Chapter 15: Revelations
Dawn knew something was going on. Willow hasn’t called or stopped by in days. Anya hasn’t called for a quick baby sitter lately. Dawn knew something was going on, she smelled a rat and thy name is Xander. Dawn was sitting in class trying to pay attention to the lecture, but she found her thoughts were turning more and more towards Xander and his unhealthy obsession with Spike hating. The professor wrapped up the class and dismissed everyone thirty minutes early. Most of the class went to work on their senior projects, but Dawn decided to do some reconnaissance. She flung her backpack into her car and sped away towards the Magic Box. If anyone was going to crack it would be Anya, and Anya wouldn’t even know she was talking before she spilled the beans. Dawn smiled slyly as she parked the car outside and headed towards the shop. The bell rang indicating a new customer and Anya looked up from her current customer. Anya smiled and waved and went back to collecting her precious money. After the customer left Dawn spoke up, “Hey ya, Anya!”

“Good afternoon, Dawn. Can I interest you in a monkey’s paw?” Anya seemed jumpy, not quite comfortable.

Dawn shook her head and sat down at the table near the back. No other customers were in the shop, so Anya came over. “How’s the kid?”

“Doing great, but is a drain on finances. Are you sure you don’t want a monkey’s paw? Some believe they grant wishes. Only thirty dollars, a real bargain for wishes.”

Dawn snorted, “Yeah, wishes like vengeance demons. I read the book, the wishes never come out like the wisher wants.”

“Oh, too bad.” Anya shrugged and started to straighten some of the shelves.

“Where’s Giles?” Dawn wanted to make Anya comfortable.

“Spending the day researching. He’s worried it’s been too quiet. First there was that influx and then nothing. He was researching here until I told him I wasn’t paying him to do research.”

“You don’t pay him.”

“He said that, too. But it’s my store. He signed papers.” Dawn shrugged. It was an old argument. The shop was Anya’s but Giles still had privileges. Whenever Anya got a little defensive, she would send him away. “Why are you here, don’t you have class?”

“My 2:00 o’clock was canceled and I was let out early for my morning class. I was just wondering if I did something wrong, you haven’t had me watch the squirt lately.”

“Oh, that. No, you didn’t do anything wrong. We’ve just been… busy. You know how that goes.”

“Yeah, with all the money making and all the shaking.”

“No shaking. No orgasms. Am I ugly?” Dawn thought: Woe, change of subject and mood awfully quick.


“Xander, he hasn’t touched me since she came back to town. I haven’t had any Xander induced orgasms. What is it with him and Buffy?” Dawn shrugged. “She hasn’t given him a hint she ever wanted more than friendship. Why is he obsessed with her?” Dawn got up and patted Anya’s shoulder. “Yeah, she’s hot. Really hot. Have you noticed she doesn’t look as old as us? I bet she still gets carded. I mean, Xander has gray hair. I bet Willow would too, if she didn’t do Miss Clairol every other month.” Dawn shook her head at the ex-vengeance demon ranting. “You are even beginning to look older than her. Face it Dawn, we are getting old.”

“Speak for yourself, my breasts are still perky!” Dawn gasped and put her hand over her mouth, not believing what just flew out of it.

Anya looked irritated for a second and then her face changed back to discontentment. “Yeah, I also am a mother that breast fed. After you pop out one or two we will see your perky breasts.”

Dawn snickered, thinking of ways to get her back on Xander’s obsession with Buffy. That topic seemed more interesting than perky breasts. “So, been a while? What does Xander have to say about this?”

“Nothing, he’s too busy with his stupid plan.” Anya’s eyes got really big when she realized what she just said.

“Anya, what is Xander planning?”

“For work, you know.”

“Uh huh, sure. He gave up sex with you for plans at work? I don’t think so. Spill.”

