enjoyed the read :)

Author's Response: Yes I'll be sorry too but it was always about the journey for Spike to come to embrace his humanity! Glad you liked it and thank you so much for all your reviews, they're really appreciated!!! :)

Reviewer: Roxy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 03:48 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Hey there, sooo sorry I haven't been reviewing! RL is busy and all that ...
But anyhow, despite the my-not-reviewing, I've loved every chapter! The twist with Spike getting captured and cured (for the sake of sales) was great, hadn't seen that coming! I'd thought it would go on for a looong time before Spike would be healed, but jay for fastforwarding blood, even though it did get him badly addicted...oh well :P
I wonder though, how Angel's going to be with Moira without getting all happy...
I really loved the end, where Buffy was pregnant, that was sweet. Loved it!

Author's Response: Hi Roxy!! I know all about RL being busy!! So pleased that you enjoyed it and didn't see some twists coming!! All stuff a writer likes to hear! Hopefully see you in the next fic!! :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 02:35 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Awwww, his SON??? YAYYYYY!!!! Thank you, honey, I really enjoyed this story; angst and all!!!!


Author's Response: Glad I've converted you to a bit of angst!! Tee hee!! And that the eyelashes survived the trials of the fic!! Thanks for all your reviews! *big hugs*

Reviewer: Pet Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 10:38 am Title: It's Only Right...

*sob* I'm a little sad this story is over. But what a great ending! So they are having a baby. Yay! I loved this story, even though it took me a while before I dared starting to read. :) Looking forward to read PL when you start posting it. And I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this fic as well... *hint hint* :)

Author's Response: I'll have to getthe plot bunnies working on a sequel!! Think plenty would like one! PL will be starting in a week or so - 3 updates per week rather than daily but I'm hoping that people will be happy with that. So glad that you were brave enough to give it a go and that you enjoyed it! :) Thanks for all your reviews :)

Reviewer: Ivana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 08:51 am Title: It's Only Right...

ahhhh...beautiful end!
I really enjoyed this fic. you did great job. loved every part of it. all you need to do is write another one.

Author's Response: No pressure then Ivana!! Tee hee!! Don't worry I don't think that I could stop writing if I tried now! Totally obsessed by it. So glad that you liked the end. I worried about that last chapter a bit. I always do the last one for some reason! Thanks for all your reviews along the way! :)

Reviewer: Terapsina Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 07:08 am Title: It's Only Right...

End? As in the ending end?
I'm, happy don't get me wrong, but I'll miss this one.
This was a very nice ending chapter, the last sentence was great as you probably can already see yourself. I'm a bit sad about the fact you didn't put Brad in hear, but as much as he colors the work this wasn't his story, so not that bad either.
For the sequel, how about Buffy's and Spikes son being kidnapped. I can practically see those two running around and turning British demons inside out about something like this.
But that also is just a thought, write what you want and how you want it.
But sequel still would be necessarily.

Author's Response: I am starting to see that a sequel might have to be written for this one! I certainly would like to see Brad back again (I'm hoping that he might get a best orig character nomination somewhere! He deserves it!! lol!! ) Glad you saw why he wasn't in the last one. I didn't want to get bogged down by goodbyes etc! Thanks for all your reviews - I really appreciate them!

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 06:18 am Title: It's Only Right...

Haven't left a review for the last couple of chapters (hangs head) - sorry. Really wasn't expecting (pardon the pun) that as an ending - just thought Spike was being all manly ....... sorry drifted of there!! Back now. That was just the lovliest way to finish a really good story.

Author's Response: I just had a lovely mental image of him fighting atthe top of his game and having fun then thurning to the love of his life with their little one starting life!!! :) What can I say I'm a sucker for a happy ending!! Thanks so much for your reviews along the way I've loved reading every single one! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 01:30 am Title: It's Only Right...

Oh man , it's done , it's over , what a great story and their pregnant now too. Can't tell you how much iv'e enjoyed this tale , but you know iv'e told you often enuff. I'mthinking sequel.

Author's Response: Yes Jo you've told me plenty of times but don't let that stop you!! lol!! I think there may be a sequel in this one day! :) Thanks for all your reviews and support!! *hugs*

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 01:13 am Title: It's Only Right...

This was a great read and I am looking forward to the sequel.

Author's Response: Hi Toni! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for letting me know! :) Next from me will be the sequel to Changing Lives! :)

Reviewer: kudagirl Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2008 - 01:02 am Title: It's Only Right...

Love all your humans in this. So happy that finally Buffy gets someone to take care of her and make her happy. Spike was always the guy who would stick around and could be counted on by her. Any chance we get a follow up with a baby boy in the story?

Author's Response: Writing baby Spike? Miight be albe to do that!! LOL!! How cute would he be!!! So glad you liked it and thanks for all your reviews! I really appreciate them! :)

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/13/2008 - 11:41 pm Title: It's Only Right...

another great story from you and hopefully more to come.

Author's Response: Hi there Scaryscouse! Thank you so much for letting me know that you liked the fic. don't worry I have plot bunnies living in my head the size of ponies!! So there will be plenty more to come!! LOL!

Reviewer: nadege20 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/13/2008 - 10:43 pm Title: It's Only Right...

Thank you for that great story and it's a very nice ending.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for letting me know!! I get as nervous over the last chapter as I do the first!! Glad you liked it! Hopefully see you with my next fic!! :)

Reviewer: Sibb Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/13/2008 - 10:21 pm Title: It's Only Right...

I don't believe that I've left a review before on this fic (bad, bad reader!) but let me now say how much a enjoyed it! I l love fics with a certain amount of angst but with happy endings and you always manage to fit the bill perfectly! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with the rest of the us!

Author's Response: With a lovely review like that one - you're forgiven for not leaving one before!! tee hee!! I do like to write angst but although I play rough with Spike sometimes, I always fix him in the end!! LOL!! Thank you so much for letting me know that you enjoyed the story! :)

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