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Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/17/2005 - 10:39 am Title: Patrol

I like the begin and the plot - I'm reading on.

Author's Response: Thanks! I hope you like my new update.

Reviewer: Chelsea Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2005 - 02:22 pm Title: Patrol

Great start! I can't wait to see what happens. Love the part where Buffy tells Riley he is getting carried away! Awesome job!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you like it so far. I'm trying to make everyone happy with each chapter.

Reviewer: nichole Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2005 - 12:40 pm Title: Patrol

great start so far..looking forward to more..please update soon

Author's Response: Thanks very much. And just so you know I'm going to try and make a chapter each day!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2005 - 05:12 am Title: Patrol

good so far

Author's Response: Thanks I hope you like the updates!

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/15/2005 - 01:22 am Title: Patrol

Great start. Please update soon. I hope there will be Riley bashing.

Author's Response: I tried to put a little Riley bashing in there for you but not a lot because I didn't want it to be like a lot of the other stories!

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