“It’s stupid, really.” She thought about telling Dawn about the plan to get Spike away from Buffy for a minute or so. “Actually, it probably would be good for you to know so you can stop him and I can have my orgasms again. Promise not to tell him I told you?” Dawn nodded her head. Now, she was getting somewhere. “He called Quentin Travers.” Dawn gasped. “A sweeper team was sent here.”

“Like the one they sent after Faith/Buffy? Are they going to kill him?”

“I think so, but… they are going to bring him to England.”


“From what Xander said, the council has taken some pointers from the Initiative.”

“You got to be kidding me!” Dawn was dumb founded. In all her ‘few’ years on this plane of existence she never heard of something so wrong. “So Xander set it up so they take Spike and experiment on him?”

“Yeah. Actually there is more.” Anya looked sheepish. “He is going to make it look like Buffy set it up.”

“What?” Anya went on about the details of Xander’s plan. “And you and Willow are helping him?”

“At first, when it was just to protect Buffy, but now… it’s different. I think he’s gone off the deep end. That’s why I am telling you,” Anya confessed. “you’ve got to tell Buffy.”
Spike was coming into consciousness. His head hurt. The first thing he knew was that he was on something soft. Spike tried to think of the previous night. He was with his friend, Jack Daniels There were many Jacks around the previous night. Spike groaned and flipped over onto his back. He could have sworn that he passed out on the floor, but then he had the dream about her. Since Buffy left, Spike has taken to sleeping anywhere BUT the big bed in the middle of the room. Breathing in sharply out of habit, Spike smelled her. She was close. As fast as his partially inebriated body would allow, Spike stood -up and looked around. The place was clean once again. All the bottles that he consumed were in the trash. On the dresser, his clothes were clean and folded. Spike went into the bathroom and looked around. The mirror was still broken from where he punched it last night in a fit of rage. His attempt at romancing Buffy didn’t work. In fact, she ignored his efforts. The glass on the floor and counter were cleaned up, she must have been here a long time and taken great care to straighten up.

Spike walked back into the main room and noticed an ice bucket with packets of blood. Going over, he noticed the ice barely melted. She was just here and he missed it and it wasn’t a dream. Sighing, Spike sat on the bed in resignation until something caught his vision. The phone had a red light and a piece of paper in front of it. He read the note and smiled. Spike picked up the phone to access the messages. “Spike,” he could hear the smile in her voice, “I love you.” Ah, such a sweet sound. “ Since you must know where I am at, please call me.” After a pause, “ I miss you, baby.” She did call. The voice mail person said she called right after the flowers and letter were supposed to be delivered. He made himself out to be a sodding wanker last night for nothing and she came here in hopes of reconciliation. Boy, did he blow it. Spike groaned in loathing for himself, he flopped down in bed, staring at the ceiling. “You are such a sodding wanker! She was here, you git!” Spike hopped up with a plan forming in his head. He couldn’t wait until sunset.

Spike groaned again, not in hatred but in pain. The first thing he noticed was that he couldn’t move his arms or legs. Second thing he discovered was that he was vertical and leaning against a hard surface. Third thing was the reason he couldn’t move his arms and legs was because he was chained to a wall. Spike was afraid to open his eyes in fear of what he would see. Who he would see. But, being difficult like he was, Spike did open his eyes and immediately closed them.

Angel was standing in front of him with a wicked grin on his face. “Let’s get this started, boy.”
“He is what?” Buffy was outraged. Dawn took the phone away from her ear when Buffy screamed.

“Anya said that there is a sweeper team in Sunnydale looking for Spike to take him back to England for experiments.”

“And why would Anya supply this information?”

“She’s mad at him. He hasn’t performed… his… husbandly duties since this all came up… you know how Anya thinks.”

“Uh, yeah. And he wanted to set me up so it looks like I set him up?”

“That is the gist.”

“So if he ever escaped he would go after me?” Buffy rubbed her forehead in an attempt to stave off a headache that was forming.

“And then you would dust him. Leave it to Xander.” Dawn shrugged. Xander definitely went too far this time.

“Oh, I am going to kill him!”

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