Reviews For More Than A Myth
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Reviewer: Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 12/16/2007 - 09:51 pm Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

awwwwww it was so good why'd ya just stop writing? its been a while since you updated here

Reviewer: Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/17/2007 - 09:57 pm Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

sumbody asked me the name for this story on spuffy chat and i just had to look back to it omg its been so long since you last updated that i had almost forgot i miss this story it was or is awesome pretty please with kookies on the side add another chappie soon *offers chocolate chip kookies (the warm gooey ones^^)*

Author's Response: Awe. Thank you so much for letting me know that you miss this fic. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long! A lot has happened in my personal life and I'm juggling work and it's hard to get the muse going sometimes. But please know that I haven't abandoned this fic, I just take a really, reeeeaaaally long time to update it at times. Again, thank you for letting me know how much you enjoy my fic.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/02/2007 - 07:48 pm Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

Oh now you did it, now I'm wondering why you made Aggie ten years younger.
Oh! I didn't expect Joyce special place to be the gallery. Should have thought of it. Buffy feels a strange connection there. A creation of an eternally dark haven. That sounds as if she knew of vampires back then (Joyce), just a guess. As I thought that hidden depths meant something, the not so human side of Sunnydale. And look there, Wesley is spy. From the council maybe? Or doesn't it exist here.
Spike and Clem? They were fun especially with Clem trying to help. Rather more mysteries.
Looking forward to more :)

Author's Response: Muah-ha-ha. Ah yes, Aggie's age changing--you'll just have to wait and find out what my muse has cooked up for that, won't you? Thanks for the review! I'm happy that my story continues to intrigue you!

Reviewer: Katkin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/02/2007 - 09:57 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

Well what can I say? Another astoundingly brilliant chapter that leaves me wanting more... you sure you can't squeeze another chapter out soon? I love your fic hun and I really can't wait for an update! see, a more staid review.. no oxygen mask needed *hides mask behind her back after taking a few deep breaths*

Pretty please! Thank you and weldone! xxx

Author's Response: Squeeeeeeeze *wipes brow with handkerchief and then stares goggle-eyed at the next chapter* Nope, it's not finished yet. Could you be a dear, Katkin, and hand me that oxygen mask? All this squeezing is hard work. LOL Thanks for reviewing! I'm happy to find that you're eager to read more.

Reviewer: synomonous Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/02/2007 - 01:16 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

please continue! I love your story! Its one of my fav! And i want to figure out everyones relationships, and if buffy is going to turn all slayer and grrr and have giles come back to the states to train her so she could kick wesley's ass. Cause yes i know he's up to no good....well at least i feel his main target is harming spike,,,,,,anyways update soon cause i love your story!!!

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing, synomonous! That's an intriguing idea--Buffy going all 'grrr' and kicking Wesley's ass. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things play out, won't we? LOL I'm very pleased that you are enjoying my story so far. Again, thank you.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 09:59 pm Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

This is great! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks for the continued feedback, PhotographyNut! I'm glad that you've taken a shine to my story.

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 07:55 pm Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

I've just started reading this from the beginning and I am so hooked. It's beautifully written, wonderfully descriptive and leaves me needing the answers to so many questions - lol. Aggie reminds me of an old Tara, not sure if that's what you were aiming for or if Tara will even turn up later, but that's how I imagine her. She's so lovely and calming. I am so looking forward to reading more.

Author's Response: Yay! A new reader! I'm happy to find that you're enjoying my story, Sam. Thank you for the compliments, and you do have a point about Aggie and Tara being alike. I never thought of that myself, but now that you brought it up I can see the comparison. They're both gentle souls that people just love to be around. Smart connection--I think it will be further strengthened when we learn more about the mystical aspect of the women in Buffy's family. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Missytheslayer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 05:51 pm Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! More!!!! Pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE?!?!?!? Lol, WONDERFUL update. Actually, it's wonderful updates because I missed the last one, sowwy :(. Anywho, don't leave it there for too long!!!! I NEED to know what happens!!!!!!!! Lol, cookies for you and your muse!

Author's Response: Thank you for the adamant review, Missytheslayer! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know how much you seem to be enjoying my story. And thanks for the cookies--the muse wouldn't share them with me but she told me to tell you that they were 'positively delectable.' Psh, stupid muse and all of her hoity-toity big words.

Reviewer: Jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 05:51 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

Oooh, so there's something magical that runs in her family. A little slayerness maybe?

I was SOO happy to see that you had updated! What a treat. =)

Great chapter, looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Yep, the beans are spilled, a little somethin' somethin' extra seems to go on with the women in Buffy's family. Thanks for reviewing! I'm glad that you're enjoying my story!

Reviewer: SpaceLord Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 05:44 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

Gotta love Clem, funny guy. This story is progressing nicely, can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Thanks, Spacelord! And you're right about the Clem lovin'. He's such a character--I love him to wrinkly pieces... Um, ew. That sounds wrong. But you know what I mean. I hope.

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 05:15 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

more please

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 04:44 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

First of all, I love how Clem tries to make Spike feel better ("your great personality well suits your compact, yet well-muscled body"). I love Clem!

And I'm sooooo happy that you updated. You have weaved such an interesting world in this story that it always leaves me wanting to read more. I really like the subtle hints and the intrigue and it leaves me with so many questions: who does Wesley work for, what makes the women in Buffy's family special, what's up with Giles, why did Joyce find the night so peaceful, who was Joyce's pale knight (and who drew the picture of her, was it the same person/vampire), who was the person Spike turned in '76, who is his ex, etc.. I don't think you need my litany of questions here, but just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying this story and that I can't wait to find out more :)

Author's Response: I love Clem too! There should be a club we could join. I'm so happy that you're enjoying what I've written so far--thanks for helping warm my muses heart. And I'll just address the question you had about Spike turning someone in '76--that wasn't suppose to be a big deal. I meant he hadn't turned a minion since '76, but I guess I was unclear about that. So I'm glad that you brought that up because I can see how it could be misconstrued as something of greater importance, so I'll probably clue people in that it's not in my next author's note.Thank you for reviewing, Anna!

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 04:00 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

I've been waiting for an update and here it is! Keep it coming, I will be reading for sure!

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing, Toni!

Reviewer: Victoria Noir Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 03:46 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

This has been quite intruiging. I cant wait for the next update. So many questions just waiting to be answered. Update soon please

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing, Victoria! I'm glad that my story is intriguing you!

Reviewer: Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/01/2007 - 03:02 am Title: Spun Sugar and Warm Apple Tarts

aww its been a while but awesome chappie ^^

Author's Response: Thank you, Jane!

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