Author's Chapter Notes:
Dont worry we will meet Spike next chapter
“My summer is ruined” Buffy whined, lightly banging her head on the table, in time with the music.

“Ya never know B, maybe you’ll meet some hot farm boy “ Faith snorted

Buffy just rolled her eyes.

“Really, Buffy, you said you haven’t been there since you were five, maybe it won’t be that bad” Willow smiled, as she patted Buffy’s hand, trying to sound reassuring.

“But Will, I had such big plans for this summer. Faith was gonna help me get Angel back, now I will lose him for sure” Buffy moped taking a sip of her cola.

“Do you really think you could do it, Buffy, I mean just have sex with some random guy ? I mean..”

“Sure she could!” Faith interrupted “Buffy, you still have a couple days, why don’t you try your first lesson tonight”

“Um.. I’m not sure Faith, I mean I’m really not in much of a ‘social’ mood tonight” Buffy stammered nervously.

“Well Angel sure is” Faith replied pointing over her shoulder.

Buffy turned around and saw Angel on the dance floor with some petite brunette. She watched as he grasped her hips , pulling her roughly against him. The girl, in response ,started grinding her butt back and forth against Angel’ crotch.

“That son of a bitch” Buffy jumped out of her seat, only to be grabbed by Faith.

“No B, that’s not the way” Faith smirked and pointed to a table near the bar ”Go ask Parker to dance and give Angel a little show .”

“Parker Abrams?” Buffy spat “He is a ….pig”

Faith laughed “Exactly!”

Buffy picked up Faith’s Jack and Coke and finished it in one long drink. The liquor burned her throat all the way down to her stomach. She didn’t really drink, but she needed to find courage anywhere she could find it right now. She steeled herself and headed towards the table were Parker was sitting.

“Hey Parker” Buffy smiled.

“Oh, hey Betty, I heard about you and Angel breaking up” Parker said , blatantly undressing Buffy with his eyes.

Buffy cringed at the thought of this jerk touching her, but remembering Angel on the dance floor, she smiled and answered “It’s Buffy, and yeah, well, you know, …things happen,” She tried to sound casual.

“Oh , Right, wanna dance ?”

Parker lead her to the dance floor. She tried to close her eyes and lose herself in the music. When she felt his hands wrap around her waist and pull her against him, her eyes snapped open . He started to grind his erection on her leg, looking at her with a eerie smile that made Buffy’s skin crawl. Think of Brad Pitt she told herself, closing her eyes once again. Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp dancing with you she smiled . Lost in her thoughts, she turned around and started grinding her back against Parkers front, the way the girl had done to Angel.

She felt Parker pull her flush against him and whisper in her ear. “Let’s go get some air”

Buffy froze at his words. She couldn’t go through with it. Opening her eyes with a sigh,. she was about to turn around and politely decline when she noticed Angel staring at her from across the dance floor.
He is jealous Buffy thought with a smile.

Turning to Parker, trying to sound confident “Let’s go” she croaked.

Her voice sounded small and shaky, but if the boy noticed, her never mentioned it. He simply turned and hurried her off the dance floor, down the hallway and out the back door to the alley. They had barely made it out the door when he shoved her against the wall and started attacking her mouth with his.
Parker thrust his tongue in her mouth, as his hands began roughly squeezing her breasts.

Buffy felt the bile rise in her throat from his sloppy kisses and irritating gropes. She shoved him back yelling ”Stop”

Parker looked dazes and started to move towards her again. “Come on Betty, you know you want it”

Buffy shoved him again, this time hard enough that he stumbled and fell flat on his ass

“It’s Buffy, you Moron, and the only thing I want is for you to stop slobbering and pawing all over me” Buffy exploded wiping her mouth.

She looked down and knew Parker was angry. He stood up and took a threatening step towards Buffy

“I knew it !” Parker sneered“ Angle said you were a tease, I just never realized you were a frigid bitch, too. No wonder Angel dumped you” he got a satisfied smirk on his face, then turned stomped back inside, slamming the door.

