Reviews For Oedipus Calling
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Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/24/2007 - 12:44 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

I still don't buy all the excuses on why both of them will be so stupid. I still think one of them will be smart enough to tell them the truth. I don't care if self-defense isn't always a guarantee that would be a much better defense than just killing him. As soon as Spike saw Buffy he should have convince her to turn herself in. Or Buffy should have convince Spike to let her turn herself in. Although, Buffy shouldn't need to convince Spike if she really wanted to turn herself in. Lying to the cops is never, never a good thing. You only make things worse. How are they suppose to believe you once you lie to them.

I almost stopped reading from their stupidity. Seriously. But I might continue to read. This is just my opinion anyways.

Author's Response: Yes, and to have a realistic story, every character must do the smart thing...

I have my reasons for everything I've done. Just relax and trust me here.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/24/2007 - 12:30 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

So they are not buying his story, wonder what they will find when they finger print the house, Spikes won't be there.

Kate was sort of concerned for Buffy and lucky they didn't find the letter.

I hope Tara can help her.

More please.

Reviewer: Devin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/24/2007 - 12:17 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

YAY! Quick updates! I love 'em! This is just getting too depressing. :( But I can't wait for more!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/24/2007 - 12:04 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Seven

oh wow!! wow. wow!! wow!!!! loved it lots and lots. ther are soooo many ways this could go wrong for the both of them but i know you have a happy ending up ur sleeve so i'll wait it out. great job. loved it bunches. so glad that tara is in this. more soon.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 03:50 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Three

Deciding to run away together sounds so naive, just the idea is tying my stomach in knots. Spike and Buffy are broke and on their own. Is Buffy going to get another job as a stripper? Their decision should be a relief, instead it's just ramped the tension up higher.

This was another tight chapter in this tension filled, entertaining story.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 03:43 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Two

You took a delightful, domestic morning after and dramatically turned it on its head. The threat of Angel is always hanging over them, and it's a tension that permeates even their quiet moments together. Theiur mutual declarations of love make Buffy's situation even more heart breaking...

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 06:59 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

How can he possibly think she'll survive this without him. Poor boy and poor Buffy. Glad to hear that the updates wil be quicker now. I can hardly wait to see how they get around this road block. Though it is unexpected, and those are always the best kind.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 06:49 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Five

What exactly is the appropriate response to that. Really can't see that ending well. Must read on... right now...

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 04:56 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

OH SH*T!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!

(*And thank you for having it finished. That is the mother of all cliffhangers.*)

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 03:04 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Spike! That's just stupid!

Thing is, if Buffy showed up at the police station looking like she was, they wouldn't convict her for shooting Liam. She has bruises, she's disheveled, her nightgown is torn, she's scared out of her mind........It's a case of self defense brought on by domestic abuse. The truth would set her free.

Reviewer: jennifer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 02:33 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Thank god he didn't kill her - he deserved it! Of course, with the bruises and all she could've called the police and been fine, but wow what a mess! I'm excited to see where you take this!

Reviewer: ochit duzon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 01:20 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Ill say this again, OMG! Why did Spike do that? Now things will get more complicated. Buffy could just plead self defense and show her bruises to the police and they will believe her. After all how could a small woman like Buffy fight against a big man like Liam? Spike didnt have to play the hero. Will they still have a happy ending together? cant wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2007 - 12:42 am Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

OH no, would Buffy have not gotten off in self defense.

Spike is just making it worse.

More please.

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 09:25 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

I feel my heart breaking for what William is about to do. I wish I could physically pop myself into the fic and smack some sense into him. I am sure if they were in a rational state of mind both Buffy and William would realize that Buffy wouldn't be in trouble seeing as it was self defense. Liam deserved it.

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 08:04 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

okay....didn't expect this to happen. wow. oh WOW!!!! wow....i can't think of anything else to this is gonna get worse for buffy and spike before it gets better, isn't it???? oh wow. loved it soooooooo much. angel got off too easily though but I'm glad that part of the situation is over. now all that needs to be done is proving that buffy did it out of self defense. loved it sooooooooooo much. WOW. great job. more soon.

Reviewer: satindoll Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 07:58 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Okay, big bad mess here. I'm hoping there's a way out that doesn't send pretty Spike to prison or worse. but the only way to find out is to hand in here and wait for the next chapter. so that's what I'll be doing....waiting...patiently waiting...for the next chapter..................


Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 07:55 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Duh... that's it, Buffy didn't always buy something when she said she'd gone shopping? Sometimes it's the little things that are important. Seems Buffy just got away before Liam could rape her (and maybe kill her soon). That pushed Buffy indeed over; but she never saw if she hit Liam after all.
Darla confirmed, Liam is indeed dead. Well they don't have to worry then that he'll come after them. Uh-huh.. I guess I know what Spike is about to do. A wrong confession.. not good. Buffy acted in self defense she wouldn't get in so much trouble then William will.
Cliffhanger indeed; now I'm even more glad that you have finished the story.

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 07:47 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

It's self defense. Why don't they just turn her in. She's got the bruises and everything. Why don't they just go to the police? Oh man...this is bad.

Reviewer: Cas Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 07:31 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Oh, hope its true and really and truly dead. Poor Spike, what a martyr. Can't wait to see how this ends.

Reviewer: jennybean Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 06:21 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

I don't like it when Spike tries to be noble - it always backfires on him. It seems to me Buffy should fess up to the police as it seems she has a good case of self-defense. And if Liam's ex-wives would come forward to say he beat them as well it establishes Liam's violent streak. With Spike interfering like this, it can only get worse. Can't wait for the next chapter - I was so excited to see another one so quickly.

Reviewer: jennybean Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 06:10 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Five

First off, I loved the dance scene - since the beginning of this story, I've wanted her to strip for him. Second, I had a niggling in the back of my head saying that Liam was the type to keep tabs on Buffy - have a private investigator following her so that Liam would have complete control over her. This is really not good - especially so close the escape. ANd she probably has a big bite mark on her neck to boot!

Reviewer: Tigress Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 06:03 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Somehow I don't think Buffy's going to stay quiet... Hopefully they'll both be ok (and out of jail). Looking forward to the next update!

Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 05:43 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Why didn't they go straight to the police and say it was self defense. I mean buffy looks bad and you could tell there was a struggle. I'm sorry but they are both being so stupid. Lying to the cops only makes things worst.

But looking forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: Mali Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 05:23 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

No! Spike, no! *sighs* Oh, poor spuffy. Liam got what he deserved.

Reviewer: Sara M. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2007 - 04:36 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Six

Evil!! Thats what you are!

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