Reviews For Culinary Chaos
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Reviewer: jessica Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 01:50 pm Title: Spying on Competition

I like all of your stories, but this one I probably like the most. Very original plot, can't wait for more. And poor Spike, he lost.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! It was time for a storyline that's never been done before;) I'm happy you like it so far!

Reviewer: Suzee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 01:35 pm Title: Sharing the Wealth

Well, yay for the site being al working again because I got to read this and leave you a review to ttell you how wonderful it is and how much I hope you update soon....and may I just say that you are extrenely good at writing Spike...okay well writing in general, but we don't want you head getting big so we'll stick to the Spike thing ;) Great update :-)

Author's Response: LOL I'm happy the site is working again, too- didn't want to lose any chapters again. And thank you for the comment about Spike... I've been told Buffy is more of my strong suit, so I fully appreciate the compliment! And thank you for making sure my ego doesn't inflate;) I hope you continue to enjoy the fic!

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 07:09 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

Hahaha. Sucked in Spike. His sexy arse so needed to be taken down a peg or two. Love this story more with every chapter. Will be looking forward to where you take it now that the competition is over.

Author's Response: Thank you! Yeah, Spike needed to get off his high-horse, so I figure why not have Buffy dismount him? LOL I hope you continue to enjoy the fic!:)

Reviewer: UncagedMuse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 06:27 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

Just started this one tonight and have to say excellent! Love it and will be waiting for more.

Author's Response: LOL Thank you so much! I'm happy you like it so far!:)

Reviewer: spikestheman Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 04:25 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

OOHHH!!! Not nice to be a sore loser Spike, maybe Buffy can cheer him up...mind you I think he should apologise first:)

Author's Response: LOL Spike's going to be a bit sore for a chapter, but things will definitely get better between he and Buffy by chapter 8, I promise. And yes, he should apologize, that bad, rude man:) I'm happy you liked the chapter!

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 03:10 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

F'ing amazing! I'm so glad Buffy won! I love Spike, but sometimes!!! Anyway, I hope he lets Buffy 'help' out and that Spike finds out about that cheating bitch he's engaged to and... oh, sorry, on a rant. Please update as much as possible. spuf

Author's Response: LOL I'm f'ing happy it worked;) Spike definitely finds out the truth about Lily in the next chapter- I promise! And it was nice to have Buffy win, but will they have a second competition down the road to see who really is better? Guess you'll find out;)

Reviewer: Noelle Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 02:37 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

Poor Spike but YAY for Buffy! I'm really liking the start of this fic and can't wait for the sexual tension to start ;)

Author's Response: LOL Thank you! Things aren't too good for Spike right now, but Buffy will swoop in to help him:) I'm glad you like it so far!

Reviewer: katj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 02:04 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

I hope Buffy goes after Spike; moping-Spike is one of my favourites. :) Can't wait for the next chapter (and more Spuffy)!

Author's Response: LOL Moping-Spike is definitely in the next two chapters;) But Buffy will prove to be helpful, so that's good. I hope you enjoy the following chapters, and Spuffyness will be on the way soon!

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 01:26 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

It's like baking is Spike and Buffy's art and it's so obvious they love what they do I really liked that Spike showed such appreciation for Buffy's cookies. It's nice to see Buffy softening a bit. I look forward to find out what happens now that the competition is over. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you! I figured it was time for Spike to pay homage to Buffy for her talents, along with Buffy calming down a bit towards Spike. Now that things have gone bad for Spike, Buffy will be coming into his life and helping him out:)

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 12:32 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

Yessss! I so wanted Buffy to win! Don't know why(probably cuz she's a girl & Spike's a boy), but I still felt sorry for Spike.

Author's Response: LOL I think we all secretly wanted Buffy to win, although Spike winning wouldn't have been bad, either. I'm glad you liked it:)

Reviewer: NEO_trinityknot Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/29/2005 - 12:08 am Title: Sharing the Wealth

aww, poor Spike!

Author's Response: LOL Yes, life will not be good for Spike for a bit, but Buffy will be very helpful in the next chapter;)

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 07:36 pm Title: Still in the Game

Hehe .. Spike didn't notice that Buffy is making another batch now :) Looking forward to read on.. Will Buffy win? Looks like it at the moment.

