Author's Chapter Notes:
I wish I could take credit for everything that is Buffy. But I can't they all belongs to Joss Whedon.
The only characters I can claim are the ones that I made up.
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Chapter 1 Partings

"We've got to go"

"Where? they've got both the back and front closed off."

"Then go through the tunnels, you know the way, the ones we went through before."
"Take the same path and get on the ship."

The pounding is getting louder and the sound of gun shots is heard. Time is running out.

"Luv you go to go."

"I think they're going to..."

"Be quiet.......
"When I tell you to go, go and don't look back." "Do you hear me?"

"What about you?"

"What did I say? Don't look back..." he looked into her eyes one last time.

"I'll find you; no matter where you are I'll find you...... GO!"

But she did look back. "I love you."

"I love you to baby now GO!!"

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
Without you
Within me
I can't find no rest
Were I'm
Is anybodies guess.
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

Chapter 2 Beautiful Stranger

~Ninety- two years later~

“Give me your hand.” He said to her.

Looking at him like he had two head instead of the one on his sholders.


“Because I want to drag you off and murder you" he said sarcastically

"Well that could very well be true since I have no clue who you are, and how you got here."

Something told her he was somewhat safe. He had a dangerous gleam in his eyes but for some reason she couldn't say no.

Maybe it was his crystal clear baby blue eyes that made her trust him.

She looked at him curiously, and then sighed. She reached her hand out and he grasped it tightly. He pulled her up with him. She walked with him until they reached the top of the hill. She stood in front of him with a curious look on her face.

Now she was really confused, this was not what she expected.

What did she expect?

He turned around and looked at the view. The rock they were standing on was perched high above a lake. The moon was full and it reflected off the water, illuminating everything around them. He pointed out towards the water.

"It's a lake."

"You don't say."

"It's really nice but why are you showing me this?"

Taking her eyes from his for a minute to really look at the view, which was really beautiful by the way.

"Because you needed to see it."

"What do......?”

When she turned around he was already gone.

There was no possible way any one could move that fast, she'd only turned her back for a few seconds.
And she would have heard him leave, they were on a hill.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
I tried
To go on like I never knew you
I'm awake
But my world is half asleep
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
When she woke the next morning it was still on her mind.

How weird was the whole thing, She didn't even know his name or where he lived.

He just vanished.

The whole reason she was alone in the park to begin with was a little disturbing, especially what she was about to do.
For some reason I feel like I know him. Or maybe I just wish I did.

If he didn't show up when he did......

"Let’s not try to think about it just one day at a time."

"Breath... just breath."

“Lets just start with a shower and then off to school I go."

Elizabeth never fit in. No matter where she was or who she was with she just felt out of place.

It's not like she was an unattractive person it was exactly the opposite. She was beautiful, long wavy blond hair that spilled over sholders and light vibratent green eyes. Though behind those eyes you could see something missing closed of to the rest of the world.
Stepping into Sunnydale high she were she put her mask on the most.

It was pretty much hell everyday, and how she made it to her senior year was beyond her.

“God… I hate my life.” She exhaled noisily as she banged her head against the door before standing up.

Slowly, she turned the faucet and let the water run for a while before splashing her face with the crystal liquid. She looked up at the mirror to see her pathetic, soaked expression staring back at her. She shook her head and closed her eyes for a second, searching for the courage to leave that bathroom.

"Your last year, then you’re done with Sunnydale..."
With one last look she left the girls room.

The days passed and eventually the looks thrown in Buffy’s direction lessened. She walked briskly through the halls, clutching her books against her chest as she looked at her watch. She sighed in relief when she reached her destination and stood quietly. School was over with hours ago and the sun had just set.

Staying after to make up exams because what happened last year was over with today and that made her feel lighter some how.
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

He watched from a distance as she walked home alone.

He had been doing this for a while now, and sometimes he swore she knew he was there,
watching her from a distance.

And she should be able to; she always knew when he was there. One of the things he loves about her.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

"I know your there, show yourself."

“Well hello love,” A deep voice coming from behind the slayer said." “Out for a stroll?” The owner of the voice

questioned conversationally. Whipping her head around so that she was facing the voice.

It was him the same gorgeous cerulean blue eyes, well defined cheekbones, and bleached blonde hair. Buffy’s eyes moved downwards and stared at his abs, hidden
beneath his flowing leather duster and tight black shirt were obviously well defined, as were his arms.

“So are you going to stare all night love?" not that he hadn't been doing the same.

"Don't fatter your self, and the question is why were you following me?"


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