[Reviews - 55] LikedPrinter
Summary: *BRAND NEW! NEVER BEFORE SEEN CHAPTER 13!!!!* AU Season 7; Spike has always had such a hard time trying to make things go his way. This past summer in Africa, though, seems to have found him in a better place. He's back in Sunnydale now, for better or worse -- but is he ready to handle it all? What will Dawn say to his face? How will Buffy react to the changed man that's returned to her? And what about that strange presence lurking in the shadows?
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Horror
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No
Word count: 87740 Read: 14898
Published: 01/15/2007 Updated: 04/16/2008

1. † unforseen † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 5] Liked (4713 words)
Yeah, I'm revamping this one, too. The only difference with this one is that it's still a WIP -- OoMH was finished long ago before I decided to revamp it. Anyway, this could take a while, seeing as I start the spring semester tomorrow, and I still have work. But I WILL get it done! I SWEAR IT! This thing is about three or four years old, and it needs to be finished!

2. † what dreams may come † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 4] Liked (5503 words)
Almost four years -- and this is STILL my least favorite chapter. *sigh* Ah, well. I tried to make it decent for you guys :)

3. † reflections of abandonment † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 3] Liked (5747 words)
Just wanted to say that you people -- all of you, every single on of you -- ROCK! (^_^) Also, this chapter is slightly angsty. Not like, "Kill me now" angsty, but "why didn't I think of this before, god I'm a moron" angsty. It'll pass :)

4. † breaking it down † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 3] Liked (4533 words)
I'm such a slacker. I really tried to get this out as fast as possible, but I stalled when I was trying to revise this stupid chapter :( I couldn't figure out how to word anything anymore. The problem is, that a lot of what happens between here and where I left off is mostly filler, like Willow's singing in OMWF. Maybe I can fix that :) So, I'm sorry for the wait, for whoever was really hoping I'd update soon. Hope you enjoy what I'm posting now!

5. † point of fact † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 4] Liked (5557 words)
Ack! I know, I know, I'm a slacker. I took too long. I'd put the blame on somebody, but I wouldn't know who :D I DEMAND that everybody bow down and worship Megan with me, because she is the best beta in the world. Her comments make me giggle ^_^ Also, just a side note for the obsessed -- has anybody else gotten the 2nd issue of Buffy Season 8 comic? If so, who else is utterly disgusted and squicked by the "romantic" connotations that Joss dropped? *shivers* Yick. Okay, that's enough, no go! Read! Review, please!~_^

Oh, and Megan -- I liked one of your comments so much, I used it as a Spike-line. Guess which one!

6. † forgiven † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 5] Liked (7522 words)
I will be in Boston in 17 days! (I hope; I have to buy tickets, first). I'll try to get more stuff ready for updating while I'm gone, but until then, I'm at home until May 30th. Reach me whenever you want :)

ETN: Okay, long story short, I'm an idiot and accidentally uploaded Chapter 6 as Chapter 5, and then uploaded Chapter 6 last night without realizing it. That's fixed now, I swear :) Thanks to k for pointing that out to me!

7. † shame and the old cliché † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 4] Liked (8169 words)
As always, I want to thank my betas, Megan and Sue for everything they do for me -- and this includes putting my head on straight ^_^ You guys rock, I would completely suck without you! I'll be going on vacation Wednesday May 30th (State-side) and I'll be gone until June 10th -- hell, maybe I'll see a couple of my favorite Bostonites while I'm living it up in Massachusetts! I would appreciate it so much if, when I come back, I find my mailbox overflowing with reviews and stuff ~_^ What I'm basically saying is -- please love me, please review! You guys rock! Thanks for reading!

8. † foot-in-mouth-syndrome † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 3] Liked (6846 words)
I'm baaa-ack! I finally have the Internet again! Yay! So, this chapter ended up being about 17 Microsoft Word 2003 pages long. Except the last page was really only just the To Be Continued and my second note (read it, BTW!) I'm thinking I may have gotten a bit carried away when revising this chapter. Then again, it's an important chapter ~_^

9. † the double-edged sword † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 3] Liked (7214 words)
Many sincere thanks to Holly and Megan for their work betaing this chapter for me. You guys are godsends :)

10. † venom † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 3] Liked (6008 words)
Thank you, Megan :)

11. † stalking seduction † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 4] Liked (9604 words)
All of my gratitude and appreciation go to Megan for this. Thank you so much, hon.

12. † blood bares all † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 7] Liked (9028 words)
Many thanks to LadyYashka for her support, and as always, lots and lots of gratitude to Megan, who is STILL playing beta for me despite actually having a life outside of the Spuffyverse :)

Please review!!! I really do reply!

13. † progress † by AJ Hofacre [Reviews - 7] Liked (7296 words)
Well, here we go. Four years of nothing have finally turned into something. I hope you guys like this -- here it is, for the first time ever, Beneath You Part 13 -- Progress.

As always, my heart felt thanks to my dear beta Megan, and to LadyYashka who is instrumental in giving me mounds and mounds of support. Thank you both so much.