A/N just a short one but I promise to have more tomorrow teh wonderful April has already proofed a load of chapters an their just waiting to be posted


"You okay?" Her voice startles her pensive friend and she gives the edgy slayer an apologetic smile as she steps more fully into the room.

"Fine, yeah, just catching up with Spike. You know, making with the talking, no big, just talking is all." Buffy is edgy, the rambling and poor sentence structure a giveaway. Willow sits beside the slayer and silently invites her to share.

"I'm fine, Will. It's just kinda intense seeing him again, that's all."

The broad grin plastered on her friend’s face doesn’t fool her for a second and she raises and eyebrow and waits. She has long since realised that Buffy can withstand almost any amount of questioning; her defenses are impenetrable to the most persistent and perspicacious of probing. But faced with a knowing expression and an expectant silence, the slayer will break within minutes.

"Stop that," Buffy huffs irritably, but she can sense that the slayer is weakening, so she holds her tongue and waits for the inevitable cave in.

"It's nothing, really. He' s alive and that's a good thing. I mean, sure, I'm still kinda pissed that no one told me, and Angel is still totally in the dog house, but it's good and I'm glad to see him." There is more to come and she has become proficient enough in reading the slayer’s mood to know exactly when to prompt and when to wait, when to push and when to back off.

"But?" An invitation.

"No, it's great. I mean, he was being nice—really nice—even about Angel. Which is actually kinda disturbing. He's happy for me and I'm happy for him. Everybody's happy." She is breaking and all Willow can do is let her shatter and be there afterwards to help her reassemble herself. Tears spill over in Buffy's pained green eyes as she looks imploringly at her friend, eyes filled with questions she knows Willow doesn't have the answers to and yet she is compelled to ask anyway. "So if he's happy and I'm happy, why does it just hurt so much?"

"Oh, Buffy." It has been such a very long time since she last saw her friend so forlorn, since she last felt so helpless in the face of Buffy's pain.

"I don’t understand." Buffy's confusion is almost pitiful. "I have everything I ever wanted. I have Angel—human, for Christ’s sake." Tears are flowing freely now, pouring unchecked down her pretty face. "But it hurts so much. I see him again and I just ache."

All she can do is place a comforting hand on her friend’s back as Buffy scrubs at her face with rough, jerky movements and gives a brittle, embarrassed laugh. "God, I'm sorry. Look at me being stupid and self absorbed again, when you have Kennedy to worry about."

"Kennedy'll be fine," she dismisses abruptly. She cannot for a single moment lose faith in the conviction that her girlfriend will be okay. Thankfully, Buffy seems to realise that she is not ready to talk about it and makes a clumsy attempt to lighten the mood.

"So, do I look okay?" She gestures at her blotchy, tear-stained face with a rueful smile.

"Oh, lovely." Willow gives her a wry grin. "But perhaps just a little cold water. Why are you bothered anyway?"

"I'm not." At her knowing raised eyebrow, the slayer rolls her eyes and looks away. "Okay, okay. Just don't want to look a complete wreck in front of Sluttetta."

She can't help but laugh at the juvenile name calling. "Its Carlotta, as you well know." Her friend’s disgruntled huff prompts her to tease. "She is very beautiful, isn’t she?"

"Huh." Buffy makes a disparaging noise as they exit the room. "Can you say obvious? She's probably a real bitch, too. She looked bossy to me; did she look bossy to you?"

Buffy looks hopeful, wide-eyed and childlike, but she just shakes her head and smiles indulgently. "Actually, when she said hello she seemed really nice."

"Hmm." A good-natured grumble. "Fine, take her side, but don't expect me to like her."


Cheers CordyKitten, I'm about 5 chapters ahead of myself and there is some spuffy in the not too distant future I promise

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