
A/N: a shout out to all the sweeties out there liking the story so far and actually letting me know :D And please review? It means the world to me.

Shippy ~ well I know he's not drunk now but I hope you still like him all the same. :)

Beth ~ Faith is one of my faves so she'll be around alot to sass our William/Billy and push buffy and him together in only the way she can. Blunt and bitchy !!!!

Starshine ~ Original is the best compliment. I really really really try not to copy and come up with unique ideas....must be why it takes me so damn long to write a story. :D

Isabel ~ don't ya love Mojo? funny story....my dad went riding on his horse Macho to visit a neighbor one day...they got drunk.(my dad and the neighbor not the horse *giggles*)...bout half way home my dad fell off the horse in some field...my mom went outside later on and the horse had come home but not my dad he showed up about 4 hours later!!!! It's where the idea for Mojo came from.


Chapter 4

The morning sun poured through the window and onto the bed making William groan and tug the blankets over his still closed eyes. *Bloody hell I’ve got a ‘eadache….what the hell did I do to m’self last night?*

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to stop his head from spinning he realized two things right off. One that he was in a soft, sweet smelling bed that he knew wasn’t his, and two he was completely starkers.

“What the HELL?” Sitting up abruptly he clenched his eyes and jaw trying not to heave all over the bed as his empty stomach roiled in protest at his sudden movements. “God…Kill me now.”

“God is a bit busy right now but I’ll let him know that you’re expecting him William.”

Opening his eyes just a crack he couldn’t help the slight grin at seeing the unexpected face of Buffy’s younger sister the prim Miss Dawn Summers.

“Bit…” He drawled in greeting his smile genuine as he watched her open the other set of window shades the sun making him squint and moan in pain again. “’ave pity on a sick man for queen’s sake.”

“You are not sick Mr. Billy Rose, you are inebriated, there’s a vast difference. And just because I’m young doesn’t mean I’m not without a brain in my head to know the difference.”

Dawn turned around looking vastly unimpressed before breaking into a sunny smile and running to the bed and throwing her arms around a highly chagrined William.

“I knew you’d come back, you said you would and you did. I thought maybe you’d been killed or maybe Angel actually caught up with you, especially when neither of you returned but here you are and we missed you so much and GOD where have you been?”

William chuckled brushing back the deep chestnut hair of the 16 year old girl marveling at her ability to keep talking without a breath.

“Well see it’s like this Bit…” He started smiling at her before the door to the room opened up and Buffy herself entered followed by Fred the maid laden with a tray of food, while Buffy carried his cleaned and dried clothes in her arms.

“Dawn…downstairs now. Pastor Giles is looking for his Sunday school teacher and William will be leaving as soon as he’s dressed and fed. Isn’t that right William?”

Try as hard as he might William couldn’t ignore the steely glint in the petite blonds eye as she scowled at him. “Bit…you best better get yourself downstairs don’t want people thinkin’ you’re fraternizing with the patrons, would be bad for your reputation and me and your sister got some things to discuss.”

Looking at Buffy with a look that clearly said she was only going because he asked her. Dawn kissed him chastely on the cheek whispering, “You go get her Billy Rose,” before standing and walking past her sister and out the door taking the maid with her.

As the door closed behind them Buffy laid the clothing carefully on a side chair. She gasped loudly when she found herself pressed up against the solid oak door a very much awake and alert William pressing his lean naked form against her own.

“We….” He spoke his voice deep and rumbling sending shivers down her spine “have un...finished business Miss Buffy.”

Pulling her into his arms, she only put up a token protest before she let him slip past her defenses and into her heart clouding her mind to everything but him.

Dawn stood with her ear pressed to the door a small moan coming through it before she grinned. It was only a matter of time before her sister gave in to him completely and Dawn was more than willing to help it along.

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