Title: Sweet Sixteen
Author: Pattyanne
Disclaimer: None of the Btvs
characters belong to me.
Rating: Up to NC-17

Summary: AU. William and Buffy are teenage
neighbors meeting for the first time. Love and
hormones rage!

Part One....

"You come on like a dream
Peaches and cream
Lips like strawberry wine
You're sixteen, you're beautiful,
And you're mine.."

William hated being seventeen. It was a crappy age,
being so close to adulthood that you could taste
it. Damn year dragged on with seemingly no end
in sight.

Sixteen had been good. A lot of things happened
when you crossed the line from fifteen to sixteen.

Not quite an adult, but no longer a child. A person
had a lot more say in their own lives when they hit
that magic age. You could stay out later...you
didn't have to be in bed by a certain time...and, best
of all, you could drive a car.

Not that there was anyplace exciting to drive to in

William rolled over from his back to his front, and let
his fingers trail across the azure water of the pool. The
sun felt good, but he wasn't really used to it yet.

He'd been looking forward to living in California. England
was all right, but he'd heard so many stories from his
friends who'd traveled to the states, and it always made
him yearn to be able to see the amazing things they'd
described to him in such vivid detail.

After nagging his grandmother to the point of madness,
she'd finally agreed to allow him to come and live in
Sunnydale with his uncle.

Although he'd felt a little guilty about leaving her alone
at Blackoaks, rattling around the huge estate with no one
but the servants for company, she'd alleviated that guilt
by deciding to return to the townhouse for an indefinite
period of time.

So he had boarded a plane for the United States with
a clear conscience. Grandma Abby had plenty of friends
in London, not to mention Aunt Susan and her brood.

Now, he was finally living in California...and he was bored
out of his mind. Stuck in a one stoplight town called
Sunnydale, and living with a high school librarian. The
fun never stopped!

Not that he wasn't getting along with his uncle. He had
only met his mother's brother a few times in his life, the
last time at his parent's funeral when he was ten years old.

Rupert Giles was every inch an English gentleman, from his
tweed jackets to his sensible oxford shoes to his wire rimmed
spectacles. He lived a quiet and bookish life, and the only
concession he had made to a "California Lifestyle" was the
swimming pool he'd had installed in his back yard after he'd
been involved in a car accident years ago. When he'd come
home from the hospital, he'd begun an exercise regimen
that would put Charles Atlas to shame. Since he enjoyed
swimming but hated the drive to the health club one town
over, he'd had the pool built, along with a small cottage on
the far side of it, set back in the gardens. Although it had
served as a sort of makeshift gymnasium for a while, it had
been cleaned out and redecorated.It was now a bedroom-
sitting room, and his uncle had turned it over to him.

It was a pretty nice set up. Fairly roomy, and he had all
the privacy he wanted. Poor old Uncle Rupert just couldn't
stand the noise in his perfect little house, so the pool house
arrangement suited them both nicely.

William had already made a few friends in town, and all of
them had been awed by the very idea of being able to live in a
separate area from parental control. Xander Harris in particular
had almost been foaming at the mouth at the notion of living
apart from his own parents. Not that William could blame him.
He'd met Xander's parents and he wouldn't want to live with them

"You're all ribbons and curls
Oh, what a girl!
Eyes that sparkle and shine
You're sixteen, you're beautiful
And you're mine.."

He heard his uncle's car pull into the driveway. Al-
though technically it was summer holiday, school would
be starting in another week and the old boy wanted his
cherished library in apple pie order before the students
came back and made a mess of his filing system.

The front door opened and closed, then the sliding
door to the patio squeaked along it's runners. William
turned and saw his uncle glancing through the stack
of mail in his hand.

"Oh, um....William. You have....let's see....a letter
from your grandmother...your monthly stipend...and
something..." He peered at the front of a neon pink en-
velope, covered with a messy black scrawl. "...I think
it's from someone named....Donetta?"

William chuckled. "Drusilla," he corrected. "She's a friend
from London."

"Uh...yes...well," Rupert Giles glanced at his nephew and
promptly turned a brilliant shade of crimson. "Oh, William,
really! I have asked you time and time again to please wear
an appropriate garment when you use the pool!"

William sighed and reached for a pair of cut offs. "Sorry, Unc...but
it's not like anyone can see." He gestured around at the high
walls, covered by even higher shrubbery, and several tall bushy
trees. "The only neighbor who might get a shock is Mrs Summers
and she's at work during the day."

"That's hardly the point, William. This is a small town we live in, a
civilized society, and one does not romp naked out of doors."

"Well, maybe one should," William suggested. He stood up and
stepped into his shorts. "Might spice things up around here for
a change." Straightening, he zipped his fly, then turned and
dove into the deep end of the pool, splashing his uncle with a
liberal amount of water.

He came up at the other end, beneath the slide. Shaking his
shaggy curls out of his eyes, he saw his uncles lips moving
and knew he'd missed whatever he was supposed to be hearing.

"I'm sorry," he admitted. "I didn't hear you." Swimming to the
side of the pool, he gazed up at the older man, squinting in the
afternoon glare of the sun.

"I said," Rupert continued, shaking the drops of water off his
mail, "that Mrs. Summers is expecting her daughter to arrive home
either today or tomorrow. I will not be pleased if you give the
girl an education in male anatomy outside of the school grounds."

William grinned, unable to help himself. "So, I should give her that
lesson in the school corridors, huh?"

"Very amusing," his uncle said dryly.

William heaved himself up out of the water, and sat on the brick
deck, dangling his legs. "So...what's her name?"

Rupert had turned and was making his way back to the house,
still perusing his mail. "Pardon?"

"The daughter." It was beginning to sound like things were
going to pick up a bit on Revello Drive. "She got a name?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes....Elizabeth."

William nodded. Elizabeth wasn't a bad name. Maybe she liked
to be called Liz or Beth.

"But I believe she goes by a nickname..Buffy."

"Buffy?" William muttered. "What the hell kind of a name is

"You walked out of my dreams
And into my arms
Now, you're my angel divine
You're sixteen, you're beautiful
And you're mine..."


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