Author's Response: LOL Spike's a little stupid when it comes to underestimating Buffy's abilities:) I hope you continue to like the fic, especially the next chapter!

Reviewer: M Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 06:30 pm Title: Still in the Game

Another great story! You really write well and I love your stories! Update soon, I can't wait to find out who wins!

Author's Response: LOL Thank you very much! I hope you continue to enjoy the fic:)

Reviewer: Suzee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 01:31 pm Title: Still in the Game

*g* This is such a good's really original too, but I love the way you're doing it...want some Spuffy though :( ....;-) I'm glad you updated it..was nice to start the day :)

Author's Response: LOL Thank you! There's Spuffyness coming up very soon, I swear:) I hope you continue to like the fic!

Reviewer: flibble Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 10:53 am Title: Still in the Game

The end of this chapter had me laughing out loud. I can't wait for Buffy to win. Oh please, oh please. Buffy so deserves to win this one. Spike is so going to kick himself for going with an easier option.

Author's Response: LOL Thank you! I'm happy you liked the ending:) I hope you enjoy the end of the competition, too;)

Reviewer: willowmouse - Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 07:46 am Title: Still in the Game

LOVED the comment about the "mission" - priceless ....

Author's Response: LOL Thanks! The whole 'the mission is what matters' thing stuck with me:) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 05:58 am Title: Still in the Game

good update

Author's Response: Thank you!:)

Reviewer: teasha Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 05:45 am Title: Still in the Game

really like this story but does spike have to lose to buffy which is what I think will happen...Spike loses alot to her and I think it would be good for her to lose to him especially if his girlfriend is cheating.....i am hoping he won't be a complete sap

Author's Response: Thanks! We'll see if Spike wins or loses, but no matter what, he'll have a rough patch for a chapter or two. But don't worry- Buffy's going to play an integral role in making things better quickly for him:) He won't be a sap- he'll get over things with Lily. I hope you continue to like the story!

Reviewer: daisy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 04:56 am Title: Still in the Game

poor spike.he's really in for it now.can't wait to see what you do next. more soon please.

Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, Spike's a bit in trouble, but he'll survive:) I'm happy you liked the chapter!

Reviewer: spikestheman Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 03:48 am Title: Still in the Game

Oh I love this story and daily fabulous...sliiy spike is going to lose isnt he...I love it!!! Of course Buffy will be there to pick up the pieces...wont she (she hopes)? Keep it coming and I will keep reviewing:)

Author's Response: LOL Thank you! Spike might lose... he might win. Buffy will definitely be the one to help him pick up the pieces when everything falls apart, I promise... look for chapters 7 and 8 on that one;) I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 03:13 am Title: Still in the Game

Loved the cookie references! Spike's so funny when he's 'scared' and right now I think he's terrified of the competition. I cannot wait until he finds out about his so called fiance and her duplicity! I agree, please update daily. spuf

Author's Response: LOL Thank you! The cookie references were unplanned but I can see them now:) Spike's worried and should be, too. Lily is going down in chapter 7, I swear. I hope you continue to enjoy the story:)

Reviewer: Noelle Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 02:28 am Title: Still in the Game

I can't wait to see who wins!!

Author's Response: I hope you like who wins:) I know I do! LOL

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 12:58 am Title: Still in the Game

I'm really enjoying this story and I think it would great if you posted everyday. You've made the competition exciting. I can't wait to find out who wins. I really liked Anya in this chapter. Good update!

Author's Response: Thank you! I hope the competition continues to be interesting in the next chapter, and I'm happy you liked Anya- I loved writing her in this LOL I'm glad you liked the chapter and I hope you continue to like the fic!:)

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2005 - 12:50 am Title: Still in the Game

Not only is this story great, but it also made me hungry! *Tummy growls* Uh-oh.

Author's Response: LOL Right there with you- I'm so hungry whenever I work on this, which probably explains the weird creations in it:) I'm glad you're still enjoying the fic!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/26/2005 - 08:06 pm Title: The Calm Before the Storm

'Big battle' ahead... And Anya meet Xander *gg* who thought she would choose Xander ;-) Looking forward to the competition

Author's Response: LOL Yes, big battle, but only one will triumph:) I hope you like the competition chapters!

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