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Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/23/2006 - 12:12 am Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Well, thank God he made her tell him the truth...frickin' coward....and Eve's got her nasty streak, just like we're expecting.

Well...what's Spike going to do, now that he's got his explanation? Even if he wanted Buffy *right now*, he'd have to fight through all her insistence that they'd never work out because of their history and relation. And would that really be worth it?
If she'd told him the truth to begin with about why she thought it would be best to end it, then at least he could have gotten where she was coming from, and in a way, seen the caring that was part, but not the whole, of the decision. He wouldn't have had to carry the bitterness these past three years because there would be the thought of "for the good of the family".....and they probably wouldn't have been comfortable in the same room, still, but they could have seen their family a lot more often individually without the fear of a big blow up.
It's possible Spike would have chosen a different career, too....or at least, different representation. Buffy's big problem was in not realizing that she meant more to him than the band. And that's how it should be when you're in a relationship. It goes: Spouse/Mate, Kids, Job, Yourself. It was doable, but she ran....

I still feel so bad for Spike....and I still think Buffy has some noticeable growing up to, it's hard to say if I want this particular couple back together again. As someone who's had the last physical meet-up given, followed by the surprise break-up in the morning - to a 5 year relationship - it still really hurts years later. You can be on decent terms with that person again, but that previous trust just doesn't exist anymore.

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/23/2006 - 12:06 am Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

I see the light at the end of the tunnel - thank god . Oh how I wish Spike would have seen that interaction between his 2 women. Now that Spike knows the truth, I sincerely hope it won't be too long before he dumps Eve and tries to get Buffy back. After all, 3 years is a long time, plus I can't wait either. Stupendous job sweety, please update soon.

Reviewer: Nicki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 11:43 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

I'm so glad he knows why she had to leave now. Maybe they can get all Spuffy again.?!?!?! please???

Reviewer: j Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 11:35 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

great , so now he knows , please don't make Buffy pull the denial routine about them getting back together, and i hope Spike caught that whole thing between Eve and Buffy i would like to see both her and Wood gone very soon. Thanks for writing yur great .

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 11:33 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

cant wait to see what happens next!!

Reviewer: TammyAsh666 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 11:25 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Jeez, he picked a real winner with that one. I wonder why she suddenly decided to show up. I think she is worried about Buffy stealing Spike, such a shame. I'm glad that Spike finally knows the truth, and that Buffy told the bitch off. I would just feel so much better if Buffy was with a jerk. Robin seems like a nice guy and I wouldn't want him to get hurt, but we know she's bound to end up with Spike. Maybe he can find someone else to take his mind off of Buffy. Anyway, can't wait to see what happens next=)

Reviewer: jeanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 11:24 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

addie can we get more say 10, 20 chapters at a time!! one is just not enough. i come to the end of the chappie and its oh, no! fantastaic update. i hope spike does not let buffy go and hope he heard eve rip into buffy and takes up for her. please update soon.

Reviewer: Satindoll Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 11:10 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Yummy! I love the scene with Eve. Buffy nailed her to the wall. Okay, now to the good stuff? A little more angst is okay, but there is good stuff coming right? With the still gorgeous rocker honey? Many are waiting with baited breath for what will no doubt be a very hot reunion. Just so you know. Sd

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:50 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Wow...two confrontations for Buffy in one day. It's sad though...Spike really did use past tense. I guess he no longer loves her. I really do hope he doesn't stay with Eve though, she seems like a stuck up bitch who's fake. Poor Buffy. Update soon please!

Reviewer: Alyxandria Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:43 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Hey, Addie. Me again. I just got around to reading this chapter again and I just had to tell you again how much I loved it.
I love how you wrote Spike and Buffy's reunion - it was exactly what I was expecting as far as quality, but still managed to suprise me (I loved that she let it slip about Travers).
Anyway, that's all - I'm just so thrilled with what you've done with this story. Keep it up.

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:16 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

go Buffy. Yes that was so wonderful.

Reviewer: MARGARET Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:16 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine


Reviewer: Fran Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:06 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Goodness, what is Spike going to do now? I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Samantha_78 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:03 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

I hope they get back together soon.

Reviewer: stephanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 10:00 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

good she finally told him.... Are we going to get anything from Spike's point of view???? Coz that would clear alot of stuff up

Reviewer: McChick Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 09:45 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

Loved it!! Eve=bitch
Spike and Buffy = Hope!!!
Ok so now Spike knows why she left him, now they just need to work it out and get back together and make with the smoochies!!! Excellent chapter!


Reviewer: Alyxandria Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 09:42 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine

OMG! An update! I'm so excited...
And I am *not* dissappointed. The scene in the kitchen was WONDERFUL!!! I loved it. ( In fact, I may read it again after I finish this review. :P ) And Buffy's confrontation with Eve was perfect.
Great update, Addie. Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Kill_Pineapples Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/22/2006 - 09:38 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Nine's all so sad, I nearly couldn't read it. I really liked the ending though. Eve's a bitch.

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