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Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 08:19 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

I am sticking around, I love this story, and am hoping for a some happier times........very well written, and too true to many people's situations....more please and thanks

Reviewer: daisy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 08:18 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

as much as i understand her reasonings i wish she would just give up and be with him. i can't wait for more. you keep me on the edge of my comp. more soon please

Reviewer: chrissnicole Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 08:18 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

sorry can't see wel to type to many tears

Reviewer: Nemo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 08:15 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

Okay, I'm gonna say what I think, so hold on tight: I think Buffy is doing the right thing. I completely understand her. I mean, he's going to be away for months, how is she going to survive that? But I want the happy suffy too, so I hope you'll give us the perfect solution to this problem, so yeah, I'm sticking around for the next chapter :D
So long ~Nina

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 08:14 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

I am just so torn about what I feel about Buffy and Spike's situation..I guess I am leaning more toward Spike's side of things. He is willing to move his studio there to be with her. She can't expect him to ditch his tour anymore than she can leave her job. If they REALLY want to be together then they can make it work. Spike may have to spend some big bucks flying him and Buffy around so that they can be together..but it would work.

On the other hand..I understand Buffy's issues here. It would be daunting to start a relationship just before a 9 month tour..Not to mention her work really ties her down. Then there's the trust issue. Though alot of it was miscomunication...Buffy will always have that visual of Spike with Dru..and then he left her.. for her to give her heart to him and then send him on his way for 9 months to the constant temptation of groupies and hanger ons..It will be a much bigger step for her.

Whatever you have planned..I will be sure not to miss any of your update..This fic is just to darn good! ; D

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 08:01 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

Ok that was evil but I have hope since you said to stick around for the next chapter. Please update soon.

Reviewer: Sarie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2006 - 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 21- Faraway, So Close

No Buffy can be so stupid sometimes.

Great update though
more more more please!!!!!

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