Reviews For Murphy’s Law
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Reviewer: Avalon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 06:45 pm Title: Damaged Goods

It really is hard to understand how they can't see each other if they're both in that place in Egypt... They really must cross paths a few times :P

Loved it, and thanks so much for the double update :)

Author's Response: HAHHAHAHHAHAH - now that was funny, I like that. Glad you enjoyed it hon, more to follow soon. Thanks for the laugh and the review, hugs.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 06:12 pm Title: Damaged Goods

This was a great chapter, really bringing things to a head emotionally. Angel's a calculating cad, and Buffy's playing right into his hands. The good thing coming out of it is Spike finally admitting his feelings run a lot deeper than just lust. Now what is he going to do with that knowledge? Probably repress it some more, but I hope not.

There were several great scenes and lines in this chapter, but I really loved Spike getting to slam the door in Angel's face. Again!

This made me laugh out loud: “Bet I could make you scream.”

That snapped her out of it and she swiftly pulled back in order to face him eye to eye. “Right before I run maybe.” The almost kiss was breathtaking, but so was Buffy playing Spike and running off. He doesn't know how tempted she really was.

Thanks for more of this terrific story.

Author's Response: Oh yes, emotions have come up and as for Spike, well, he's never been in this situation before, so he's not even sure what to do yet. All he knows is that he doesn't want to see Buffy get hurt. Giggles - glad you liked those lines they had during the fight - I like writing snarky Buffy, she always knows how to put a man in his place. And of course she hides what's going on inside her like a pro..... run Buffy run, lol. Thanks for the awesome review my dear - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 05:38 pm Title: Damaged Goods

aahh, I just hope Buffy finds out what a creep Angel really is, but not from Spike or she'll never believe it. really looking forward to the next udate. wonderful chapter

Author's Response: Thank you so much hon, I'm glad you enjoyed the chappy and got a bit tensed up - its the whole purpose of writing, isn't it? LOL. Safe to say that Buffy is a lady... too bad for Angel. Thanks again darling - huggles.

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 04:33 pm Title: Damaged Goods

Is it possible that I love this more every time?

Yay for Buffy not letting the poof kiss her! And double yay for growly Spike!!! I loved the pissing contest between him and Angel!
My brain is mush now, I really can't think after growly Spike.... Can't wait for more, honey, this ROCKS!!

Love you lots and lots!!!

Author's Response: LOL - I luv you boo, you always make my day when you comment. Pissing contest indeed and of course it gets worse before it gets better, sighs. But it makes the ending that much sweeter. Luv u boo - now go write more MBF for me, hee hee. Hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 04:22 pm Title: Damaged Goods

I detest the way Angel thinks.. calculating the money he has to spend till he gets Buffy in his bed? Too bad that Buffy can't read his thoughts. ;-)
And bad enough in my eyes that Spike slept with the brunette. Well when it was such a waste of time for him, maybe he thinks twice next time.
So there is a history behind Spike and Angelus. Too bad the didn't tell Buffy so she knows what to expect. At the moment she doesn't believe him anyway when the just warns her.

Author's Response: He's a bastard, isn't he? But of course I like writing evil Angelus, it's easier for me to do and he's serving a purpose in the fic. As for Spike, he is in a whirlwind here - not knowing what to do with these sort of feelings going on inside him - its the firs time he's ever been in this sort of position. And he would have loved to have told Buffy his history with Angel, but at this point, she wouldn't believe him and see it as a means of trying to get her to stop dating him, so his hands are tied at the mo'. Glad you enjoyed the chappy hon and thanks for te fab review. Hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 04:01 pm Title: Damaged Goods

For men.. experienced.. but for women we are damaged goods.

And it ended well.. maybe getting back to "partners" and a business relationship will steer them back together.

Angel- shy and making jokes..LOL Buffy has been out of the loop for a while.. got it planned including the gifts. Will she be bought ? Maybe Cordelia will hear some of the office girl gossip and clue her in about the True Angelus..

Waiting to know more about Angel's and Spike's relationship.. and family..

Enjoyed the mid-week update..

Author's Response: DOesn't it make you sick? But of course that's why I wrote it the other way around for Buffy to say, LOL. Poor Buffy though - she has been out of the loop for some time now and jaded a bit by Spike - thinking there's nothing worse than him out there when it comes to a player. But I'lll be moving the story along now and slowly getting them where they need to be, *winks*. The history between S&A will come a bit later in the story, and thank you so much for the review. Smoochies to you, boo.

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 03:49 pm Title: Damaged Goods

I am waiting for Spike to stop solving his disappointments with sex. Hopefully from this last encounter he has learned something. It is time for Spike to grow up. I hope that it is not the plan of your muse that Buffy is hurt by Angel. I don't mind angst I just don't want Angel to have one up on Spike.

Author's Response: Oh yes, it is indeed time for Spike to grow up, and he has had some things to think on lately now that Angel has entered the picture. As for Buffy getting hurt by Angel.... not the muses intention at all, I promise. Thanks for the review sweety, more to follow soon. Huggles.

Reviewer: Sarah Aless Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 03:44 pm Title: Damaged Goods

Awww cute having lunch together! as usual this chapter cracked me up!! Angel better keep his dirty paws off - or upset her just a little so she goes to Spike for solace!!
I'll bet you can guess which couple of lines got me all excited and on which I really hope you follow up when they DO get to the monkey love!!
More please!!

Author's Response: Hhehehe, glad you got a few chuckles out of it hon - it was almost a bleak chapter with having to write Angel as the giant ass he is. LMFAO the ROFL over your comment about when B&S do finally make with the hot monkey luvin. You can bet it will be something to remember, *winks*. THanks for the awesome review honey - luvs ya.

Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/23/2008 - 03:29 pm Title: Damaged Goods

Awesome chapter as always! I just loved Spike's realization that meaningless sex is just not cutting it any longer. And I don't think I could hate Angelus any more than I already do. He's much more of a pig than Spike would ever hope to be. Thank God! And of course, I adore every scene where Buffy and Spike interact and Spike's growing feelings for her. *happy sigh* I'm looking forward to more! And you know it's a pleasure to help you any way I can. *smooches*

Author's Response: YAY - glad that you like Spike's little realization and of course - Angel is such a big poophead in this - MUCH worse than SPike could ever be. Thank you so much mi hermana for all your help - I'd be lost without you. Luv u boo.

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