Buffy just stood there in shock. Angel had told everyone. She sobbed leaning her head back against the wall. Suddenly feeling hopeless, she slid down the wall, burying her hands in her face and began to cry.
What wrong with me ? Why cant I just be normal? Buffy screamed in her head.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting there when Willow came rushing down the alley ”Buffy
I was looking everywhere for you,. Are you okay?”

“No, Will I’m not okay and I never will be” The blond huffed.

“ Oh my God, Did you and Parker..?” Willow gasped.

Buffy snorted “No, Willow what’s wrong with me ? Why don’t I like sex ?” she cried.

Willow shifted uncomfortably “ I’m sure you will, when it’s the right person”

“No Willow, because Angel was the right person, and I blew it”

“I’m sure things will work out” her friend offered hopefully.

Buffy nodded, not because she believed Willow, but because she knew Willow didn’t understand.
She had the perfect relationship, with the perfect boyfriend ,who had patiently waited for over a year before they had sex. “Let’s go home”

The next morning Joyce was exhausted. She had waited up for Buffy, hoping that maybe some time out with her friends , would have put her in a better mood. She couldn’t have been more wrong. When her daughter had come home, Joyce could tell she had been crying. She had tried to talk to her about it, but
Buffy had just waved her away and ran to her room.

Guilt had kept Joyce tossing and turning all night long. With her father running off six months ago, maybe it wasn’t fair to leave for the summer, isolating Buffy from her home and her friends. By early morning she had come to a decision, she wasn’t going.

Joyce knew Mrs. Chase wouldn’t be in until around eleven, she hurried through all of her paperwork so she would be free to talk to her when she came in. The Chase family had bought the gallery about a year before. Joyce could tell that Cordelia didn’t know much about art, so she had taken her under her wing and helped her with the basics. Cordelia had been a quick learner and even though she could be very difficult , she had always treated Joyce with respect.

Around eleven thirty Cordelia came strolling in, followed by her personal assistant Anya. Cordelia was sauntering down the hallway grumbling that her latte had gotten cold, when Joyce walked out of her office. “Good morning Mrs. Chase, I was wondering if I could have a word with you”

“Joyce I keep telling you, call me Cordelia” Her boss smiled removing her large sunglasses. ”come on in my office”

Joyce followed the brunette into her office and took a seat. “Mrs. Ch…Cordelia I don’t think I’m going to be able to go on the buying trip.”

Cordelia’s smile instantly faded, “What? What do you mean you cant go” she demanded.

“Well my daughter, Buffy is going through a hard time, and with her father being gone…”

“I thought you were sending her to Illinois? Cordelia interrupted.

“Iowa” Joyce corrected “I was, but like I was saying, she is having a really hard time right now. She just broke up with her first real boyfriend and doesn’t want to leave her friends. I can’t just leave her by herself….”

“How about if she comes to stay with me” Cordelia offered quickly.

Joyce looked at her skeptically “Buffy can be quite a handful, that would way too much to ask.”

Cordelia smiled brightly “Well, you’re not asking, I’m offering. Come on Joyce it will be fun. It’s a win-win situation.”

“I don’t know Cordelia, I know how busy you are” Joyce argued

“Nonsense, even when I’m not there, Jenny and Giles are; it will be perfect.” Cordelia defended.

“What about your husband?” she asked

“William? He will be in Jamaica for another month, then he is off to Montreal, see I could use the company. She can invite her friends to come over and swim in the pool, it will be like summer camp” Cordelia pleaded.,

Joyce relented “ Well I will have to make sure its okay with Buffy”

“Great” Cordelia squealed excitedly. ”Take the rest of the day off and go talk to her”

When Joyce had left her office, Cordelia plopped down in her chair, no linger smiling.

“What was that all about” Anya asked sarcastically, having witness the conversation.

“If Joyce backs out, daddy will insist I go” Cordelia spat “ and I am not spending my entire summer looking at a bunch of boring art, in dusty back rooms. Even if it means I have spending the summer babysitting her brat”

“How old is she?” Anya asked

“I don’t know, twelve, thirteen maybe, I don’t care, as long as she stays off my stuff and out of my way”
Cordelia sneered.

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